American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 589: Crazy cat is here! (middle)

"Professor Schiller, I have to remind you that all the cats in this mad cat house are very dangerous. They are the most vicious criminals I have arrested in the process of transforming this city. I am afraid it is not a good idea to contact them."

In the gloomy hospital, the blue-eyed black cat walking in front was fully armed, with countless visible and invisible equipment hanging on that vigorous body, while the other black cat was only mounted with a simple The gray exoskeleton, his gray eyes look a little bright in the hallway.

"Never mind, Batcat, I've already told you about my origins, I'm just curious about these lunatics, of course if I can cure one or two of them, it'll be good for you and the city, right? "

As soon as the Batcat was about to speak, Schiller continued to ask: "Speaking of which, why didn't you just kill them? Let me tell you, these vicious criminals have no need to live in this world anymore, so they free up the hospital for them. Wouldn't it be nice to have more patients in need?"

Batcat seemed to be caught by this question, he paused, and then said somewhat unnaturally: "No, if they commit the crime because of mental problems, then they will not die."

"Then if their mental problems are innate and beyond their control, then they are actually innocent and deserve the same freedom and rights as everyone else, don't they?"

"But I can't let them go out and commit crimes again. This is irresponsible to the citizens who obey the law." Batcat replied.

Then as long as you kill them, they will never do it again. "

"You seem to hate criminals more than I do?" Batcat paused and turned to look at Schiller.

Schiller didn't stop. As he walked deeper into the corridor, he said, "I've already told you about my origins. Why do you think I'm tracking down those serial murder cases?"

Batcat didn't answer, because he didn't know the answer, or the answer he guessed made him feel that it didn't match his understanding of Schiller.

Wouldn't Schiller have to bring all serial killers to justice just because he hated criminals? Compared to this kind of justice, Schiller still feels more like a high-IQ criminal indulging in the excitement of serial murder.

Batcat stopped and didn't follow Schiller forward. He just stared at Schiller's leaving back, like comforting himself, stepped on his paws on the ground, then turned and left.

When he left the hospital gate, he flicked a controller next to his neck with his paw, where all the monitoring equipment was turned on. Batcat thought that he might be able to find evidence of his crime from Schiller's so-called treatment.

Standing outside the hospital door, Batcat recalled his encounter with Schiller cat. Not long after the eerie tower appeared, a cat that had never appeared on the list of Gotham citizens appeared in the monitoring equipment.

This city is not without outsiders, but they will soon be assimilated, and unlike other outsiders, Schiller has no intention of avoiding the monitoring equipment, or, in other words, he caused the bat by looking directly at the monitoring equipment. Cat's attention.

Batcat found him personally, but Schiller obviously had some knowledge of the city through other citizens. Schiller proposed that the potential crime test should be done. Batcat had no reason to refuse,

The higher the score, the more likely it is to commit a crime, and Batcat was very confident in his Amoy test system until Schiller scored 0 in this test.

Schiller told him about his origins. He claimed that he was a university professor. Before coming to Gotham, he had been investigating various serial murder cases, and he came here to seek refuge when he knew that he had gotten into a troublesome opponent.

He sincerely asked Batcat to take him in, and suggested that he actually had a better way to end the chaos here. Batcat couldn't trust a stranger and an outsider because of this. However, the test he has always been proud of Means tells Batcat that Schiller should be the person he trusts the most, because the possibility of him committing a crime is zero.

Before meeting Schiller, Batcat believed in this system, and when the impossible happened, he was instinctively reluctant to admit that there was a problem with his system. He changed several testing methods and used all means , but Schiller's score is always zero, in other words, he is even more qualified to rule the city than Batcat, because Batcat's score is not as low as him.

Batcat regarded Schiller as an experiment, and at the same time did not mind getting some advice from him. It's not for nothing that Le scored zero points, maybe he really has enough experience in preventing crime.

Batcat never trusted Schiller, but he wanted to be able to use the man to his advantage.

At the same time, he was caught in some tangle, and his intuition was telling him that Schiller must be a criminal, and the most dangerous kind of criminal who should be kept at the bottom of the mad cat asylum.

But the test system told him that, on the contrary, there was no one kinder than Schiller.

If you trust your intuition, then the whole test system is wrong, that is, all the identifications he has made before are wrong, those he thinks are good people, maybe bad people, and those that he thinks are bad people Human beings need to be protected.

Batcat couldn't bear such a result. He refused to admit that his transformation in the past few years was useless. Therefore, he could only pretend to trust Schiller to increase his confidence and prevent himself from falling into an infinite loop of logical contradictions. go in.

But at the same time, that paranoia made him want to find Schiller's flaws.

Therefore, he did not reject Schiller's proposal to go to the place where the most dangerous criminals were held. He believed that if Schiller stayed with those criminals, it was very likely that his true colors would be exposed.

Then, ten minutes after Schiller entered the mad cat asylum, all monitoring was disconnected.

Batcat, who had just returned to the Batcave, looked at the pitch-black screen and narrowed his eyes, but the emotion that appeared in his heart was not anger, but joy, like the kind of excitement that finally caught the opponent's flaw.

So, he began to prepare equipment and went to the Mad Cat Asylum to deal with Schiller in person.

In his opinion, Schiller can't do anything, because he has very strong confidence in the imprisonment measures he set up. He has arrested many criminals, and all facilities are set up according to the weaknesses of these criminals. After numerous security checks to make sure nothing went wrong, even if Schiller cut off the surveillance, it would be impossible to let these dangerous criminals out.

In the dark mad cat house, Schiller walked leisurely in the corridor. It is not so much a hospital as it is a very complete prison. There are not even any medical staff here, and all nursing care is automatic. There is almost no escape route.

The superego who threw him out was a bit conscientious, and asked him to bring out the gray fog. Schiller used the gray fog disguised as an exoskeleton to paralyze all the monitoring and security equipment here, and then started a ward. Find the ward.

Since all the residents are cats, it doesn't look like a lunatic asylum. It feels like a base for black-hearted cat dealers. All cats are kept in cages. Different cats have different cages. Somewhat cute, but full of spooky vibes.

Every time Schiller passed a ward, he shouted to the sick cat inside: "Hello, have you seen a green cat? The kind that can laugh!"

"Hello, have you ever seen a green cat? Or the top and ears are green. It likes to laugh. It should be Batcat's old rival..."

"We are all old rivals of Batcats." A low voice came from the end of the corridor, Schiller walked over, and he saw a black and white cat lying in the cage, but the difference was that his There are many tubes in it.

Looking at the familiar line, Schiller had a guess about the cat's identity, so he said, "Hello, I'm looking for a green cat, do you know where it is?"

"Are you a new machine made by Batcat? It's kind of similar, but there's nothing new in this old-fashioned trick."

"Can you tell me where is a cat that has green and laughs?" Schiller just kept repeating the question, and finally the black and white cat with a bunch of pipes stuck in it said, "Okay. Well, if you insist, the lunatic is at the bottom, right under my cell."

"You're lying. If there is such a cat, you two should be kept on the same floor. After all, for a bat cat, you may not be less dangerous than him."

At this moment, the cat that was languidly lying on the ground and only moved its tail finally raised its eyes and looked at Schiller, and then he heard Schiller say:

"All the surveillance robots and security robots here have been destroyed by me, I know if you don't believe it, I think this may be a batcat's trap, but if I guess right, the batcat thinks you're wrong about the liquid in the back can There are dependencies, but in fact, it's just a trap for you..."

The cat finally got up slowly, shook the fur on its body, stared at Schiller with a dangerous look, and asked him: "Who are you? Another clown cat? Only he has seen through my disguise... …”

"That's not important." Schiller stood in front of the door of the cell, and by the railing of the cell, he stood up, and then hooked the door lock with his paws, the black and white cat in the cell said: "Don't bother , even if you cut off the signal, the physical protection of this door lock is..."


The door lock was unlocked from the inside, and the cell door opened a gap, and at that moment, the cat inside rushed out at a lightning-fast speed.

Then, standing in the hallway, he turned his head, looked at Schiller, and said, "If letting me out was part of the Batcat plan, I can only tell him he was dead wrong."

Then, he turned around and was about to leave, but Schiller stopped him and said, "Introduce yourself first, what's your name?"

"You can call me Bain the The cat licked its paws, and Schiller looked at him and said, "I did you a favor by letting you out, so, you are Shouldn't you do me a favor too? "

"What do you want to do?" Bain the cat turned to look at Schiller, he had a strange feeling, his intuition was telling him, don't approach the opposite cat, he may be more dangerous than the bat cat or the clown cat .

Then, he saw that the cat on the opposite side smiled, revealing two fangs hidden in its mouth, the gray vertical boy exuded a faint shimmer in the darkness, and he heard Schiller say:

"Go, let all the cats out here..."

"I want Batcat to understand one truth, that is..."

"Cats dressed as bats are crazy."


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