American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 590: Crazy cat is here! (Down)

Several cats led by Batman followed the crocodile cat to the depths of the sewer. Before long, some loud music and screams came from the end of the sewer.

Batman and their imaginary dark and dark rebel atmosphere did not appear, in the huge hollow of the sewers used to store rainwater, a party of lunatics was being held.

At a glance, Batman locked the green cat standing at the top of the stage, and the red and blue cat beside him.

It's hard to imagine that at this moment, several cats that were originally humans could actually distinguish male and female from the cat's appearance, but there is no doubt that the green cat is a male cat, while the red and blue cat It's a female cat.

"Oh look, who's that? Batcat! Why are you so willing to come to my party? Are you finally letting go of your stupid plan to rule Gotham and come to play with your best friend?"

The green cat had a pointier face than the others, and when he smiled, his mouth of fangs was weird and scary.

"He's not a bat cat." Just as the alligator cat was about to explain, the green cat jumped off the platform with a swish, knocked off the alligator cat, and walked across from Batman. He looked at the bat with a purple vertical boy. Xia said, "Interesting...interesting...your smells are different..."

"That bat cat that lives in a high-rise building has a disgusting smell of bird poop, and you..." The green cat walked around Batman a few times, sniffing his hair with his nose, and he went around After a few laps, he came to Batman and said, "Another Batcat? Are you his clone? No, you're not the same..."

"But no matter what, let's welcome our new party member, forever rival and best friend to the Clown Cat Gang, and never before - another Batcat!

! "

In an instant, the musician cats, who were wearing various rock and roll costumes and standing on the stage made of iron buckets, played music at the same time with a loud noise, which startled a few cats, and the green cats began to laugh out loud. He said: " Sorry, I forgot, cats are very sensitive to sounds, could this be your weakness??"

"Joker..." Batman moved his paws and came to the opposite side of the green cat, the clown cat put his head close to him, even rubbed his chin, and said, "Yes, you are more interesting than that bat cat. Now, I'm one of the weird cats you hate, the clown cat!"

"Hey honey, what are you talking to him? I don't want you to smell bird shit!"

"You! A psychopath pretending to be a bat! Stay away from my Darling!" The red and blue female cat walked over with slim steps.

Suddenly, she rushed forward, waving her claws, and attacked Batman's ears. Batman rolled away deftly. The red and blue cat stopped in place and licked his claws. He looked at Batman with cold eyes and said: "Go away, you smelly bat, don't disturb my party!"

"Why did you bring him here?" The clown cat turned and walked in front of the crocodile cat, and the crocodile cat explained: "You said that we are short of manpower recently, I think this group of outsiders should have a lot in common with you... …”

"You mean them?" The clown cat snorted coldly and said, "This, the clone of the bat cat... This, the little brat from the Big Apple, and this, did you just come out of the red light district? Stink, and you, blue? I hate blue!"

"What can they do? Defeat the Batcat? Give the city some peace and quiet? Or let him stop smelling like **** from the Batcave next time he speaks?  … Stop it! Worst comic right now. I won't even draw a scene like this!"

"Are you related to the murder case that happened at the door of the bank before?" Batman asked suddenly looking at the clown cat.

"You actually care about this? It's so boring! Let's keep the party going! Watch this city finally be destroyed by the order made by that batcat... Until then, I'm going to drink more, laugh more, put It was a dream..."

The red and blue female cat came over, rubbed the clown cat, and said, "Yes, dear, sleep, right in my arms, after waking up from the dream, there are not so many troubles..."

After saying that, the two cats jumped onto the stage again, and the crocodile cat came over with a flick of its tail and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to him, obviously yesterday we were still making a plan on how to deal with the bat cat, but now he is again. So, but also, the clown cat is the craziest of us, and no one knows what he's thinking..."

"Who else but him?" Batman asked.

"There's me, and some weird cats like me... Forget it, I don't think you're interested in us either, maybe you'll have a better conversation with the cat in charge of technology, let's go, I'll take you to the experiment Check out the room."

"Do you still have a laboratory?" Victor took two quick steps and came to the crocodile cat. The crocodile cat nodded and said, "Of course, otherwise, where did the equipment and musical instruments you see come from? That's all We developed it ourselves.”

Saying that, they continued to walk along the sewer, crossed a slender ramp, and came to a wide underground space. This is a very typical laboratory. The ground has been renovated with metal, and the ceiling and The walls are also used as support structures, and various experimental benches are placed in the center of the ground.

And Victor, who walked side by side with the crocodile cat, was suddenly stunned because he saw an experimental cabin that was a bit like a pet box, with a cat frozen in it.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the side of the experimental bench. A gray-blue cat with complete equipment and a helmet came over. When he saw a bunch of strangers, he took two steps back with some vigilance. The crocodile cat. He stepped forward and said, "Don't be nervous, Frozen Cat, they're here to join us, and I'll take them to visit the lab."

In an instant, all the rest of the cats in Batman's team turned to look at Victor, Victor opened his mouth, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the small freezer, noticing his sight, the fully armed The gray-blue cat walked quickly to Victor and gasped at him.

Victor took a step back and said, "Sorry."

"Don't be like this, Frozen Cat, uh... you probably don't understand, this cat in the freezer is his wife, he's a little nervous, see the weapon on his back? That's the freezer he developed. Guns are awesome, aren't they?"

Victor just froze in place. Suddenly, he stared at the frozen **** and said in a low voice, "...Why is it like this? The breathing is very weak, and there is almost no response in the eyes, she..."

Then, he set his eyes on the cat called the Frozen Cat. He saw that the Frozen Cat was in a very abnormal state. The helmet he was wearing had thick ice crystals, and the trunk, limbs and even the The tails were all wrapped in mechanical armor, and cold air was leaking from the gaps in the armor.

It reminded Victor of Thomas, who had been soaked in the dense ice raw material liquid before, and Victor, who was proficient in this way, immediately thought of something.

He winked at Batman, who turned and pricked up his ears, listening carefully to the loud music coming from the space before.

It's a weird and absurd world. It seems that every Gotham person can find their own isotype here. The only difference is that the isotopes here are cats, which makes the whole thing even more bizarre. .

"Can you find us a place to rest?" Constantine said to the crocodile cat. He said, "We were chased by those machines for a long time, and it took a lot of energy."

"Maybe tomorrow, we can participate in your plan, but only if we have a good rest."

The crocodile cat nodded, walked forward, and said, "Come on, I will take you to the dormitory area, where there are just beds for you to rest."

After entering the dormitory area, Batman and the others found that the conditions here are indeed good, not only have rooms and doors, but also a single room.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the same place as the cat cage in the pet hospital. They each chose a room and walked in. They found that the sleeping place was quite spacious, and several of them lay down and began to rest.

After the crocodile cat left, the entire sewer space fell into darkness. Suddenly, several pairs of eyes lit up, and the "click" sound of flipping the door latch sounded. A few seconds later, several cats gathered together. Victor He opened his mouth and said, "How can the cat that was called a frozen cat and me..."

"That clown cat should also be real." Batman said, "Could it be that Jack also sneaked into this dream? No, the clown cat is a little different from Jack. The way and tone of voice Jack is not like that..."

Constantine sat down, the tip of his tail swayed slightly, and he said: "In a dream, everything is possible, I suggest you not to treat the dream as a simple dream, just like the conscious space and the dream are not separated from each other, this may be existence One place in the collective consciousness space of cats is the reality of another group of cats..."

"But how can they match us one by one?" This is the most incomprehensible place for He said: "It's impossible that a cat came into my lab and dreamed about it. Me and my wife?"

Constance shook his head quietly and said, "I have no clue about this, but I think we can explore it a little bit."

"Are you referring to the environment here?" Batman asked.

"No, I mean the source of this dream. I want to see how far this dream has reached."

"What are you going to do?" Several people looked at Constantine together.

"I'm going to... summon the devil."


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