It turns out that when Tony upgrades the robot, the global media has exploded.

The first appearance of aliens has attracted the fanatical attention of the global media

, "aliens flying down from the moon landed in California", "

Are aliens from the sky angels or demons, aliens land in Malibu, California, to discuss how to divide the earth."

"It turns out that the earth has been secretly invaded by aliens for many years, and the government knows nothing."

"Shockingly, in the morning, Hammer sent the world's most advanced armor to snipe aliens, and was wiped out."

Then the Ministry of Defense made full preparations for war, although it began to be frightened by the sudden appearance of aliens, but the order was quickly issued, and all military bases in the south were ready for war

, each missile base unlocked nuclear bombs, and two ground combat mechanics were transferred to form a large circle.

At sea, two aircraft carriers urgently returned to the sea, and an aerospace aircraft carrier that was still under test was also transferred.

There are also several strategic satellites, with space-based weapons, which have also changed their orbits, although they may not be useful, but they must be prepared first.

The sea, land and air gathered in Malibu, California

, and before the aliens' intentions were understood, what they were afraid of was that these mechanical aliens would suddenly attack.

Tony frowned secretly, it was not easy to do. First of all, we have to solve the problem of force deterrence, although I am not afraid of nuclear bombs to wash the ground, but the novice brother is estimated to be half-hanging, and this kind of thing must not be allowed to happen.

Tony calls Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., and this kind of thing is under the management of S.H.I.E.L.D., so it would be right to contact him.

The phone rang and it was connected, and the strong self-calm voice of the black braised egg sounded: "Tony, what's the situation with you now?" Aliens landed in your villa, oh my God, although I have seen aliens, it is the first time I have seen a living alien.

"Before, the mechs of Hammer Company were all wiped out by aliens, and it seems that they are very difficult to talk to."

Tony's eyes showed the panicked look of the black braised egg, but unfortunately he couldn't see it now. Tony replied calmly, "I know, I'm in contact with them. "

Tony, be sure to pay attention to your words, don't provoke the aliens, you can talk about anything. I've already arranged for Colonel Rhodes to come over, and you'll cooperate with him when the time comes.

Nick Fury's tone froze, apparently the aliens that suddenly appeared were out of his control.

He doesn't know what the opponent's combat power is, if it is too much beyond the earth's technology, and the nuclear bomb can't be killed, then it will be the turn of the earth to face a catastrophe.

It's best to solve the problem peacefully, if not, it's okay to ask them to go at some cost, the earth is still too weak, and any alien must be handled carefully.

Moreover, after data comparison, this group of robots is very similar to an alien robot corpse obtained in Antarctica a long, long time ago, and they all belong to the same type of robots. That's a real injustice.

And now the technology of the mold country has a lot to do with this alien, and it can be said that most of the technology is stolen from the corpse of that alien.

Now that aliens have come to the door, will they plan to destroy the earth and eradicate the grass? It's not impossible, this group of robots is too advanced in technology, and they have this ability.

There is also that huge mechanical energy cube, which is comparable to the cosmic cube, if it weren't for the different energy attributes, the two energy blocks would be like twins.

Are these aliens here to retrieve their power cubes?

For a while, Nick Fury thought a lot, and these ideas were also very marketable at the top of the mold country, so there was such a situation where they were surrounded but not fought.

Tony didn't think that much, he grinned: "Negotiate terms with aliens? Actually, these Cybertron robots are all my little brother. "

The mechanical alien is Tony's little brother?

It's not funny at all.

Nick Fury's brows furrowed, he felt that Tony, a playboy, was unreliable, and he was still in the mood to joke when it mattered.

The Department of Defense has been trying to contact these aliens, but none of them have been contacted, and the ground liaison officer has not yet arrived.

Finally, there was a Tony on the scene, what do you see he said, the alien is his little brother?

Whoever believes this kind of nonsense is stupid.

"Tony, now is not the time to joke," Black Marinated Egg's voice was very serious, a little bit of a strong feeling, although Tony did not agree to join S.H.I.E.L.D., but it did not prevent Black Marinated Egg from feeling that Tony was his subordinate, in fact, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a lot of power, and everyone in the whole country is under his control. It's not wrong to say that Tony is his subordinate.

"Colonel Rhodes is almost there, and you'll be at his command. Figure out the purpose and requirements of these aliens as soon as possible, and try not to conflict. Nick

Fury felt so confused that he forgot to ask Tony what he had just communicated with the aliens.

This damn playboy is really unreliable.

Tony listened to the blind voice in his ears, and as soon as his eyes rolled, he had an idea: the robot must be integrated into the earth, but before integration, while all parties still don't know about the robot, they can cheat a wave of resources first.

First of all, the source of the fire under the Hoover Dam must be obtained, and the Megatron inside will definitely come back, Tony's original plan was to take the robot army directly to grab it, but now looking at the situation, there may be a chance to cheat it.

Secondly, there are all kinds of metals, the most important substance for cyber robots to upgrade, if you can get Edman alloy and vibranium, after the fusion of Transformers, the strength will be directly increased several times.

It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. still has to join, there are too many good things in it, and it is estimated that it will be a bit difficult to grab supplies on your own.

Tony was really thinking about how to hack a sum of money when the phone rang again, it was Colonel Rhodes: "Hi Tony, I heard that aliens have surrounded you, I hope you are not scared to pee your pants." There

was some concern hidden in Colonel Rod's voice, he was worried that the aliens would not be able to communicate, and then his friend Tony was in the wolf's den

, he had just checked the battlefield of the drone mecha of Hammer, and all the mechs were in pieces, and these aliens were not weak in combat.

Although it is unknown why there are still two humans at the scene who have not been killed, one of them is Justin Hammer, the president of Hammer.

I guess it was Tony who interceded for them, so the aliens didn't hurt the killer.

But worry is worry, and you can't let go when it's time to lose.

He has an important but uncertain task this time, and the psychological pressure is quite high, chatting with Tony who is in the alien center can effectively relieve anxiety, no matter how miserable it is, Tony is not miserable.

"Just kidding, it's the aliens who should be scared, by the way, don't fly over directly, they seem to hate things that fly." Tony replied with a smile, he was thinking about delaying it for a while, after all, the plan he had just thought of hadn't been handed over to the mechanical brothers. Don't play a little bit wrong.

Thirty miles away, Rhodes drove slowly to this side.

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