Tony hung up the phone, turned his head and began to tell the younger brothers how to start performing

, of course, the task of communicating with humans cannot be handed over to Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime is the biggest, pretending to be the leader of the robot is the most suitable, go to the middle of the station, no need to speak, just have a cold face.

The cold noodle boss suits him.

The task of communicating with humans is handed over to the Red Spider, this guy is ruthless, and he is definitely suitable for extortion, and

at that moment the robot is around, and Tony is suitable for face-to-face.

"How about a while, the expression should be fierce, the eyes should be changed color, can the red be changed? What, anger is the only way to do it?

"Hurry up and think about what you can be angry about, what? Can't think of it? You think about the source of fire being snatched away by Megatron, you think about the source of fire being snatched away by Optimus Prime, yes, yes, it's this color, keep it.

"With all the weapons on display, will the offensive posture be?" Yes, keep it.

"Who, it's not a real fight, the mask is closed, the teeth are exposed, yes, the expression has to be in place, belch, that's good."

"What about Optimus Prime? Come and stand here, the two sides are arranged in order from high to low, yes, arranged in a semicircle, do you know how the bandits extort? This is called momentum or not, you have to put psychological pressure on others, how can you blackmail without pressure?

"Red spider, come here, I'm lying here and you step on me with your feet, why don't you dare, let you step on you, don't have the same expression as the dead old lady, be fierce, do you understand fierceness?"

"Speak fiercely for a while, take out the momentum of battle, the guy who came over owes me money, you are helping me collect debts, do you understand, your expression is more fierce."

"Red Spider will say so and so in a moment. Yes, Hoover Dam, don't get excited, be serious, if you can't be fierce, it's okay to be expressionless, and don't tremble in your voice.

"Whether you can find the source of fire depends on this performance, be serious."

The mechs looked at their new master with complicated expressions, thinking that although the master was small, it was even more complicated to compete against the Botans.

Looking at the people around him, he was a sworn enemy before, but now he is mixed up with the master, shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg, like teammates fighting side by side, although there are still some knots in his heart that can't be passed, but at least he doesn't have the urge to kill the other party.

That's probably the greatness of Juggernaut.

Juggernaut has always been unexpected.

In the complex anxiety of the cyber robot, a roar of cars can be heard in the distance.

A black military transport truck stopped in front of him, and two people got out of the car, one was Colonel Rhodes, and the other was a reporter with a camera on his shoulder.

As soon as Tony looked at the camera, he understood the plan of the upper echelons of the mold country, they wanted to expand the global influence of the mold country through live broadcast, aren't they afraid of messing up? Where does the self-confidence come from.

When the two got out of the car, Tony began to perform, the red spider's feet stepped on his back, and he grabbed the ground in front of him with both hands, trying to crawl forward, and he couldn't crawl, and the ground in front of him was scratched one by one, making people feel that he was being ravaged by aliens.

The cyborgs got Tony's cue and began to perform, trying to act as they sleek.

The sword was unsheathed, the gun was loaded, all kinds of weapons on the body were in standby, and the semicircle composed of the robot doubled in an instant.

The ground in front of him was fully illuminated, and Tony's pitiful and powerless feet at the feet of the robot were even more apparent.

Colonel Rhodes came over and saw this posture, and was almost frightened to the point of heart attack, why was Tony, who was still joking on the phone, trampled under the feet of aliens?

Look at the situation, you will be trampled to death in the next second.

It was not only him who was taken aback, but also the high-level officials of various countries and all the viewers in front of the TV in the live broadcast room, it turned out that aliens were so ferocious.

On TV, the alien robot in the middle is twenty meters tall, and the short ones on both sides are almost ten meters tall, and the body is covered with fierce machinery

, the robot's eyes emit a terrifying red light, and there is an expression that seems to be trying to eat people, and weapons that can destroy the world and the earth, all showing the fierce ferocity of the robot.

And there are only four people who fell from the sky, and there are more than twenty on the ground? It's terrifying.

Colonel Rhodes felt that his legs were weak, and he tried to keep his composure, and the photographer did the same, holding the camera tremblingly, for fear that the other party would think that he was holding a weapon, and when the time came, he would give himself a shot, and he would die unjustly.

Executive: "Oumaiga, is the earth going to be invaded?" We cherish peace, and we are a pacifist country.

"Yes, the mold country has always been peace-loving, and it must communicate with the aliens. Anything can be discussed. There's nothing that can't be talked about.

"Is there a way for such a powerful alien to be of use to us?"

Ministry of Defense: "Quickly assess the threat level of this group of aliens, and if they don't have a high threat level, we will find a way to arrest them." "

Where are the aerospace carriers? Temporarily on standby fifty nautical miles away, and if there is a conflict and then show up, let the aliens know that we are not easy to mess with. "

Nuclear bombs are on standby, and if the situation is irreversible, this will be the last option."

Rod finally walked in front of the robot, a row of semi-circular robots surrounded him in the middle, he suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the robot in front of him was too oppressive.

He looked at Tony at the feet of the Red Spider and had to say something official: "Welcome, powerful alien friends, I greet you on behalf of the government of the mold country. "

We have come with an olive branch, on the basis of reciprocity, for the sake of peace and friendliness, and would like to have a good talk with you. Can you please lay down your arms?

Rhodes looked at Optimus Prime, trying to keep his voice from shaking, in fact he was afraid that these tense aliens would start a war without saying a word, and he would definitely be the first to hang up with the photographer and Tony.

Optimus Prime stood there, looking down at Rhodes, not saying a word.

The red spider next to him began to speak according to the script, and his voice was cold like an emotionless machine: "Human, let's get back our own holy relics."

"And the holy things have been hidden by you. If you can hand it over, everything will be easy to say.

"If not, then there is no need for the Earth to exist, by the way, maybe I should show force first, lest you make the wrong decision."

After the red spider finished expressionlessly, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and a light hit the military transport vehicle in front, this is the fire energy, just now each robot has even out a little bit of fire can be handed over to the red spider, and the little bit adds up, the red spider has been uncomfortable with the soaring fire before, and now it feels much better after using it.

In Rod's frightened eyes, there are trillions of viewers around the world to witness.

The transport vehicle that has just been ridden over, after the brilliance began to click and transform, the originally flat body began to emerge a variety of inexplicable

machinery, in the dazzling combination of mechanical parts, the body of the car gradually rose up, the body of the car flipped and slid, the wheels and windows were displaced, and the internal machinery turned out

, in less than a few seconds, the military transport vehicle became a seven-meter-high robot

, and the deformation was in the middle of the two armed men who originally stayed in the car, was also thrown out, fell to the ground and fell dizzy.

The robot who had just gained consciousness was still ignorant, and then he felt a row of powerful breaths around him, and he was about to be scared to pee, and he didn't dare to move when he stood there.

With a gesture of the Red Spider, the newborn robot honestly walked to the end of the semicircle and joined the intimidation queue.

The Red Spider then said, "If I want, all the machines on Earth will become my people." "

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