American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 615 God’s eternal nature!

[Self-existence +1]

[Self-existence +1]...

Under Su Yao's gaze, this newly acquired God characteristic was rapidly improving.

Soon, a prompt sounded.

[Ability: Self-existence (0/500) Level 2]

As the level of Self-existence was raised to Level 2, Su Yao, who had been sensing himself, instantly noticed the difference.

Faintly, he felt that his body was connected to things one by one, and a dense sense of connection appeared in his heart.

And these senses of connection bound him like a spider web.

"What is this?"

Su Yao's eyes showed doubts, and he mobilized his strength to sense it carefully.

With the power of the abstract concept body, he vaguely felt that these vague senses of connection with all things seemed to involve the rules of the universe.

Then, he suddenly realized something and understood something.

Although the divine body seemed to have become very powerful and magical after his transformation, it was essentially composed of the material of the earth and was born, and naturally had a connection with all things and the universe.

At this moment, with the second level of Self-existence Forever, the dense sense of connection between the body and all things in the universe suddenly became much thinner, and even some of them were disconnected.

However, because there were too many, the change was not too obvious.

"Is the second level not enough?"

Su Yao instantly realized the problem.

Then, he relaxed and thought with a smile, "Fortunately, the God-brand perpetual motion machine of Self-existence Forever is very powerful, and the speed of improvement is very fast. I don't have to wait for long."

Thinking of this, he waited quietly.

[Self-existence Forever +1]

[Self-existence Forever +1]...

About half an hour later, the familiar prompt sounded in his mind again.

[Ability: Self-existence Forever (0/1000) Level 3]

With the third level of Self-existence Forever, the abstract concept body consciousness quickly noticed the change.

The countless dense connections on his body were directly disconnected in an instant!

In his perception, the surrounding vision suddenly widened.

However, at this time, Su Yao frowned and carefully sensed his surroundings.

The previous dense sense of connection disappeared, but as they disappeared, several extremely strong and stubborn senses of connection emerged and were sensed by him.

Among them, Su Yao sensed the connection with the Phoenix Power, the connection with the universe, the connection with time, and so on.

These connections were very stubborn, and even the characteristics of the God of Self-existence and Foreverness did not have much impact on them.

Su Yao frowned, and then did not care too much.

Level 5 is when the ability is complete and perfect, and it is normal that levels 1, 2, and 3 cannot change.

After all, compared with the size of those beings of the Phoenix Power, his level 3 characteristic ability is too weak.

While Su Yao was waiting, time passed quickly for nearly an hour.

[Ability: Self-existence and Foreverness (0/2000) Level 4]

As Self-existence and Foreverness rose to level 4, those stubborn connections suddenly became weak, to the point where they could not be seen at all without careful observation.

Su Yao was a little surprised to see this scene.

Even at level 4, these connections can't be cut off?

"It seems that I can only reach level 5!"

And what changes will happen after level 5?

Su Yao looked at the panel with expectation.

Soon, about two hours passed, and Ziyouyong's ability was improved at a rapid speed and reached the final stage.

[Ability: Ziyouyong (1999/2000) Level 4]

[Ziyouyong Experience +1]

With the last prompt sound, Ziyouyong's data in front of Su Yao changed.

[Ability: Ziyouyong (maximum value/maximum value) Level 5]

In an instant, a change occurred!

Strange fluctuations occurred in his body, and those illusory and stubborn connections were cut off in an instant.

For a moment, Su Yao felt refreshed, and felt that his body, even his soul, mind, and the energy in his body were no longer connected to anything!

Neither living things nor things!

His birth has nothing to do with any existence or any energy. He exists only because of himself.

He exists only because he wants to exist!

Su Yao even has a feeling that if he doesn't want to exist anymore, he will disappear out of thin air.

He doesn't know how to describe this feeling, it's hard to explain.

"If I don't want to exist anymore, what state will I fall into?"

This question suddenly popped up in Su Yao's mind, and he was a little curious about trying it.

But then, after carefully sensing this characteristic of his own, he gave up this idea of ​​​​seeking death.

He vaguely felt that if he really did this, then he would completely return to nothingness, even nothingness, and truly disappear out of thin air!

Su Yao didn't dare to try this terrible state casually.

He was not sure if he could come back if he really tried it.

If he couldn't come back, it would be fun, it would be a real act of seeking death!

Of course, it is possible that he could still come back...

In addition, Su Yao felt that the ability of self-existence was not as simple as it seemed.

After self-existence reached level 5, it seemed that nothing had changed, but in fact the changes were very big.

Following the mysterious feeling, Su Yao's heart moved, and the golden infinity glove was instantly put on his right hand.

The next second, the time stone on the Infinity Gauntlet lit up green.

In an instant, the power of the Time Stone enveloped him.

Su Yao wanted to slow down the flow of time around him.

But the next second, something happened that stunned him.

The power of the Time Stone passed through his body without causing any impact.

Recalling the previously broken time connection, Su Yao murmured to himself, "As expected..."

On the surface, nothing seems to have changed about I AM, but secretly, the changes are so great that they are beyond imagination!

At this moment, he was not affected by time!

To describe it vividly, the influence of any time has nothing to do with him. Su Yao even suspected that even if someone traveled back in time at this moment, they would not be able to strangle the weak him.

To put it simply, it transcends the timeline!

Su Yao's eyes lit up slightly.

This point can be said to be very important.

At his current level, the people he comes into contact with are basically very powerful guys.

Just like the Phoenix Power, it seems to only have the power to destroy everything.

But in fact, there is rebirth, reversing cause and effect, modifying the timeline, modifying history, or destroying history, even without being affected by the law of cause and effect!

In short, there are many abilities, large and small.

Su Yao was a little unclear whether the fragments of the Phoenix Power could do this.

Qin's use of the Phoenix Power only showed the effects of destroying things, restoring the body, and occasionally predicting the future. Other more powerful aspects were not shown at all.

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