American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 616: Su Yao appeared at the beginning of the universe

Even beyond the Phoenix Force, many powerful guys have the ability to deal with time after the single universe level.

For example, Kang, the man behind the Time Mutation Administration, has the ability to cut the timeline.

Even though Eternity seemed to lose to him in a head-on battle, he actually did not really use the power of time. He should be able to do something similar.

After all, He is the embodiment of time.

In short, the power of time is very common at the single universe level and above. If you are not careful, it is easy to get caught!

With the Eternal, all of this is ineffective against him!

Time can't affect him at all!

"This ability is really a bug, or maybe God has some bugs..." Su Yao sighed.

Now, he even dares to enter the Time Mutation Administration!

The most powerful thing about Kang, the man behind the time, is time. After time is invalid, the threat is directly reduced by several levels.

In addition to time, thinking back to other stubborn sense of connection, Su Yao thought, "Abilities such as the law of cause and effect should also be ineffective against me..."

After all, he is not tainted by any cause and effect at all now.

After sighing at the power of the characteristic ability of "Since You Yong You", just when he thought that the changes were over.

Su Yao's consciousness flashed and he came to the time when the universe had not yet been born.

It was pitch black and empty, where no life existed, only He existed alone.

He was glowing with light, illuminating the surrounding pitch black nothingness.

Su Yao felt bored.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly another light appeared besides Him.

The singularity in the pitch black nothingness, or the cosmic egg, exploded instantly.

The Big Bang appeared!

Along with the Big Bang, the four abstract concept gods of eternity, infinity, death, and annihilation appeared.

There was also the only survivor after the destruction of the previous universe, who was sucked into the cosmic egg and was born with the four of Eternity, the Devourer of Planets.

With the appearance of the Big Bang, Su Yao's indescribable figure also affected this universe.

His body, together with Eternity and the others, became the cornerstone and pillar of this universe.

The universe is evolving...

Heat, light, energy and other things fill the universe.

Su Yao witnessed the process of the universe evolving with his own eyes.

After a while, Eternity, Infinity, Death, Annihilation, and Devourer of Planets noticed Him one after another.

They noticed Him and also realized what He was.

The universe creator gods like them, forming part of the universe, the light, heat, positive and other things of the universe belong to Him, and are all brought by Him.

Without Him, there would be no light, heat, positive and other things of the universe.

For this god of equal status, they couldn't help but feel good about him.

But for some reason, they had a strange feeling in their hearts.

"You seem to be born earlier than us?" The goddess of infinity, representing space, felt incredible and conveyed this information with consciousness.

Hearing what He said, Eternity, representing time, was stunned. He also had this feeling.

He said, "Do you have this feeling too?"

The five creator gods of Eternity felt incredible and confused at the same time.

"How is it possible that you were born earlier than us?"

Their feelings cannot be wrong. If one person is wrong, it is impossible that everyone is wrong, right?

Sensing everyone's emotions, they are extremely sure that everyone has this feeling.

So, this is true?

For a moment, they felt awe in their hearts and felt that the other party was very mysterious.

Born earlier than them, older than them, and very likely more powerful than them!

At the same time, they originally sensed that the other party was light and heat, and the positive side of the universe, but now they suddenly felt that this did not seem to be correct?

Because the other party was born earlier than them, they were not sure that this was correct.

What is He...?

Listening to their puzzled questions, Su Yao pondered for a moment and did not mean to answer.

The next second, He disappeared.

His consciousness returned to the original reality.



Su Yao opened his eyes, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He actually appeared earlier than Eternal and Them?

No need to think, it must be the characteristic ability of Self-existence and Eternity at work again!

He was a little unsure, was what he just experienced real or fake?

While he was thinking.

Death in the Kingdom of Death, as well as Eternity, Infinity, Annihilation, and Devourer of Planets in other places, were all stunned.

They looked a little dazed, and felt that a memory emerged in their minds, and suddenly they remembered something.

In their memories, they actually saw that little brother at the beginning of the universe?

Although the other party never appeared again, they still remembered this existence that formed the universe together and represented the light, heat, and positive aspects of the universe, and they didn't forget it at all.

The most important thing is that the other party was born earlier than them?

They couldn't remember this mysterious existence even if they wanted to!

Thinking about it, Eternity, Infinity, Annihilation, Death, and Devourer of Planets couldn't help showing a strange look on their faces.

At this moment, they had two memories in their minds, one was the current memory, and the other was the memory that suddenly recalled.

One was a little brother in their eyes, and the other was a brother and elder in their eyes.

For a moment, they were confused and messy, and couldn't figure out which one was real.

Even the eternity that was the embodiment of time, which was carefully perceived at this time, did not feel any problem.

A series of mysterious voices rang out.

"Eternity, what's going on?"

Infinity, Death, Annihilation, and Devourer of Planets, at this time, they could not help but contact Eternity and wanted to ask Him what was going on.


The next second, they heard Eternity's doubtful voice.

"I don't know what's going on..."

While answering their questions, his consciousness returned to the beginning of the universe.

After observation, he was shocked to find that the little brother in their eyes actually existed at the beginning of the universe!

But this was inconsistent with their previous memories!

It's impossible that their previous memories were wrong or blocked?

This is impossible!

At this time.

Infinity was full of doubts and couldn't help but say, "Did our little brother use the power of time to go back to the past and change the past?"

After the words fell, Devourer of Planets, Annihilation, and Death moved their hearts and felt that what Infinity said might be the answer.

However, to their surprise, Eternity did not agree with this view.

He pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "You know I am time. If our little brother went back to the past and changed the past, I would not be able to fail to notice it."

When these words came out, the four Deaths were stunned.

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