American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 64 My Heart Has Already Been Taken Away! Destroyer Hulk Is Born! [Please Subscribe! 】

Li Ye's voice echoed in the office, and when the words fell, Pozi, who could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, immediately asked in a questioning tone: "Stark Industry belongs to Tony, why do you want to take over Tony's company?"

Hearing this, Li Ye's eyes suddenly lowered, and they fell on the book in his hand, and then said in an emotionless tone: "So, you came to me just to seek justice for Tony?"

"That's right." Potts said angrily.

"Hehe, then I would like to ask, in what capacity are you helping him seek justice?"

Speaking of this, Li Ye looked up at Pozi, and asked meaningfully: "Lover? Assistant? Or the identity of the Stark industry executive?"

"Is there any difference?" Poz asked with a frown, puzzled.

"Definitely different, because that determines whether you can walk out of this office alive.

Li Ye chuckled, but what she said made Poz feel very cold, like a knife cutting her heart.

"Are you going to kill me?" Poz looked at Li Ye in disbelief.

She knew that Li Ye was not a good person. After all, Pozzi knew that Li Ye was a wanted criminal long ago, but she had a physical relationship with her, and he wanted to kill herself, which made her completely unbelievable!

"Why, is it a surprise? It's not that you don't know who I am, saints are not my family?"

Li Ye closed the book in his hands, raised his eyebrows, and played with his taste: "Looking at you like this, you don't really think that I'm reluctant to kill you just because you slept with me? It depends on you." , will it make me unhappy, understand?"

Li Ye asked back, and his words completely shattered the illusion in Pozi's heart.

For a woman, a man who has had skin-to-skin contact with her must be special.

Even though Li Ye had clearly stated her attitude last time, she still had naive illusions in her heart.

But now it seems that fantasy is always fantasy, because it is illusory, untouchable, and cannot be disassembled.

Otherwise, it will be completely broken like a bubble in the sun.

Feeling the chill from the cold heart, Pozi's whole body has completely calmed down at this moment.

She looked at Li Ye like a stranger and said, "You are a monster, a monster in human skin, with no heart at all!"

"Finished? Then you can go." Li Ye waved his hand and was about to reopen the book.

Seeing this, Pozi didn't beat him up immediately, but sneered, "Why, I'm talking about the central issue? Aren't you going to kill me?"

Poz looked at Li Ye provocatively, not at all afraid of the icy aura gradually emanating from Li Ye.

Seeing this, Li Ye put down the book helplessly, 150 stood up from the chair, and walked towards Pozi step by step.

As Li Ye approached, Pozi felt a little flustered in his heart, but soon regained his calm.

She is also afraid of death, but at this moment, she wants to see how cold the heart of the man in front of her is.

Soon, Li Ye came in front of Potts. He was a head taller than Potts, looking down at her.

"For women, I still have some patience, but not much."

Li Ye said coldly: "So, I will give you one last chance, leave now, and I will pretend nothing happened."

"If you want me to go, yes, you can hand over the equity you snatched and return the company to Tony."

Seeing that Li Ye didn't attack her immediately, Bozi aroused her competitiveness, and mentioned Tony and Stark Industry again.

"Okay, sorry about that."

Li Ye shook his head regretfully, then raised his palm and landed directly on Potts' neck.

Pozi's face was full of shit, and he pulled Li Ye's palm vigorously with both hands, and opened his mouth to speak, but there was only the sound of ha ha ha ha.

Li Ye's face remained unchanged, and he exerted a slight force on his palm. In an instant, Pozi's whole body rose directly from the ground.

In an instant, a strong sense of suffocation came to Pozi's heart.

Li Ye, this man actually wanted to kill her, really wanted to kill her!

At this moment, a trace of panic finally appeared in her eyes, she kept struggling with her hands and slapped Li Ye, but it was useless at all.

Li Ye just held her up in the air with one hand, watching her struggle silently.

Time passed slowly, and gradually, the expression on Potts' face was completely frozen, and finally his hands fell down feebly.

Seeing this, Li Ye put her down, a princess picked her up, turned around and placed her on the sofa in the living room.

"You are right in saying that I really don't have a heart. My heart was already taken out of Curry in that warehouse."

Li Ye looked at Pozi's body, and said to himself, his tone was full of calm.

After speaking, he returned to the office chair and sat down, picked up the book on the table and continued reading, as if nothing had happened.

As Li Ye said just now, his heart is indeed gone and taken away.

Right after he came to this world, he already felt the world's malice towards him, it was mortal malice!

So, now he faces the world with his own malice, is there a problem?

No problem at all!

What's wrong with killing some people, Li Ye didn't beg these people to let him kill them!

They insisted on seeking death, Li Ye could only send them to see God!

S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick witnessed (cbea) Potts' death and even stood up at the end, wanting to rush into the screen to save Potts.

However, this is just a delusion, he can't do it.

"Li Ye, what kind of person are you? Are you still human? Do you have no feelings at all?"

Gradually, Nick's expression became a little complicated, he had some hesitation about Potts, should he tell Tony.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the door, and Nick suddenly turned his head to look, and suddenly saw Tony standing at the door with a look of helplessness.

The reason why Tony is here is because he left his design drawings in Nick's office before, and he didn't realize it until he returned to the laboratory. As a result, when he returned to the office, he happened to witness Potts on the projection. dead scene.

At this moment, Tony felt that his world became a silent world and collapsed into pieces.

"Hey Tony, are you okay?"

Seeing Tony's strange expression, Nick couldn't help but speak.

He wanted to comfort Tony, but he didn't know what to say, it seemed that at this moment, everything he said was powerless.

Ignoring Nick's inquiry, Tony glanced at Nick without saying a word, turned around and left the office.

After Tony left, Nick looked at the scarlet blood dripping on the ground and sighed deeply.

It was left on Tony's hand. Although he didn't speak, the nails of that clenched fist had already penetrated deeply into the flesh and blood.

【Damn, I feel the protagonist is so scary, I'm a little afraid of him!】

[More than 30,000 collections, more than 1,000 subscriptions, could it be that the protagonist is too dark? 】

The turmoil of Niuyue still continued. In S.H.I.E.L.D, Steve was still training desperately. After that day, Tony completely locked himself in the laboratory to develop new armor.

A month passed without any waves, and the chaos in New York City became more and more intense.

And in a laboratory in New York, an experiment on a gamma bomb suddenly had an accident. The bomb exploded, releasing a large amount of gamma rays, and all the researchers in the laboratory died. Only Dr. Bruce Banner, who was in charge of this project Fortunately, he survived.

Among the wreckage of the experimental ruins, Banner's heart was beating crazily. Soon, his heart beat exceeded the limit of ordinary people, reaching 400 beats per minute, and it continued to climb, as if it was about to jump out of his chest .

As his heart was beating wildly, Banner's body also began to change at this moment. His originally normal skin gradually turned green, and his figure also began to rapidly expand and become larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, a green figure as tall as a hill appeared in the laboratory, and slowly opened his eyes.


A terrifying roar sounded, shaking the whole girl, at this moment, the green titan was announced!

The newborn Hulk was so manic, almost uncontrollable, that he crashed out of the lab and smashed the wall.

The sudden appearance of the monster changed the expression of the military guarding around the laboratory.

They, who were arranging for the rescue, couldn't care less about rescuing the people in the laboratory at the moment, and under the call of the commander, they fired at Hulk, a rectangular monster.

Da da da!

Fierce gunshots rang out in an instant, and the big imperial bullets formed a metal frenzy, and fell on Hulk's body crazily, making a ding beep dong sound.

The peak production of human killing, there is no way to break Hulk's skin defense at this moment, it just makes him feel the pain.

Hulk, who was already emotionally unstable, went completely mad after being stimulated by the intense pain, opened his mouth wide and screamed, and charged directly at the soldiers.

Facing the hail of bullets, Hulk rushed directly into the crowd and raged wildly. Huge amounts of fists slammed down on the crowd, and the soldiers who were hit turned into meatloaf.

He just swept away a dozen soldiers who were shooting wildly.

Such a scene made the rest of the soldiers tremble with fear, but without orders, they still clenched their teeth and persisted, not daring to retreat in the slightest, and pulled their triggers with all their strength.

But compared to Hulk, they are too weak, just like ants and elephants, the two sides are not on the same level at all.

No matter how they resist, they cannot escape the fate of being trampled to death by an elephant.

Ten minutes later, the soldiers stationed here were directly killed, and the manic Hulk also left the research institute and rushed into Niuyue City.

Niu Yue's military, the newly transferred General Ross, was enjoying his collection of cigars when suddenly an emergency call came to his office.

"General, something has happened!"

"What's the matter? Could it be that those scumbags are messing up again?"

Ross asked with a puzzled face, during his tenure, what he dealt with the most was the recent chaos that can be seen everywhere in New York City.

Under Jin Bin's signal, the chaos in New York City became more and more intense. Many times, the Public Security Bureau was almost powerless to suppress it, and had to ask the military to step in. Therefore, most of the emergency calls General Ross received recently were about this type of situation. of.

"No, General, there's something wrong with our lab at Niyo.

"There's a huge amount of green monster that broke out of our lab and is wreaking havoc in New York City, killing a lot of people."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Hearing this, General Ross' expression changed instantly, and he immediately put down the cigar in his hand.

Helping to suppress the city's law and order is naturally more important than running out of monsters in one's own laboratory.

Because, the former is to help, and the latter is their own responsibility.

For a moment, General Ross' tone became much more serious, and his expression was extremely serious.

Listening to General Ross's questioning, the subordinate on the other end of the phone, without saying a word, immediately gave a general account of what happened.

After listening, General Ross did not dare to hesitate, and decisively ordered

Ling said: "Send out the armored troops, bring me back that monster, it doesn't matter if it's alive or dead, don't let it go.

"Understood, General."

The guy on the other end of the phone responded, then hung up the phone, and acted immediately.

Twenty minutes later, the armored forces entered Niuyo and headed towards the city where Hulk was located.

In fact, it is very easy to find Hulk. He is not as rational as Li Ye. Instead, he is like Erha who has lost his mind. Wherever he goes, he makes a lot of noise.

It never even occurred to me to hide it.

No need to take the initiative to search, listening to the noise, Fang's armored forces found the Hulk who was demolishing the house.

Seeing the almost destroyed streets and countless innocent passers-by killed and injured on the road, the military commander couldn't help being angry.

"Fire, fire, kill that monster for me."

It was said that the armored troops opened fire without saying a word, and all kinds of bullets and rockets poured towards Hulk as if they didn't want money.

Hulk, who had gradually calmed down after venting his anger, was suddenly attacked again, and this time the military's encirclement and suppression was even stronger, which instantly made him lose his mind

Wisdom and anger values ​​are directly off the charts.

"Roar! Roar!"

Hulk kept roaring, then grabbed the car on the ground with one hand, and threw it directly at the soldiers.


The car fell into the armored troops, and immediately, many soldiers were smashed to death, and the armored vehicles were smashed to pieces on the spot.

Hearing the wailing of his subordinates, the commander became even angrier.

"Hit me, hit me hard, and kill this damned monster."

Hearing the commander's roar, the soldiers did not dare to hesitate, suppressed the fear in their hearts, and continued the bombardment.

The violent shelling shook Niuyo, and on the adjacent street where the two sides were fighting, a convoy was slowly passing by.

Hearing the rumble coming from the side, Li Ye showed surprise on his face.

"What's going on nearby? Why did the military fire in the city?"

Hearing this, James, who was driving the vehicle, also looked confused, "I don't know, boss, it should be a military exercise.

James guessed, upon hearing this, Li Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes, the military is acting, and this statement can also deceive ordinary people.

When encircling and suppressing itself before, the military never announced it was a drill.

However, Li Ye didn't think too much about it. What the military does has nothing to do with him, as long as he doesn't make trouble for himself.

But just when Li Ye felt that this matter had nothing to do with him, suddenly, a rocket hit from the street next door, so that it could not die and directly aimed at the car Li Ye was riding in.

car falls.


The sudden explosion stunned everyone on both sides of the road. They looked at the Maybach that was blown to pieces, their eyes full of surprise. As for the two black cars guarding the Maybach,

In the red car, Conil and others looked at the exploding Maybach, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Fuck, damn it, save people!"

Conil shouted loudly, upon hearing this, two black cars stopped quickly, and a large number of bodyguards in black rushed out of the car, but seeing the raging sea of ​​flames, many bodyguards showed signs of anger on their faces.

He looked helpless.

In this situation, the people in the car are probably all dead. Is there a need for rescue?

Everyone was hesitation, but Conil took out the car fire extinguisher immediately and started to put out the fire.

Unfortunately, the fire was too fierce, and the vehicle-mounted fire extinguisher was not powerful enough to put out the fire at all.

Seeing this, Conil couldn't help but also froze in place, not knowing what to do.

After all, they didn't expect that the disaster would come from the sky when people were sitting in the car, it was outrageous.

Just when everyone was at a loss, beside the road, in an alley, Li Ye's figure slowly gathered, and then he appeared in the alley with a gloomy face.

Li Ye is very wronged. Under normal circumstances, he could dodge the rocket, but he didn't expect that the rocket would fall, and the car blocked his view, which eventually caused him to

It was directly blown into pieces.

As for James who was driving, don't think about it, he's already dead and can't die anymore.

Walking out of the alley and coming to the street, Li Ye looked at Conil's group who were stunned around the car, and said in a gloomy tone, "Conil!"

The intruding shout woke Conil up. He listened to the sound and looked around, and immediately saw Li Ye who was standing in front of him.

"Boss! You're fine!"

Conil was stunned. After following Li Ye for so long, he really didn't know that Li Ye had the ability of immortality. Just now he felt sad that he couldn't save Ji Ye in time.

His heart was full of surprises, but Conil's speed was not dissatisfied at all, and he quickly ran towards Li Ye. .

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