American Comics: Summon The Black Shadow Corps, Unlimited Explosive Soldiers!

Chapter 65 Hulk I'm Going To Decide, I Said, It's Useless When Jesus Comes! 【Subscribe】

Seeing this, the others also saw Li in the direction he was running.

At that moment, everyone showed shock on their faces, and then quickly came to Li Ye's side.

"Boss, you..."

Looking at Li Ye, Conil looked excited and just wanted to say something.

But before he could finish speaking, Li Ye interrupted him with a gloomy face and waved his hand.

"Go to the opposite side and see what's going on."

"Okay, boss. Just wait a moment, I'll be back soon.

After speaking, Conil didn't call anyone else, and ran to another street by himself.

At this moment, another street has long been blocked by the Public Security Bureau, and all citizens are forbidden to approach, but listening to the sound of guns and guns and the constant roar of terror, there are still some citizens who are not afraid of death. Looking down the street.

There were even some reporters who wanted to sneak in to take pictures, which put a lot of pressure on the cordon of the Public Security Bureau.

It can be seen that watching the excitement is not exclusive to flower growers.

There is no shortage of spectator troops in any country, and it is the same everywhere.

Conil mixed in the crowd, glanced at the blockade, then found a corner with the fewest security guards, and walked over there openly.

Seeing him approaching, the security officer immediately stopped and said: "Stop, there is a military exercise ahead, no approaching, back up.

Hearing this, Conil didn't panic at all, and took out an ID from his pocket, waved it in front of the security officer, and said coldly, "FBI, get out of the way."

Seeing Conil's cold and confident face, although he didn't see the ID clearly, the security officer immediately said: "Sir."

"Well, what's going on inside?"

Conil put back the unknown ID in his pocket, and asked directly as his boss.

Hearing this, the security officer glanced around, confirmed that no one was paying attention, and immediately whispered: "Sir, the military is still fighting that green monster, and I don't know the specifics of the battle, but the situation of the military doesn't seem to be very good. .that green monster, too strong!"

When talking about the green monster, there was deep fear in the eyes of the security officer, obviously he had seen Hulk with his own eyes.

"Well, is there anything else?"

Conil frowned, although he was curious about what the green monster was, but he didn't show it.

The security guard shook his head. After he withdrew, he knew such little information.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, continue to be vigilant."

After finishing speaking, Conil did not stop, turned around quickly and left, and quickly returned to Li Ye's side.

Li Ye looked up at Conil and asked, "Did you find out?"

"I found it. It seems that there is a green monster over there, fighting with the military."

Conil said with some uncertainty: "However, the military seems to be invincible, and I don't know what that green monster is!"

Hearing this, a light flashed in Li Ye's eyes.

Conil didn't know what the green monster was, but the image of a big green man immediately appeared in Li Ye's mind.

Green monster? Is it a green titan?

Although Li Ye is not very sure, but there is a great possibility.

After all, there are not many green monsters in the Marvel world, and the most eye-catching one is the Hulk who wears pants every time he transforms.

At the moment, I became interested, and the others said: "You are waiting for me here, let me see."

After speaking, Li Ye's figure exploded suddenly, turning into a puff of black mist and disappearing on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding bodyguards were shocked and stunned.

To be honest, Conil was also taken aback, but compared to others, he accepted Ability a bit stronger. After all, he knew that Li Ye was special, so he quickly recovered his composure, and warned others: "Don't worry about it." Keep your mouth shut, otherwise, you will know what will happen!"

The other people looked shocked, but they quickly came to their senses and immediately hid this matter in their hearts!

On the other side, on the street where the military was fighting Hulk, Li Ye's figure suddenly appeared, looking forward to the area of ​​the green monster.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he appeared, he saw a classic scene.

The furious Hulk was dragging the muzzle of the tank and slamming it violently at the army.

Faced with this blow, the military personnel subconsciously hesitated for a moment, whether to fire or not.

After all, there are their own people in this tank.

The result was this slight hesitation, which caused the flying tank to smash heavily into the crowd and roll over several times, causing a large number of casualties to the military in an instant, without giving them a chance to regret it.

The military personnel, who were not opponents at all, completely lost their suppression of Hulk with the reduction of personnel again.

Then Hulk jumped directly into the crowd, making friends every day!

In less than a few minutes, all the remaining military personnel were hammered into meatloaf.

Seeing Hulk's terrifying physical fitness, Li Ye couldn't help showing a trace of surprise on his face.

Whether it's strength or defense, Hulk is ridiculously strong!

Moreover, Li Ye also knows one thing, that is, the Hulk in front of him is not yet at his peak, because his strength depends on his anger!

The angrier the Hulk, the fiercer it is!

As long as Hulk is not knocked down in an instant, then his anger has almost no upper limit!

Suddenly, Li Ye was stunned for a moment, and then a fiery look appeared on his face.

Can I use Hulk's blood to strengthen myself?

In the movie, Hulk's blood creates abominations. In theory, his blood has the ability to strengthen the human body.

It's just that the side effects seem a bit big, and it will turn into an ugly monster.

However, Li Ye is not afraid, if there are side effects, he will commit suicide and keep the positive strengthening effect, that’s right!

The only thing that makes him unsure is whether the idea will succeed.

Li Ye thought about it in his mind, but soon, he gave up. Does success matter to him?

It doesn't matter at all!

Anyway, he is immortal, no matter whether he succeeds or not, just try it, because he can't commit suicide.

Thinking of this, Li Ye's eyes on Hulk also became hot.

Hulk, he's leaving, he said it!

It doesn't matter that Jesus came!

And just when Li Ye was staring at Hulk with greedy eyes, Hulk, who had dealt with the army, suddenly turned his head to look in Li Ye's direction.

For all people with keen perception, as long as you stare at him for a long time, he can feel your gaze.

And Hulk, apparently, doesn't have a bad perception.

What's more, Li Ye's eyes are so naked, almost wanting to swallow him in one gulp, without hiding it at all.

Precisely because he sensed the malice in Li Ye's eyes, Hulk then set aside the military chariot and threw it aside. After that, his huge figure moved instantly, and rushed towards Li Ye's direction suddenly, and let out a burst of noise from his mouth. There was a roar.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mountain was shaken for a while, Hulk's figure is doomed that he will make huge amounts of movement even if he moves lightly, not to mention that he has no intention of restraining himself at the moment, and the movement is natural


Seeing Hulk pounce on him, Li Ye couldn't help showing an excited smile on his face.

"Just in time!"

Li Ye didn't panic at all, and said calmly, "Come out, troll!"

Under Li Ye's call, trolls with equally huge bodies came out of the shadows very quickly.

One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and soon, tall and strong giant holes began to appear densely on the entire street.

After summoning the troll, Li Ye really wanted to see whether it was Hulk or his own troll.

In the past, he had no chance to experiment, but now, he could finally know the result.

"Come on, fuck him!"

Li Ye waved his hand to give an order, and in an instant, tens of thousands of trolls galloped together, and a momentum that seemed a thousand times more terrifying than before sounded.

Not only are the trolls huge, they are not much smaller than Hulk, and there are more of them. When they move together, even if they just step forward, they also cause a world-shattering momentum. The ground vibration is also obviously abnormal.

Soon, under Li Ye's expectant gaze, the figures of Hulk and the troll finally collided.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hulk raised his fists and smashed at the troll crazily. The trolls were not to be outdone, they raised their fists and smashed at Hulk.

The two sides did not dodge at all, abandoned all bells and whistles, and completely returned to the most primitive battle, punching to the flesh.

Under the bombardment of the troll, Hulk's body, which was as unshakable as a hill, was beaten crazily at the moment.

After all, there are too many trolls!

As mighty as Hulk is, there's only one, and trolls are enough to overwhelm him!

And the troll, also under Hulk's bombardment, was constantly shattered.

Obviously, in terms of physical defense, the trolls are still a bit weak, or in other words, the defense power of the Black Shadow Corps is generally mediocre.

But in terms of strength, the troll was even on par with Hulk at the moment.

Li Ye clearly saw that after a troll and Hulk punched each other, the troll's body was shattered, and Hulk's body retreated. Obviously, in terms of strength, the two were temporarily at the same level, but the troll's body couldn't bear it. Such power, and the Hulk could bear it.

As for why it is temporary, it is naturally because Hulk is a wall hanger.

The biggest wall hanging in Marvel, apart from the 50/50 attribute of Captain Beautiful Point, is Hulk.

As long as you are angry enough, your strength will increase crazily.

And is the Hulk angry right now? Very angry!

His emotions have gone out of control, and now he is being hammered by a group of trolls, how can Hulk bear it.

For a moment, a wave of rage surged in his heart, and then Li Ye looked at the troll who was able to fight Hulk. The strength went from being evenly matched at the beginning, to gradually losing the wind, and finally, completely defeated by Hulk. crushed.

Seeing this scene, Li Ye shook his head helplessly, hanging on the wall, it would be impossible to play happily.

Oh, I'm also hanging on the wall, that's fine.

After confirming that the troll is no longer Hulk's opponent, Li Ye also put away his playful intentions, and then he saw a thought in his mind, and in an instant, a shadow centered on him "crazily spread out in all directions.

As the shadows enveloped the entire street, the originally tragic ruins instantly became eerie, like bursts of hell.

In the next second, a large number of ghosts, night bats, and more trolls stepped out of the shadows, occupying the entire street in an instant.

After descending into the world, ghosts, night bats, and the newly-appeared giants rushed directly to Hulk, who was raging among the trolls, without any hesitation.

...ask for flowers...

The ghost attack, the night bat air attack, and the troll face-to-face confrontation, the three have a clear division of labor, and they continue to charge Hulk.

It's true that Hulk is strong, but under the joint suppression of the three major corps, he also felt a little bit of difficulty.

This is like a great white shark in the ocean surrounded by countless piranhas.

Relying on its huge amounts of stature and strength, the great white shark frantically charged among the piranhas, trying to disperse the piranhas.

However, stimulated by the bloody smell, the piranha showed incomparably crazy energy, even if it died, it would still want to hiss a mouthful of flesh from the great white shark.

The current Hulk and the Shadow Soldiers

The regiment is similar to this scene, Hulk crazily rushes and kills among the shadow corps, and the shadow corps sieges and kills Hulk frantically without fear of death.

Even though the damage caused to Hulk by the Black Shadow Corps was very low every time, a feeling of weakness gradually emerged in Hulk's heart when the small amount accumulated.

Realizing that his own situation was not good, the madness on Hulk's face became less and less. Gradually, the consciousness belonging to Banner in his body gradually awakened and began to dominate

It didn't take long for the madness on Hulk's face to fade, and Dr. Banner came online, suddenly regaining his sanity.

Hulk basic fuck, hide if you can't beat it!

As soon as he woke up, Banner felt something was wrong, why did he become such a singer?

Before he could think about this problem clearly, the attacks of the shadow corps constantly landed on him, and the intense pain stimulated Banner to scream crazily.

"Fuck, what the hell are you, get the hell out of here!"

While speaking, Banner stretched out his huge palm like a cattail fan and slapped the shadow troop wrapped around him frantically.

For a while, hundreds of black shadows turned into black mist and dissipated.

However, this situation only lasted for a short while, and soon Banner felt that his body was shrinking, and his originally tall body began to recover to the level of an ordinary person.

Seeing this, Banner became even more flustered. There are so many shadow corps around him staring at him, but at this moment he suddenly lost his strength. What could be worse than this

Is it?

Just when he thought he would die under the chaotic knives of the black shadow corps, suddenly, the black shadow corps, which was attacking frantically, stopped attacking, and then all the black shadows moved towards the road

The two sides parted, made way for a passage, and lowered their heads respectfully.

Then, a figure appeared at the end of the passage, walking towards him along the passage.

Seeing this scene, Banner felt even more fearful, and his body trembled slightly.

Soon, Li Ye came to Banner, looking at Banner who was completely different from just now, a pensive look flashed across his face, the two consciousnesses shared the same body,

Needless to say, it’s pretty amazing!

However, he didn't think for too long, and soon came back to his senses, and whispered: "Take him, let's go.

After saying that, a troll stepped forward to lift Banner up. Seeing this, Banner couldn't help screaming in fear.

Perhaps because he was too noisy, the troll raised his hand and slashed on Banner's neck, knocking Banner unconscious.

This made Li Ye's eyelids twitch, for fear that the troll would kill Banner with a knife.

Banner, who has not turned into a Hulk, is basically no different from ordinary people.

And through the personality change just now, Li Ye also guessed that Banner and Hulk should have two personalities.

As for whether it is true or not, Li Ye is not sure, he just has doubts, after all, the difference in combat power between the green giant dominated by Banner and the green giant dominated by Hulk is really a bit big.

But none of this has anything to do with him, he just wants the blood in Banner's body now.

Soon, the troll sank to the ground carrying the Banner, Li Ye's figure turned into a black mist and disappeared in place, and other shadows also merged into the shadows and disappeared.

Half an hour later, the people from the Public Security Bureau, who could not hear any movement, went into the street to check the situation, and then saw all the dead military personnel, as well as the completely destroyed


As for the green monster, it completely disappeared.

Realizing this, everyone in the Public Security Bureau couldn't help panicking, and hurriedly reported the incident. On the other side, Li Ye had already got into the bodyguard's car and turned towards Stark Industry.

Li Ye wants to use Hulk's blood to strengthen himself, but he can't really bite Banner's neck like a vampire.

So, he decided to send Banner to the laboratory, and by the way, he could also study whether his blood could help him.

Soon, the car stopped at the gate of Stark Industry. When Li Ye got out of the car, the expressions of the employees of Stark Industry changed, and then they bowed their heads respectfully to say hello


Ignoring these people, Li Ye came all the way to the laboratory of Stark Industries, and then asked the troll to bring him out of the Shadow Kingdom and lock him in the laboratory.

After doing all this, a difficult problem also appeared in front of Li Ye, whether he should go to a scientist to study it, or directly swallow Banner's blood.

If you swallow it directly, the effect is unknown. Li Ye is not afraid of any side effects, but worried that the positive effect will not meet his expectations.

After all, his body has been raised to the limit by the human body strengthening potion.

After thinking about it, Li Ye decided to play it safe and find a scientist to study it, so as not to waste such a good raw material. .

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