American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 104 One man kills his way through the Intelligence Bureau

The elevator was moving slowly downward.

"Who are you?"

The White Queen looked at Rorschach with a look of fear and surprise, as if she was looking at a terrible enemy.

There was no way. For the White Queen, the ability shown by Rorschach was too amazing.

Possessing psychic abilities far stronger than her own, emitting terrible heat rays from her eyes, and the equally terrible speed...

Any one of these abilities would be terrible enough, but this person actually possessed so many at the same time!

The White Queen had never seen such a powerful mutant.

Even if it was Xiao!

Xiao was an impeccable person in the eyes of the White Queen before, but now the White Queen had to admit that even Xiao was far inferior to this person.

Apart from anything else, the other party's psychic ability alone was enough to make Xiao feel terrible.

"You don't know who he is?"

The copycat couldn't help laughing on the side. This matter was getting more and more interesting. "He is Xiao's biggest worry! He is the person Xiao has always wanted to kill."

The White Queen couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

The person who came to save her was actually an enemy?

This matter made a fuss.

"Xiao is dead, and there is no reason for us to oppose each other." Rorschach shrugged and said lightly.

"Is Xiao really dead?"

The White Queen's face couldn't help but become a little ugly.

When she first met Rorschach in the special cell, the other party said this, and the White Queen didn't believe it at all.

But now, the White Queen began to waver.

Not so confident.

"Xiao is indeed dead, died in the hands of Rorschach." Raven added on the side.

The White Queen's face became darker and darker. If it was this person, he really had the ability to kill Xiao.


With this prompt, the elevator door banged open.

"Don't move!"

"Don't move!"

Several sharp shouts suddenly sounded.

But I saw that the hall in front of me was already densely packed with people, and everyone's guns were all loaded, and the black muzzles were pointed at Rorschach and others.

The person standing in the front was none other than Hansen, the director of the Intelligence Bureau.

Hansen was wearing a bulletproof vest, holding a gun tightly in both hands, staring at Rorschach as if he was facing a great enemy, and said in a deep voice: "Surrender, you are surrounded."

"Emma, ​​can I trouble you to turn into a diamond again?"

Rorschach didn't even look at Director Hansen, but turned his head calmly and looked at the White Queen beside him and said.

The White Queen rolled her eyes: "You killed Xiao, but now you want to fight side by side with me?"

"That's right." Rorschach shrugged, "Xiao is dead, you won't tell me that you are still loyal to a dead person?"

The White Queen followed Eric who killed Xiao in the original time and space, so Rorschach was also confident.

"Besides, this is also a kind reminder from me, you don't want to be hit by a stray bullet next time, right?" Rorschach said again.

"Well, that's true."

The White Queen didn't say any more nonsense and turned into a diamond man again.

Seeing this, Raven and Copycat walked behind the White Queen.

This time, Rorschach had no worries at all.

"Surrender now, or we will shoot!"

Chief Hansen was furious when he saw these mutants were so arrogant and didn't take his people seriously.

He shouted at Rorschach again.


But Rorschach didn't say anything more to Chief Hansen. He just shook his body and launched his sonic speed.

Then Chief Hansen saw that the young man in front of him disappeared in an instant, and then a huge sense of oppression hit his whole body, which was the air pressure formed by the air flow driven by the excessive speed.


Chief Hansen didn't react to what was going on, and he was knocked away by a huge force.

He just floated in the air, and after a dizzy and weightless feeling, he fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

He was dizzy and his bones almost fell apart.

"What's going on?"

Director Hansen was shocked.

He turned his head subconsciously to look around, and his heart couldn't help but shudder, and was shocked beyond measure.

But he saw that all the intelligence agents were like him, all fell to the ground.

Except for the mutants in the elevator, there was no one standing at the scene.

In that moment of trance just now, the young man actually knocked down dozens of them!

How could such a thing be possible?

Even if it was a mutant, this was too exaggerated, right?

"Quick! There!"

"It's the director and the others!"

"Director, are you all okay?"

A burst of exclamations sounded, but a large number of intelligence agents emerged from the two east and west passages again.

They saw their director and a group of brothers all fell to the ground, and they were all shocked.



Accompanied by a messy groan and the sound of falling to the ground, all the agents who rushed over lay on the ground, accompanying their beloved director.

"OK, no one's getting in the way now."

Rorschach clapped his hands and walked forward as if nothing had happened.

Raven, the White Queen and Copycat followed closely behind.

The group of people walked away in such a swaggering manner while Director Hansen and others looked at them in shock and anger.

But suddenly, Rorschach couldn't help but pause in his steps, as if he noticed something.

"Rorschach, what's wrong?"

Rui Wen immediately couldn't help but asked in a deep voice.

The White Queen and the Copy Cat both looked alert, looking around with great vigilance.

"Don't be nervous, it's just an old friend."

Rorschach actually smiled.

He couldn't help but turned his head and looked toward the southeast.

He just passed through the wall and locked onto a person who was coming quickly outside the base.


Next to Eric, there were also two people following him. They were the eagle-winged man and the braided man that he had just conquered not long ago.

There is no doubt that Eric's target must also be the White Queen.

It's a pity that Eric came a step too late.

"Eric, something's wrong."

The eagle-winged man looked solemn and said to Eric in a deep voice, "There seemed to be gunshots just now."

"Owen, calm down. No one can stop me from taking away our compatriots today. No matter what happens inside, it can't change this."

Eric, who was wearing a helmet, said confidently and coldly, without any pause in his steps.

Keep moving forward with long strides.

The eagle-winged man wanted to say something more, but the braided man on the side interrupted him: "Come on Owen, you are still so hesitant. Do you really think anyone in this place can stop Eric?"

They have personally experienced what kind of abilities Eric has.

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