American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 105 Magneto's surprise: Rorschach destroyed the Intelligence Agency?

After the pigtail man said that, the eagle-winged man was speechless.

That's true.

Eric's ability is to control metal, which is simply the nemesis of ordinary people!

Looking at the weapons that ordinary people rely on, which one is not made of metal?

Which one does not contain metal?

Just based on this point, there is no place in the world that Eric can't go!

After all, which place's weapons and equipment can be stronger than the Cuban fleet?

Even the Cuban fleet was destroyed by Eric, not to mention the Intelligence Bureau.

The eagle-winged man was completely relieved, and without any hesitation, he followed Eric and walked into the Intelligence Bureau building in a heroic and high-spirited manner.

A painful groan and groan came first, which immediately attracted the attention of Eric and others.

Then several people looked forward and couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Looking around, they saw Intelligence Bureau special agents lying on the ground in a mess.

A quick look showed that there must be fifty or sixty people.

Not only that.

Even Hansen, the director of the Intelligence Bureau, was among them!

"What happened?"

"Someone actually took down the Intelligence Bureau?"

The Eagle Wing Man and the Braid Man were both caught off guard.

In addition to them, there were actually other people who dared to cause trouble at the Intelligence Bureau headquarters?

Eric's face suddenly became solemn. He was indeed planning to make a big fuss at the Intelligence Bureau headquarters, but who would have thought that someone had already done what he was going to do.

Who could it be?

Who else has this ability?

A young oriental face immediately appeared in Eric's mind.

The only mutant he could think of who had this ability was Rorschach.

However, Rorschach did not agree with his ideas, and Eric could not be sure whether it was Rorschach.

Several people carefully passed the Intelligence Bureau special agent who was injured and unable to get up, and slowly groped forward.

Finally, they came to another passage.


A voice suddenly sounded, and several people were standing in front of a door at the end of the passage.

One of the blue-skinned women looked at Eric with some surprise and joy and shouted.

"It's him!"

"It's him!"

The Eagle Wing Man and the Braid Man both looked at Rorschach, revealing a look of realization.

On the Cuban beach, this powerful young man from the East left them too deep an impression.

This is a strong man who is not weaker than Eric at all.

It's just unexpected that this person's style of doing things is actually the same as Eric.

And behind the young man from the East, the White Queen and another blue-skinned woman followed closely.

What Eric wanted to do was done by this young man first.


Eric was surprised.

But soon, he couldn't help but smile, "We appeared in this place at the same time, and now, you still say we are different?"

Eric can be said to be very, very pleased.

"Eric, long time no see! Well, not that long actually." Rorschach also smiled and greeted Eric.

"Owen, Frank!"


The Eagle Wing Man and the Braid Man also greeted the White Queen.


It has become a large-scale family recognition scene.

"Everyone, let's go out and talk. This is not a place to talk."

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he looked at everyone and made a suggestion.

This is indeed not a place to talk. Naturally, everyone had no objection and left the Intelligence Bureau headquarters.

Only the mess of the Intelligence Bureau was left.


39th Street in New York.

A deserted street.

Two cars were parked casually on the side of the road.

A group of people just surrounded the car, sitting, leaning or standing, in groups of three or two.

Rorschach, Eric, and Raven were reminiscing.

The White Queen and the Eagle Wing Man and the Braid Man and the Hellfire Club naturally gathered together.

As for Copycat, he sat on the hood of the car, looking carefree, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

"Rorschach, you saw what they did, their usual methods, turning black into white."

"Our mutant brothers and sisters are in dire straits, I won't stand idly by!"

Eric said to Rorschach with a firm face, "I was not sure before, but now I see, you won't either! So Rorschach, join me!"

"Follow me, we join hands to protect our compatriots together!"

Eric invited Rorschach again from the bottom of his heart.

"Eric, I don't doubt your determination to protect mutants, but I don't agree with your way of doing things." Rorschach shook his head.

"Didn't you also invade the Intelligence Agency? So what's the difference between you and me?" Eric spread his hands, but couldn't help laughing.

"I hacked into the CIA because I needed Emma's abilities, nothing more, but I didn't consider the CIA as an enemy."

"I certainly wouldn't consider all of humanity as an enemy."

Rorschach said to Eric.

It can be said that there is a fundamental difference between the two.

"Rorschach, you will realize this one day."

Eric was silent for a moment, but said to Rorschach in a serious tone.

"Well, let's wait and see." Rorschach shrugged and didn't say much to Eric.

Eric and Charles are both stubborn people, and to some extent Rorschach is also. No one can agree with other people's ideas, and no one can convince anyone else.

It's useless to waste more words.

"You don't think humans are your enemies, so who are they?"

Another voice sounded, but it was the White Queen who walked in front of Rorschach and Eric, staring at Rorschach and asked.

"This is a false proposition, Emma. If mutants encounter enemies, I will get rid of them without hesitation, but the key question is, why do mutants have to have an enemy?"

Rorschach looked at the White Queen and said seriously.

"You saw what they did in Cuba. They were afraid of our abilities and attacked us!"

Eric interrupted on the side.

"Yes, but we also fought back and we wiped them out."

"So what happened next? I understand what you mean, Rorschach, but we can't wait until we get beaten before fighting back every time! Our two groups are inherently opposed, you have to admit that."

"Eric, this is exactly why we need you." Rorschach smiled meaningfully, "This is also why I can't be with you."

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