American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 106 Rorschach: I'm going to do something big!

Eric and Charles both behave in an extreme way, one is too radical and the other is too gentle.

But it must be said that for the mutant group, Eric and Charles are both indispensable.

Without Eric making trouble all day, people would not have a certain respect for mutants, or even a certain degree of fear.

Then all forces would rush in and gnaw the mutants to the bone.

No one would be merciful to a group that has no temper and is submissive.

But if Charles was not there, mutants would truly become the enemy of all mankind and stand completely against mankind!

At that time, whether mutants can defeat ordinary people is not to be said, but it is certain that mutants are really in dire straits.

Humans are not so easy to eliminate.

The war between the two groups is of course a disaster for humans, but it is also the same for mutants.

So things are so wonderful.

Eric and Charles disagree with each other's ideas, and both stubbornly protect mutants in their own way, so they have been fighting each other for a lifetime.

But it is precisely this kind of struggle that has enabled mutants to gain living space in human society.

They disagree with each other and fight each other, but they have formed the most perfect layout in the dark, and jointly created the most favorable situation for mutants.

That's why Rorschach said that mutants need Eric, just as mutants also need Charles.

Eric let the world see the power of mutants, so that everyone dare not take mutants at will. Eric represents the mutants' fist.

Charles sends friendly signals to everyone, so that everyone can reduce their hostility towards mutants and accept mutants. He represents the mutants' smile.

The two complement each other.

Neither is indispensable.

However, for the mutant group, only fists and smiles are far from enough, and there is still a lack of the most important thing: real deterrence!

Deterrence like nuclear weapons.

Then Rorschach doesn't mind becoming a nuclear weapon for mutants.

"Then Rorschach!"

The White Queen's voice continued to sound. She looked at Rorschach with burning eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Since you don't plan to fight against humans for us, what can you do for us mutants?"

"Build a big family that truly belongs to us mutants."

"As Eric said, all mutant brothers and sisters unite together and live proudly and freely in this world!"

"No need to hide, no need to be afraid, no need to be afraid, our brothers and sisters can proudly tell the world that he is a mutant."

"Because by then, the world will no longer have prejudice, discrimination, or alternative views against us!"

"They will even envy us and be jealous of us, because we can do things they can't do, and we are more perfect than them."

Rorschach's eyes were leisurely, and he uttered such words from his mouth.

Although Rorschach's voice was not loud, it contained a power that could not be questioned.

The White Queen, Copycat, and even the Eagle Wing Man and the Braid Man brought by Eric, were all moved by the beautiful utopian picture described by Rorschach.

If the day Rorschach said really came, it must be heaven, right?

That was something they dared not imagine at all now.

"Emma, ​​I know what I pursue is different from Xiao, but are you willing to help me accomplish all this?" Rorschach looked at the White Queen and asked softly.

"You must be crazy."

The White Queen couldn't help but be amazed, but she had to admit that the big cake Rorschach painted was very contagious, "But... Xiao is dead anyway, and I have nowhere to go."

Rorschach couldn't help but smile.

In fact, whether the White Queen was willing or not, Rorschach would not let her go easily. He went all the way to the Intelligence Bureau to make a fuss, not to do good deeds.

His original purpose was to subdue the White Queen.

But what can I say? A forced melon is not sweet after all. It is naturally the best that the White Queen is willing to follow him.

"I must be crazy too."

The lazy imitating cat also jumped down from the hood, "For a moment, I actually believed that you could do this."

"You are too naive, Rorschach." Eric still sneered at this, "They are our enemies, this is their nature, you can't change it!"

"The day you said will never come!"

"No, it will definitely come, Eric." Rorschach said to Eric in a sonorous voice.

"Rorschach, you are still too young after all."

Eric couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, showing a helpless look, and no longer had the energy to argue with the other party.

Because now Eric has just truly confirmed that Rorschach is indeed different from him, and like Charles, there is no way to convince him.

What a pity.

It would be a lie for Eric to say that he is not disappointed.

But anyway, Rorschach is much better than Charles. Charles, as a mutant, actually thinks of ordinary humans in every way. That's the real hopeless one.

"It's nice to see you again, my friend, but now, I have to go! Take care!"

Eric didn't say anything more, but waved his hand to Rorschach.

"Take care, Eric!"

Both sides said goodbye.

"So Rorschach, what are you going to do next?"

After Eric and his party left, the White Queen walked up to Rorschach, stared at Rorschach expectantly and asked.

"I plan to...make a big one!"

Facing the White Queen's question, Rorschach showed a meaningful smile.

Then he roughly told the White Queen and Copycat about his plan.

After hearing this, the White Queen was stunned.

After a few seconds, he stared at Rorschach as if he didn't recognize him: "This is really a crazy plan. Now I have begun to believe in the pie you drew before."

"Crazy enough, but... I like it!" The imitation cat's eyes also became intense.

She now felt more and more that following Rorschach was the right choice.

"Rorschach, is it really okay to do this?"

Ruiwen was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, with a trace of worry on her face. She was really frightened by Rorschach's plan.

"I said I would give justice to us mutants, and I will do what I said!" Rorschach laughed meaningfully.

This time he went to the Intelligence Bureau to conquer the White Queen, but it was not just to conquer a capable subordinate.

He is also preparing for his next plan.

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