American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 107 Director Hansen: He is not someone our intelligence agency can deal with!

"Rorschach, Raven, you're back?"

Inside the luxurious villa.

Hank, who heard the noise, came out with a touch of excitement, and his face froze slightly.

He immediately noticed the copycat following Rorschach. Wasn't that their enemy in Manhattan?

And the woman next to the copycat, wasn't that the White Queen in the intelligence?

Hank was a little confused.

"Handsome boy, don't look at me like that. I'm with Rorschach now. We're one family!"

Copycat waved to Hank very familiarly, and even patted Hank on the shoulder.

It made Hank a little embarrassed.

"Vanessa, you've already met them, so I don't need to introduce them any more."

"And Emma, ​​we've all read her information, so I don't need to introduce her any more."

Rorschach spoke at this time, saying to Hank, "From today on, they are part of our big family."

"Hank, right? Don't worry, I won't strangle you while you're sleeping."

The White Queen said to Hank with some bad taste.

Hank looked more and more embarrassed, with an unnatural look on his face.

The tough style of these two girls made Hank a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Emma, ​​you won't do that. I believe it won't be long before you find out how important Hank is to us."

Rorschach said to the White Queen in a serious tone.

These words made Hank's heart warm.


The White Queen showed a hint of surprise in her eyes, and couldn't help but look at Hank carefully.

This little boy looks ordinary, but he is so respected by Rorschach, such a mutant?

"I'm looking forward to it, but Rorschach, can you prepare a room for me to rest now? I haven't taken a shower for a long time." Copycat said to Rorschach very impolitely. "Come with me, there are still some empty rooms here, you can pick some you like." Raven volunteered to go upstairs with the White Queen and Copycat. "Rorschach, I have some ideas about the base." Hank adjusted his glasses and said to Rorschach with interest, "Do you want to listen?" When Rorschach went to "visit" the Intelligence Bureau, Hank was not idle. "Of course!" Rorschach also said with great interest. Hank took out a document and introduced it to Rorschach. "Selena provided three alternative places, but I think this one is the most suitable."

"First of all, the location of the base. Considering that we will have many mutant compatriots in the future, the location must be relatively hidden and not attract too many people's attention."

"But at the same time, transportation also needs to be more convenient..."

Hank began to analyze various pros and cons for Rorschach with great interest, and Rorschach nodded repeatedly.

Hank's considerations were very thorough, and it can be said that he took everything into consideration, so Rorschach could not find any faults at all.

"Hank, just do as you say, I will tell Selena." Rorschach immediately said to Hank.

Seeing that his opinion was so recognized, Hank was full of energy.

He felt that he finally had a place to use his skills.


Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

Conference room.

Looking around, the long conference table was full of people, making the originally spacious conference room suddenly seem a little crowded.

There was no way out. The headquarters of the Intelligence Bureau was actually invaded, and it could even be said that it was penetrated. It was simply the greatest shame that the Intelligence Bureau had never experienced since its establishment.

The kind that would forever nail the Intelligence Bureau to the pillar of shame.

How dare the Intelligence Bureau neglect it?

Basically, all the leaders, big and small, gathered here at the first time. Many of them had bruises and bandages.

Director Hansen was even more so. He even had a fixator on his neck.

But there was no way out. Such a major event did not allow him to recover slowly.

"Okay, everyone is here, Ed, let's start."

After glancing at the people in the conference room, Director Hansen tapped the table with his fingers and ordered.

A man wearing glasses and looking gentle nodded and turned on the projection equipment.

Two corresponding figures appeared on the big screen.

"Two of our key prisoners, Emma Frost No. 2237 and Vanessa Baccarin No. 2254, have been kidnapped."

"These two prisoners are mutants, and the people who kidnapped them are also mutants."

"According to preliminary investigations, there are only two kidnappers."

"One of them has the ability to transform. She disguised herself as Agent Mora and brought another mutant, the main culprit of this incident, into the building at around 1:30."

"At 1:41, they came to the 14th floor, violently attacked our armed special forces, broke into our special prison cell, and rescued the two mutants imprisoned inside."

"At 1:57, they left the headquarters base with the kidnapped mutants."

"During this period, they knocked down a total of 73 of our special forces. Fortunately, no one died."

The entire conference room was dead silent, the atmosphere was so depressing that it was almost suffocating, and some people even showed despair.

From the invasion of the headquarters base by the enemy, to breaking through the special prison cell that could not be broken at all, to knocking down 73 armed special agents, it took only 16 minutes from beginning to end!

And there were only two people!

This kind of thing is simply horrifying.

If you don’t experience it yourself, no one will believe it.

What kind of pervert is that "high school student-like" and "Oriental-faced" mutant?

It’s too scary.

“Yes, I know it’s frustrating and embarrassing, but yes, it’s like this, our iron-clad headquarters base is simply useless in front of the enemy!”

“The threat of mutants is greater than we imagined!”

“They are simply a group of terrible monsters!”

Director Hansen’s voice was loud and resounding in the conference room.

He glanced at all the special agents present, “Do you have any good suggestions for this?”

The conference room was silent.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one could say anything.

Those two mutants were so powerful that they were beyond their ability to deal with.

What suggestions could they make?

"Don't talk? Very good! Then keep it like this! If any word of what happened today is leaked, no matter who it is, pack up and get out!"

Director Hansen slammed the table and shouted at everyone.

Everyone was silent.

"So, Director, what are you going to do?"

It was not until a few minutes later that Ed looked at Director Hansen cautiously and asked.

"Write a detailed report and report to the Ministry of Defense with me. This is no longer something that our Intelligence Bureau can handle alone."

Director Hansen said solemnly.

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