American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 108 Mutants: Rorschach is a monster!

Luxury villas.

Rorschach, Raven, Hank, White Queen and Copycat are sitting together, and everyone's expressions look very solemn and serious.

Because they are discussing a very serious topic.

"Emma, ​​I know that you have the same psychic abilities as Charles, but to what extent can you do it? Can you freeze people out of thin air like Charles?"

Luo Xia slowly took a sip of the tea in the cup, looked at the White Queen and asked seriously.

"Stand still? What kind of freezing method? Like turning a person into a statue?" The White Queen couldn't understand what Rorschach meant for a while. She tilted her head and thought about it before asking a question.

"Yes, that's it." Rorschach patted his thigh.

"That guy can actually do such a thing?"

The White Queen was slightly surprised at first, but then she felt relieved, "That's right, his psychic abilities are not inferior to mine at all, and are even more powerful than mine."

"In other words, you can't immobilize people?" Imitation Cat leaned comfortably on the sofa, crossed its legs, and glanced at the White Queen.

"Although they are both psychic abilities, Charles and I have different abilities. I can read other people's memories and even weave other people's memories, but I cannot control other people's consciousness."

The White Queen spread her hands.

It can only be said that he is specialized in the art. Charles can control the consciousness of others, but he cannot make up memories out of thin air.

At least not now.

"What about you? What can you do?"

Having said this, the White Queen stared at Rorschach with interest and asked.

Psychic power is a very rare ability, and she didn't expect that she would encounter so many of them one after another.

"You misunderstood Emma, ​​I have many abilities, but they do not include psychic abilities." Rorschach smiled.

"Rorschach, I thought we were brothers and sisters just as you said. I chose to believe you, but you don't seem to believe me."

The White Queen showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

"No, you misunderstood. I think it's because I'm physically strong and mentally strong, so I can defend myself against other people's mental probing. That's all."

"I don't have psychic abilities, and I have no need to hide it."

Luo Xia spread his hands and said to the White Queen and others sincerely.

The White Queen showed suspicion and stared directly into Luo Xia's eyes: "Is this really the case?"

"Give me a reason to lie to you." Rorschach said frankly.

"Emma, ​​Rorschach does not have psychic abilities. We have lived with him for so long and we have never seen him show this ability."

Raven interjected to explain to Rorschach.

Seeing that no one seemed to be lying, and that Rorschach really had no need to hide anything in this regard, the White Queen believed it.

That's why I was even more shocked.

A non-psychic person can actually withstand the mental probing of a person with psychic abilities. How exaggerated is this mental power?

How exaggerated is your physical fitness?

"You are really a monster." After a long time, the White Queen shook her head and sighed.

"I absolutely agree!" Copycat nodded repeatedly and said from the bottom of his heart, "I have been a mercenary for so many years, and I have never seen such a perverted person."

Raven and Hank on the other side felt the same way.

There is no doubt that Rorschach is one of the most powerful mutants they have ever encountered.

"I just have more abilities now, that's all." Luo Xia waved his hand, where was he following?

Apocalypse that will revive in the future is truly abnormal.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

The White Queen's voice sounded, and she continued to speak, saying to Rorschach, "Rorschach, I understand what you mean. Although I can't immobilize others, I can implant an illusion in them that everything is normal."

"In this way, we can do our thing safely and boldly without being disturbed by anyone... But then again, can't we really kill everyone? Why go to such trouble?"

"Because I am not an executioner who likes to kill. It's not that I don't kill people, but I must have a reason for killing. I will not kill for no reason."

Rorschach said to the White Queen seriously, "Emma, ​​if you want to work with me, you must agree with this. I am not Xiao."

"Fine, there's really nothing I can do about you." The White Queen shook her head helplessly.

"It's interesting. The man who destroyed the beautiful country's fleet and killed thousands of people actually said that he didn't like killing people." Copy Cat joked and laughed.

"They are just looking for death." Luo Xia spread his hands and said lightly.

"Emma." Then Rorschach turned his attention to the White Queen again, "How many people can you implant illusions at the same time? How long will it last?"

These are related to Rorschach's next plan, which still needs to be clarified.

"I have never tried to implant illusions in large numbers of people. Seven or eight? Or a dozen? Any more would be beyond the limits of my capabilities."

The White Queen thought about it carefully and said to Luo Xia seriously.

"Rorschach, we will have to deal with hundreds or even thousands of people by then, and this is far from enough!" Ruiwen said with a frown on the side.

"You also saw Rorschach. It seems that you must kill someone." The White Queen spread her hands.

"Maybe I can solve this problem."

Hank, who had been silent all this time and was almost ignored by the White Queen and Copycat, suddenly pushed up his glasses and said confidently.

Although he used uncertain words like "maybe", Rorschach knew that the matter was stable when he saw Hank's look.

"Oh, really? Do you have any idea?"

The White Queen glanced at Hank with a questioning look on her face.

"I can create a device that can enhance Emma's abilities, allowing Emma to control hundreds or even thousands of people at a time."

Hank said in an understatement.

"Brainwave enhancer!" Ruiwen slapped her thigh, unable to react.


When the White Queen heard this, she couldn't help but laugh out loud. This kind of thing was too ridiculous, wasn't it?

This guy named Hank really dares to say that!

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, but this is indeed the funniest joke I have ever heard." The White Queen shook her head and laughed non-stop.

"Riven is right, this is a simple and portable brainwave enhancer. I have built a larger and more complex one before, so this is no problem for me."

Hank ignored the White Queen's ridicule and just said to Rorschach.

"How long do you need?" Rorschach naturally had no doubts about Hank and asked him looking at him seriously.

"Two days." Hank pondered for a moment and said confidently.

He had already finished building the brainwave enhancer, and had already mastered all the techniques. All he had to do next was to copy a super simple version.

Two days is enough.

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