American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 109 The mutants have declared war on us!

Hank's business ability is still very strong.

After making a promise to Rorschach, he immediately listed some purchase lists and handed them to Selina.

Selina immediately arranged for people to go shopping, and when it got dark, all the things Hank wanted were placed in Hank's laboratory.


For the next two days, no one saw Hank again. Hank locked himself in his own laboratory.

The lights inside were on all night.

Occasionally, there would be bursts of mechanical noises that no one could hear.

And wait until two days later.

Hank, with two dark circles under his eyes, called everyone to his laboratory with excitement.

On the table in front of him, there was a strange-looking telepathic machine that looked like the one invented by Dr. Brown in "Back to the Future".

"Everyone, what you see is the simple portable version of the brainwave enhancer 2.0. Emma, ​​as long as you wear it, your ability can be greatly enhanced."

"You once blocked Charles' mental scan. According to my calculations, your brain should be able to withstand the sudden surge in information processing and high-intensity operation."

"Please give it a try!"

Although Hank was tired, he was in a state of excitement, and his eyes were shining.

"I don't want to be rude, but this thing is really ugly, isn't it?"

The White Queen looked at the big guy with a weird shape and felt that every cell in her body was resisting.

It would be more cruel than killing her to ask her to wear such an ugly thing.

"Yeah, so can't you make this thing more beautiful? It will make Emma look like a funny clown."

The copycat cat also looked disgusted.

Hank: "..."

I worked hard for two sleepless nights to create a thing with such a function, and you only care about whether it looks good or not?

Hank felt that he was hit hard.

Rorschach couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"Emma, ​​since you can implant illusions in others, what does it matter whether this thing is ugly or not? You can weave its shape in other people's memories at will, or even make it non-existent."

"This is a very simple thing for you, isn't it?"

Rorschach thought about it and gave Emma a very constructive suggestion.

"It sounds like a good suggestion, but there is a huge loophole in this suggestion. My ability can't work on you." The White Queen spread her hands, "So you will still see my stupid look wearing this ugly thing."

"No, Emma, ​​you will be just as beautiful even if you wear it." Rorschach said to the White Queen with a sincere face.

"Do you really think I'm beautiful?" The White Queen blinked at Rorschach.

"Of course, this is obvious, right."

Rorschach must have a brain twitch at this time to pour cold water on the White Queen.

"You're so sweet, but you're just a little young."

The White Queen teased Rorschach, then picked up the "ugly" simple brainwave enhancer and put it on her forehead.

In an instant.

The White Queen's eyes widened, revealing a look of surprise and disbelief.

At that moment, she really felt that her ability had been amplified dozens or hundreds of times!

Hank didn't lie, he could really do such an incredible thing.

The White Queen couldn't help but glance at Hank, and her previous contempt and indifference to Hank disappeared instantly, replaced by a new look.

In her usual cognition, if you want to enhance the ability of mutants, you can only do it through a lot of training. She never dared to imagine that such a thing can be done artificially!

This handsome guy is a genius!

At this moment, the White Queen instantly understood why Rorschach attached so much importance to Hank.

"It's just... incredible."

After feeling the surge in strength, the White Queen couldn't help but sigh from her mouth.

At that moment, she also activated her ability, directly tampering with the memories of everyone in the room, implanting the corresponding illusions in everyone.


Everyone immediately could not see the simplified brainwave enhancer on the White Queen's head.

Except for Rorschach.

Seeing the White Queen's surprised look, Hank knew that what he made worked.

He couldn't help but smile with satisfaction on his face.

"Hank, well done!"

Rorschach patted Hank's shoulder with great approval.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect Hank to be able to do this kind of thing." Copycat also praised Hank.

Hank was a little shy.

"Then now, our plan can begin." The White Queen said expectantly on the side.


Penagon, Department of Defense.

The round table was once again full of people, many of whom had appeared during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

It was also a room full of big men.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the conference room was as depressing and dull as during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The faces of the big guys all showed unconcealed shock, anger, fear and panic.

"Two people?"

"Director Hansen, are you telling us that just two mutants penetrated the headquarters base of your Intelligence Agency?"

"You were so arrogant and walked away unscathed afterwards?"

A military boss asked in an unbelievable tone, staring at Director Hansen.

"Don't forget, it only took them sixteen minutes." Another boss added leisurely on the side.

"As frustrating as it is, yes, that's what it is."

Director Hansen said to everyone solemnly.

Then he took out a portrait and showed it to the big bosses, "To be exact, there was only one person who took action. He has a speed that no one can react to."

"It's true that the whole thing happened in sixteen minutes, but it actually only took a split second for this man to defeat dozens of our agents."

The scene exploded with an uproar.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the portrait in Director Hansen's hand.

Judging from the portrait, it is clearly still a child!

But just such a child can defeat dozens of well-trained intelligence agents in an instant!

In everyone's eyes, this person is even more dangerous than the person who controls the metal. Although the latter destroyed the beautiful country's fleet, it is actually not difficult to restrain the opponent.

Just develop non-metallic weapons. In fact, relevant departments are also doing this.

But how can that young man from the East restrain himself when he kills dozens of people in one moment?

Is there any way to overcome the speed?

"First, there were mutants who controlled metal and destroyed our fleet, and then there were mutants with fast speed who penetrated the Intelligence Agency headquarters. Everyone, the threat from mutants is greater than we imagined!"

"They are more dangerous than we thought!"

"We will never allow such a threat to exist!"

"This is a war!"

"And they have already declared war on us!"

"We must also take up arms to fight back and defend our homeland!"

The Minister of Defense concluded.

His voice sounded so sonorous and powerful that it was undeniable.

All the big guys present also nodded in agreement.

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