Outside the Hexagon.

"Is this the Hexagon?"

The White Queen looked up at the majestic Hexagon, which symbolizes the highest power center of the United States and is also one of the iconic buildings of the United States, and couldn't help shrugging.

"Xiao once fantasized that after destroying humans, he would use this place as the headquarters of our club."

Looking back, the White Queen remembered Xiao's bold words in the past and sighed.

"This place is the headquarters? Then what about the White Palace?"

Copycat couldn't help but ask curiously.

The most representative and symbolic thing in the United States is the White Palace, no matter how you look at it, right?

"That's our home."

Rorschach: "..."

Raven: "..."

Copycat: "..."

Everyone was really stimulated by Xiao. Lao Tie is really capable of thinking. Is he a daydreamer?

"What a great ambition!"

Even Rorschach couldn't help but silently give Lao Tie a thumbs up. Lao Tie is indeed a man with great ambitions.

"But now... the one who invaded here is not Xiao, but you, Xiao's former enemy." The White Queen sighed, "It's really unpredictable."

The person who once opposed Xiao so much did what Xiao wanted to do but didn't have time to do. It can only be said that fate is so wonderful.

"Emma, ​​if possible, I hope to change the word "invasion"."

Raven said seriously on the side, "You say that, it seems that we are like the villains in the movie."

"Raven, we are!" Copycat spread his hands, "We are even more excessive than those villains!"

Although what everyone is going to do next is very exciting, very dangerous, and even crazy, everyone is calm.

No one expressed any concern about this.

Because they can really do it.

While the girls around him were chatting and joking very comfortably, Rorschach opened his super vision and super hearing, and observed the situation in the conference room at once.

Everyone was doing something, saying something, and nothing escaped Rorschach's ears.

It's a pity that the president of the United States is not here.

Rorschach felt a little regretful, but there were enough big guys in the conference room.

"Okay, ladies, cheer up, we are going to work!"

Rorschach clapped his hands and greeted the three girls around him.

"Really, even now, I still think this thing is very ugly."

The White Queen looked disgusted, took out the simple version of the brain wave enhancer from the car behind her, and put it on her forehead.

In an instant.

People within a radius of five kilometers were basically sensed by the White Queen.

She also activated her ability in an instant and implanted an illusion for all the people around her.

An illusion that the four of them did not exist at all.


The four of them walked into the Hexagon Building so swaggeringly, like taking a walk, and came to the outside of the conference room where the big guys were discussing.

In fact, there are several special agents guarding this corridor, but under the control of the White Queen's ability, they can't see or hear anything.

As if he had become deaf and dumb.

"Raven, Vanessa, I'll leave the outside to you two."

Rorschach said directly to Raven and Copycat as if he didn't see those "tools".

"Don't worry, Rorschach!"

"Leave it to us!"

Raven and Vanessa responded one after another, and then each of them changed into the appearance of two agents stationed in the Hexagon with a thought.

Although the White Queen used her ability to erase the figures of Rorschach and others from the eyes of everyone in the Hexagon, theoretically there was no possibility of being discovered, but in order to be safe, it was necessary to have someone to support them outside.

To deal with some emergencies that might happen.

This is also the reason why Rorschach took Raven and Copycat to act together.

In fact, Rorschach and the White Queen were enough for this operation.


Then Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, and directly pushed the door of the conference room open in a domineering manner.

At the moment the door was opened, the sonorous voice of the Minister of Defense could be said to be overwhelming.

"Mutants must be eliminated!"

"Especially this guy..."


The voice of the Minister of Defense was cut off as if by a knife.

In his hand, he still held the portrait of Rorschach, and poked Rorschach's forehead with his finger, emphasizing something to the bigwigs.

But his words were interrupted by Rorschach.

At this moment, he turned his head with a look of astonishment and shock, looking at the two uninvited guests who suddenly broke into the conference room.

Swish, swish, swish!

With the astonished face of the Minister of Defense, one after another surprised eyes in the conference room were all on Rorschach and the White Queen.

Everyone's face was full of astonishment and suspicion.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Guard! Guard!"

The Minister of Defense frowned immediately, and then shouted at the top of his voice.

After just a few calls, the garrison agent, who usually reacts quickly and can be said to be "on call", was completely silent.

No one came at all.

The Minister of Defense felt something was very wrong, and a very bad feeling rose in his heart.

"Minister, it seems... it's him!"

A voice sounded.

It was a big man standing next to the Minister of Defense, who pointed at the portrait in the Minister's hand and swallowed hard.

Before, everyone felt that Rorschach looked familiar, but for a while, they could not think that the person they were discussing would suddenly appear in front of them.

But at this moment, when someone reminded them, everyone suddenly realized it.

Isn't it, isn't this the person in the portrait?

After realizing this, everyone turned their questioning and suspicious eyes to Director Hansen one by one.

But Director Hansen was staring at Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him, his face slightly twisted, and his expression was extremely complex: shock, anger, disbelief, fear.

And so on.

Feeling that everyone was looking at him, Director Hansen nodded and gave everyone feedback: "It's him!"

It's really him!

The whole conference room was in an uproar.

Even the big guys who were usually high and steady couldn't keep calm at this moment.

The culprit who had just penetrated the intelligence agency headquarters actually came to the door on his own initiative!

What a courage!

He didn't take them seriously at all!

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