American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 111 Rorschach to the top officials of the United States: Many people will die today!


Under the gazes of all the senior leaders of the Beautiful Country, Luo Xia looked calm and showed no signs of panic. He just spread his hands and said, "It seems that there is no need for me to introduce myself, right?"

"For some people who are about to die, there is indeed no need for this." The White Queen added leisurely beside Luo Xia.

"Emma..." Luo Xia showed a helpless smile to the White Queen, "You know that's not what I meant, but..."

At this point, Luo Xia's voice paused, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "You are right, a lot of people will die here today."

Such bloody words were spoken by the two of them in a jovial tone.

Still in front of so many big guys, it seems like all these big guys are nothing.

It's like it doesn't exist at all.


Too arrogant!

All the bosses were angered by the arrogant attitude of Rorschach and the White Queen.

What is this place?

Who is sitting here again?

These two mutants are truly lawless!


An angry military boss immediately slammed the table, pointed at Luo Xia and the White Queen, and yelled angrily: "Who gave you the courage to let you guys dare to come here and be arrogant? Do you know what you are doing? "


Before the military boss finished speaking, he suddenly felt his eyes blur, and a huge air flow instantly surged into his throat.

It almost choked him.

Not only him, but the other big guys at the round table also felt a shadow flash past, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the apparently airtight room.


The documents on the table were blown up by the wind, and the clothes and hair of the big bosses were all blown up by the wind.

It made them stagger around.

And when they finally came to their senses, all of them showed extremely angry expressions.

Because at this moment, the military boss who had previously scolded Luo Xia was actually lifted up by Luo Xia with his hands around his neck!

"Uh huh..."

The military boss's neck was held and he couldn't breathe at all. His face turned red and all the blood vessels protruded.

His legs and feet were struggling feebly, like a little sheep trying to escape from the clutches of a big bad wolf.

How could I.

The big bad wolf's claws were so powerful that no matter how hard the little sheep struggled, it couldn't break free.

"You seem to have mistaken your position."

Rorschach just pinched the military boss with one hand and glanced at the faces of all the bosses. "You are all high-ranking existences in human society. You are all figures at the top of the pyramid. Everyone is here." You all have to be trembling in front of you. You can boss anyone around, but in front of me..."

When Rorschach said this, he stretched out another finger and shook it twice, "You are all ants, so now, who else needs me to help him understand his position?"


The entire conference room was quiet.

Everyone was dumbfounded by Rorschach's excitement. Their eyes widened and they stared in disbelief at the military boss who was struggling in Rorschach's hands.

How dare!

How dare this guy!

That's a general!

Even if the big bosses had just learned that Rorschach had penetrated the Intelligence Agency base alone, they still found it unacceptable when they saw this scene with their own eyes.

This kind of lawless behavior is really beyond the usual understanding of the big guys.

"Are you threatening us?"

After a few seconds of dead silence, the Minister of Defense stared at Rorschach and shouted in a deep voice.


Luo Xia didn't even think about it, and just spit out a sonorous and powerful word from his mouth.

Damn it!

The Minister of Defense held back his breath on the spot, almost exploding himself.

He was so angry that his whole body couldn't help but start to tremble.

The other big guys almost bit off their tongues and were so stimulated that their hearts almost exploded.

They have seen arrogant people, but they have never seen anyone so arrogant.

"God, let go of General Smith quickly, you will kill him!"

Another boss from the Department of Homeland Security rolled his eyes wildly when he saw that General Smith was letting out more air than taking in Rorschach's hands, so he couldn't help shouting at Rorschach.

But Rorschach seemed not to hear it and was not moved at all.

"It's ridiculous. Our beautiful country never compromises with terrorists! If you think you can coerce us in this way, you've made the wrong idea!"

The Minister of Defense let out a cold snort and spoke to Rorschach in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

Looking at the other big guys, even though there are some who are nervous, panicked, or angry, there are really not many who are really scared by Rorschach.

This is understandable. After all, there are not many simple people sitting in this position.


Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense to these people, but just looked at the White Queen aside.

But the White Queen nodded.


Luo Xia smiled, and the smile seemed a bit sinister, a bit harsh and ruthless to the big bosses, which made their hearts skip a beat.

I had a bad feeling.

"Mr. Minister, thank you for your contribution to our beautiful country."


After saying this, Rorschach directly shot out two heat rays with his eyes, hitting the Minister of Defense.

The Minister of Defense was immediately knocked over by the huge power of the heat ray, hit the wall behind him hard, and then fell to the ground again.

Then he became motionless.

Because there are already two big holes dripping with blood on the chest of the Minister of Defense!

The front of the chest shows through to the back, and there is a cross-piercing tattoo!

Dead as hell.

"Your Excellency, Minister!"

"Your Excellency, Minister!"

"Your Excellency, Minister, no!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the conference room.

People nearby rushed over to check on the Minister of Defense, and then they were all dumbfounded.

It was like five thunders striking the top.

Dare not accept it.

Secretary of Defense, dead.

All the big guys trembled one by one, and finally there was a hint of fear in their eyes when they looked at Luo Xia.

This man is a lunatic, he really dares to kill people.

"Crazy! You crazy!"

But some people were so angry that their eyes were red. A member of Congress pointed his finger at Rorschach with red eyes, and roared tremblingly, "You are a complete devil!"

"Devil? Haha, it's really ridiculous."

When Luo Xia heard this, he shook his head and sneered, "Half a month ago, my brothers and sisters risked their lives to save your fleet and this country, but in this room, you decided To kill them!"

"Kill someone who has done nothing wrong and saved this country! Do you still have the nerve to call me a devil? What a double-standard dog."


After the angry voice, Luo Xia swayed, came to the opponent in the blink of an eye, and fucked him with a big mouth.

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