American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 112: Blood flows like a river, killing the bigwigs in the Hexagon in fear



The congressman's body seemed to have been hit by a boulder, and he flew straight into the air.

It flew several meters away before hitting the wall heavily.

Then it hit the ground.

Rorschach did not kill the congressman, but he was slapped by Rorschach until his bones almost fell apart, and he seemed to be dead.

He just curled up on the ground, not even having the strength to get up.

His eyes were fixed on Rorschach, filled with endless fear at this moment, and he no longer dared to say any more nonsense.

"So, this is your purpose today? Revenge?"

Director Hansen's voice sounded. He was worthy of being the head of the Intelligence Bureau. He could still remain completely calm at this time.

"I'm just asking for justice for us mutants."

Rorschach faced Director Hansen with a serious face and also said to the big bosses present, "In that meeting half a month ago, you finally made the decision to kill innocent mutants, but Not everyone supports this decision.”

"For those people, you should thank yourself, thank yourself for being fair, and thank yourself for being lucky."

"Those who voted against it are alive today, but those who voted for it, that's what happened to the secretary of defense."

"Murderers, people always kill people. When those executioners decide to kill our compatriots, they must have the consciousness to be killed by us!"

Luo Xia's words caused an uproar in the office, like a bombshell, which shocked all the big bosses.

A lot of people will die!

There were indeed people at the meeting who objected to killing those mutants, but after all, they were only a minority.

The vast majority of people, almost 70% of them, unanimously decided to kill the mutants.

At that time, almost 50% of the people were in this office, almost more than 20 people.

All of them are big bosses from various departments and core positions in the beautiful country, and they hold the lifeblood functions of the beautiful country!

If all those twenty people are killed by Rorschach, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the beautiful country and will plunge the country into complete turmoil!

The world is in chaos!

It is no exaggeration to describe it in these four words.

"Son, I admit that there were some inappropriate decisions in the decision at that time. We have heard your voice now. I will give feedback to the president and the Senate."

"Stop before things reach the point of no return. If you continue like this, you will make a big mistake!"

Another boss from the National Situation Department looked at Rorschach and begged in an almost pleading voice.

"What a joke. The most untrustworthy people in the world are you people." Rorschach sneered.

Then there was no more nonsense. He just turned around and said to the White Queen, "Emma, ​​find everyone."

The White Queen nodded, activated her ability, and read the memories of all the big guys present.

Who supported the killing of mutants at that time was immediately clear.


The White Queen casually stretched out her hand and pointed at a boss from the Department of Homeland Security.


The big man's expression immediately changed, and he couldn't help but swallow hard.

And when he saw Rorschach's eyes glancing at him, his heart suddenly jumped out of his chest.

"Please wait..."


Rorschach didn't even give the big guy time to speak. Two heat rays shot directly over, knocking the big guy to the ground.


The boss of the Department of Homeland Security fell to the ground so weakly and went to see his dear minister.


The White Queen continued to point to another person.






One big boss after another fell down one after another, and the pungent smell of blood filled the entire scene.

The remaining big guys were all pale, trembling, and sweating profusely.

No one can stay calm anymore.

They felt like animals waiting to be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse, and they could only watch helplessly as their companions were mercilessly slaughtered.

And that will be the fate they are about to encounter.

The pressure of watching the god of death keep coming toward them made everyone's mental defenses almost collapse.

Even those big bosses who were lucky enough to vote against it or who did not participate in the meeting were all breached.

At this moment, in their eyes, Rorschach was like a god of death crawling out of hell, mercilessly harvesting the lives of their companions.

And they are completely powerless to stop this!




A big boss finally couldn't bear it anymore and cried out almost like crying, "Stop it quickly, don't kill anymore, we can remedy this! If you have any demands, you can ask for them, and I will do my best to help you achieve them." , I swear to God! Just please, don’t kill anyone again.”


Before he finished speaking, Rorschach had already used the speed of sound to rush to the big boss and said to him coldly and ruthlessly: "Don't disturb me while I'm working."


A man with a big mouth went over and knocked the big guy to the ground.

"Emma, ​​continue."

Shaking his hands, as if he had done something insignificant, Rorschach continued to speak to the White Queen.

"You lunatic!"

The director of the Bureau of Investigation stood up, with a stern face, "Kill me! Do it! I don't regret the decision at that time. Even if it happens again, I will still make the same choice! Lunatics like you should not exist in this world."

"Oh, finally a tough guy has come."

Rorschach glanced at the director of the Bureau of Investigation with a sneer on his face, his expression was light, "You should be glad that I don't torture people."


The director of the Bureau of Investigation's head exploded directly.


His headless body fell to the ground.

"Emma, ​​continue."





One after another, the big guys were ruthlessly harvested by Rorschach and became the dead souls under Rorschach's heat rays.

The blood of the bosses had already dyed the ground red, and the bloody smell was so strong that it made people want to vomit.

The remaining bosses all huddled together, trembling and terrified.

The elegance, superiority, and brilliance they usually showed in front of others disappeared.

They were all frightened by Rorschach's killing.



"Well, this is the last one."

Finally, with the words of the White Queen, Rorschach's extremely fiery eyes slowly faded away.

The remaining bosses, one by one, felt like they had survived a disaster.

They all felt exhausted.

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