American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 113 The collapse of the bosses: Killing a group of people is just a prelude?

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, after seeing off those who should leave, let's get down to business."

Rorschach's voice sounded again, and he clapped his hands as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

He spoke lightly to the surviving bosses.


All the big guys collapsed one by one.

Together with you, killing more than 20 big bosses in one breath is actually not a serious matter!

Just a prelude?

Is there any mistake?

Even the prelude is so bloody and violent, what level does the main course have to be?

The big guys didn't dare to think about it, and some even couldn't help but almost cried.

"I have said before that I am here this time to seek justice for us mutants!"

"And this is still the last step!"

Rorschach ignored the feelings of the big bosses and said directly to them, "You distorted the facts at the press conference, causing us mutants to suffer the prejudice of the world, and making my brothers and sisters Carrying charges that do not belong to them.”

"What I ask for now is fairness and justice!"

"I will not deny or deny what we mutants have done, but the crimes you have committed cannot be blamed on us."

"Tell your president that I only give him one day and I want him to tell the world the truth, the fair and just truth."

"Otherwise, what happened today is just the beginning. I will kill all the core leaders of the beautiful country!"

"You have witnessed my power with your own eyes and what I can do. The weapons and troops you are so proud of are useless in front of me."

"I hope you make the right choice."

"Emma, ​​let's go."

After saying these words to the big bosses, Luo Xia greeted the White Queen beside him and left in a swaggering manner.

The big bosses all stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They could only watch the two executioners leave, but they could do nothing.

Even when Rorschach and the White Queen completely disappeared into the hall, each of them felt as if they had received an amnesty and breathed a long sigh of relief.

It was only then that they felt that their whole bodies were wet with cold sweat, and they seemed to be exhausted.

He didn't even have the strength to stand. His body went limp and he collapsed directly on the chair.

That devil is finally gone!

It wasn't until Rorschach showed up for a long time that a few big guys finally dared to open the door cautiously and go to check the situation.

But they found that everything was normal outside, and Rorschach and the White Queen had completely disappeared.

As for their agents originally stationed outside, they were standing perfectly still!

what's the situation!

What the hell, something so big happened inside, and these little bears are still acting like normal people?

"Your Excellency, Congressman, Your Excellency, General, what can I do?"

An agent saw the two big guys coming out looking wrong, so he immediately walked up to them and asked respectfully.

The congressman and the general couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw a hint of horror in each other's eyes.

Could it be that such a big thing happened inside, and people outside didn’t know anything?

No way?

No way?

"You didn't notice anything?"

The general stared at the agent and asked with his eyes widened and a slightly trembling voice.

"What did you notice? General, what happened?" The agent looked confused.

"Didn't you see the two people who came in before?"

The congressman also asked in an incredulous tone.

"Two people came in? Congressman, I didn't see anyone go in." The agent said with a very certain tone.

"you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure!"


The congressman and the general felt that their brains had exploded, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

The fear and fear of Rorschach suddenly rose to several floors.

Such a big thing happened in the conference room, more than twenty big guys died!

The agent standing guard in front of them, separated by a door, found nothing!

Could it be that everything that just happened was an illusion?

But the corpses lying on the floor in the conference room slapped them hard in the face!

When I returned to the conference room and told the other big guys what had just happened, the other big guys had the same reaction. They all gasped and their whole bodies began to tremble.

Coming and going without a trace, how did those two mutants do it?

They couldn't even be sure whether the two mutants left or not!

For a time, all the big guys became more and more worried.

But this was because these people were overly worried - there was nothing they could do, it was Rorschach who had frightened them completely - Rorschach had already left the Hexagonal Building with three girls.

"Rorschach, do you think they will do what you ask?"

Raven raised her head and glanced at the Hexagon Building behind her, then withdrew her gaze and asked Rorschach.

After all, doing this is equivalent to the president slapping himself in the face. To put it bluntly, it will make the entire United States an international joke.

To be honest, Rorschach's request is a bit too much to ask.

"I think they will."

The White Queen is very optimistic about this. "It's a pity that you were not there at the time. You didn't see how those people who were usually high and mighty were scared. It turns out that they are all the same as those ordinary people."

"If they are not fools, I think they have no choice." Copycat is also very optimistic about this.

"Rorschach quietly invaded such an important place as the Pentagon today and killed more than 20 senior officials."

"They should know that Rorschach's threat is definitely not alarmist. Rorschach has such strength and the courage to do so!"


Before the "real business" started, more than 20 people were killed in one breath. If this is not enough to make those people understand Rorschach's firm position, then Rorschach will have to do it again to let those guys wake up.

But to be honest, Rorschach actually thinks that this kind of thing is unlikely.

Even if we put aside the opinions of the White Queen imitating the cat, Rorschach seems to remember that the guy who loves to laugh is actually a mutant.

Although the guy didn't say anything good for mutants at the last press conference.

But Rorschach can understand this kind of thing to a certain extent.

I'm afraid that under the circumstances at that time, it was no longer up to the guy to say what he said.

It's really unreasonable and suspicious to forcibly whitewash mutants. That's not what a seasoned politician would do.

There was a mistake in the last chapter. Director Hansen was against killing mutants at first, but I forgot about it and was shot in the head by the protagonist. It has been corrected now. The one who was shot in the head was the director of the Bureau of Investigation. Director Hansen is fine. Brothers who have seen it don't need to go back and watch it. It just changed the name.

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