American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 114 The White Palace is scared: He alone can destroy a country! (Two chapters in one)

"Do you want me to tell the truth?"

The White Queen's voice sounded, and she looked at several people with stern eyes and said, "I would rather they didn't know how to appreciate others. In this case, something as enjoyable as today can be done again."

"You and Xiao Ke are a perfect match."

The imitating cat couldn't help but exclaimed.

The White Queen is indeed a madman with an abnormal mind.

Only a man like Rorschach can surrender.

"Let's go, everything will be revealed soon anyway!"

Luo Xia waved his hand and greeted several people.

Everyone didn't say any more nonsense, got into the car one after another, and drove away.

"Rorschach, Raven, how are you? Are things going well?"

As soon as he returned to the villa, Hank came over with expectation, looked directly at Rorschach and asked.

Regarding the fate of mutants, Hank is also very concerned about this matter.

"I don't know. Let's pay more attention to the news tomorrow." Rorschach shrugged and told the truth.

Although he was as optimistic about this as the White Queen, everything was just his own guess after all, nothing more.

Rorschach would not make any judgments about things that he was not sure about.

"Hank, your stuff is very useful." The White Queen came over with a simple version of the brainwave enhancer in her hand, stroking it gently, "Rorschach is right, I really can't bear to kill you."

"Emma, ​​isn't this kind of joke a bit too scary?" Raven said speechlessly on the side.

After everyone greeted each other, they went back to their respective rooms.

At this time, Serena came to Rorschach.

"Supreme, my people have sent news that among the people that the Supreme is paying attention to, we have found Logan."

Serena reported to Rorschach respectfully.

"Logan? What about the others? Where's William Stryker?"

Rorschach looked at the other party casually and asked.

"I'm sorry, Supreme. We sent a large number of manpower to search for William Stryker, but we never found where the others were."

Serena said to Rorschach with a hint of apology.

Rorschach waved his hand and did not take this kind of thing to heart. William Stryker was also a military boss after all, so it was not surprising that he could not be found in a short time.

What's more, the other party may be hiding in the secret base on the island, which will be even more difficult to find.

In any case, finding Wolverine Logan can be considered a gain.

"What's going on with Logan now? Is his wife dead?"

Rorschach thought for a while and asked Serena such a question.

Wolverine's wife faked her death, which was the turning point for Wolverine to fall into Stryker's trap.

Although Rorschach is not sure whether this plot will change due to his intervention, he always needs to confirm.

"Supreme, how do you know?"

Serena's face showed a hint of surprise.

It seems that in addition to their powers, the Supreme One must also have some other secret powers in his hands.

"According to our investigation, Wolverine's wife was killed a month ago. Wolverine left his hometown in anger and embarked on the road to avenge his wife."

Serena said to Rorschach.

Rorschach knew it well.

In the original work, the death of Wolverine's wife was actually a trap set up by Sabretooth Tiger and his wife, but now that Sabretooth Tiger has been killed by Rorschach, it turns out that Stryker still used the same method and strategy.

Thinking again that Wolverine's wife had been dead for a month, Rorschach almost screamed.

Wolverine won't take over Stryker's base first, right?

"What is Wolverine doing now?"

Rorschach asked as she continued to stare at Serena.

"Seems like she's looking for someone." Serena thought for a while and answered Rorschach.

Rorschach breathed a sigh of relief.

If nothing unexpected happens, Wolverine should be looking for his old teammates to try to find a way to find Stryker.

Then he will find Gambit, and then work with Gambit to attack the mutant base.

"The others continue to search, and keep an eye on Wolverine." Rorschach ordered Serena.

"I understand, Your Majesty."

Serena responded, but did not retreat immediately. She continued to report to Rorschach, "Supreme, Klein seems to have something to do with you. He came here in the morning, but you were not here. Do you need me to notify him now?"


Luo Xia felt a little surprised. Isn't that the chief steward of their tribe? It seems that something is wrong.

"Did Klein say something?" Rorschach asked, looking at Serena.

"No." Serena shook her head.

In fact, he asked Klein about this matter, but Klein ignored Serena at all.

Serena often doesn't take Klein seriously, and even often contradicts Serena in public.

In addition, Klein still had some interest in Serena, but was repeatedly ignored by the other party. Now that Serena has fallen into the arms of others in the blink of an eye, it is strange that Klein can have a good look towards her.

"Call him over."

Anyway, he was free now. Rorschach pondered for a moment and nodded to Serena.

Serena immediately went to make arrangements.

Almost thirty minutes later, Klein, wearing a black windbreaker, arrived in front of Rorschach.


Although he was not too happy with this airborne Supreme, Klein still knew the importance of it.

He did not show anything on the surface, and greeted Rorschach respectfully.

"Sit down, Selina said you came to see me?" Rorschach gestured with his hand, asking Klein to sit down opposite him.

"Thank you, Supreme."

Klein sat down in front of Rorschach, and then took out some documents from his bag, "These documents need your signature, Supreme."

Rorschach took them and looked at them. They turned out to be the ownership documents of the castle selected by Hank, as well as some other properties that Rorschach did not request.

As long as Rorschach signed, legally speaking, those things would all belong to Rorschach.

It seems that this tribe used them specifically to honor themselves.

Rorschach was not polite, picked up the pen, and signed his name.

From this moment on, he was also a super rich man.

At least on the surface, Rorschach is no worse than Charles now, but this is something Rorschach did not expect.

"Supreme, Elder Emilia intends to wake up the other two elders in the near future to formally confirm the ownership of our Zun group. What do you think?"

Klein asked Rorschach for his opinion again.

Although Emilia has sworn allegiance to Rorschach, she cannot represent the entire Zun group, and even the status of the other two elders is higher than Emilia.

So before getting the recognition of the other two elders, Rorschach's status as the Supreme is a bit unjustified.


Rorschach agreed without much hesitation.


White Palace.

Central Conference Room.

Looking around, the room is densely packed with people.

The "survivors" of the Hexagon are also among them, but each of them looks unhappy.

Especially when they feel the sidelong glances of the other big guys, these big guys feel uncomfortable all over, as if sitting on pins and needles.

Looking at all the participants present, their expressions were basically the same as his.

The central conference room seemed to have turned into a chrysanthemum garden.

The atmosphere was so heavy and depressing.

It was as if a big stone was placed on everyone's chest, and even breathing became very difficult.

"That man killed 26 high-level officials of our United States in succession, and it took 23 minutes in total!"

"In such a long time, except for you, there were thousands of people in the entire Pentagon, and no one else noticed their existence?"

"Even the agents guarding the door didn't know what was going on until they killed people and left?"

"How is it possible!"

"How is this possible!"

After a long time, the unbelievable and shocked voice rang throughout the venue.

Yes, he is indeed a mutant, but even so, he can't imagine how such an incredible thing can be done.

Even for mutants, this kind of thing is too incredible.

Someone broke into the Pentagon meeting room and carried out a killing spree for 20 minutes, but no one except the victim was alarmed!

Is this not an international joke?

Are all the people in the Pentagon blind?

"Although this is indeed unbelievable, the investigation team conducted a preliminary investigation of all the people in the Pentagon, and the results showed that they did not notice anything unusual."

"None of them, not even one person, saw the existence of the two mutants."

"Also, no one, not even one person, heard any wrong sound."

"It's as if the horrific tragedy that happened in the Pentagon never happened at all!"

But then, the head of the joint investigation team led by the bigwigs of the Ministry of Defense opened his mouth and said this to everyone.

The atmosphere on the scene became even more depressing.

Coupled with the descriptions of Director Hansen and other parties who swore solemnly, there was basically no doubt about this matter.

"According to intelligence, one of the two mutants who invaded the Hexagon was a prisoner kidnapped from the Intelligence Bureau."

"Director Hansen, please tell everyone about the situation."

The head of the investigation team looked at Director Hansen at this time and said to Director Hansen seriously.

"There were two mutants who invaded the Hexagon at that time. One of them was the mutant prisoner who was previously detained in the Intelligence Bureau, the White Queen."

"This is a mutant with telepathic abilities. I speculate that the reason why everyone in the Hexagon could not detect their existence should be that the White Queen interfered with everyone's brain."

So it interfered with everyone's brain?

The big guys suddenly realized why the two invaders became "invisible people".

It's just that the White Queen can actually interfere with the brains of everyone in the entire Hexagon. Isn't this ability too strong?

"The other mutant is the one who invaded the Intelligence Agency and kidnapped the White Queen."

"We don't know much about this mutant, but he has super speed and can knock down dozens of well-trained special agents in one second."

"He is very fast, so fast that it is beyond the reach of human eyes."

"In addition, he can shoot lasers out of his eyes, which can easily cut through a 20-centimeter thick steel plate."

"This is an extremely dangerous person."


The big guys subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

With a speed that cannot be captured by the human eye, and the ability to shoot lasers that can easily cut through a 20-centimeter thick steel plate, this person is indeed too dangerous.

This means that the weapons invented by human society are basically completely ineffective against this person.

Add to that a combination that can interfere with the human brain...

Do humans really have the means to deal with them?

Everyone felt a sense of despair.

"Since they can quietly sneak into the Pentagon and kill so many high-ranking officials, they can also quietly sneak into any place and kill anyone he wants to kill!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, the lives of all of us here will be in the hands of such an executioner!"

"With that person here, no one is safe."

"His last threat to us is not alarmist, he can really do it!"

In the dull scene, another big man spoke in a deep voice.

A few big rocks were pressed on the chests of the big men again.

That's right, Rorschach's last threat was not alarmist, this is the crux of the problem!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think what happened is now clear to everyone, and everyone knows what they want."

"So let's talk about it now, what should we do?"

He knocked on the table with his hand, glanced at everyone, and asked in a deep voice.

"Our beautiful country will never compromise with any terrorists, even this time!"

A hard-line big man immediately spoke in a sonorous and powerful voice.

"What if they really kill all the top leaders of the United States? Can you bear this responsibility?"

"Although I don't want to boost others' ambitions and destroy my own prestige, that person really has the power to subvert a country!"

"Our fleet has sunk in Cuba, and we have just lost so many core members. If this happens again, our country will really be finished!"

But the words of another big boss made the hard-line big boss speechless.

Because although this is unpleasant to hear, it is the truth!

The two mutants do have the power to kill all the top leaders of the United States!

And if this really happens, the United States will really be finished.

Not only that hard-line big boss, but also the other hard-line big bosses present were speechless.

Because no one dares to joke about the fate of the United States.

"But how do we know that even if we do what he asks, he will keep his promise? What if he still attacks our top leaders at that time?"

Another big boss spoke up and expressed such concerns.

"When invading the Intelligence Agency, that person didn't kill anyone."

"The same is true for invading the Pentagon this time. He only killed those who decided to kill the mutants."

"With their strength, they could kill everyone, but they didn't do that."

"And their request was just for us to report truthfully."

"So I think that person is just as fair and just as he claims."

After a moment of silence, Director Hansen gave his analysis.

In short, although the other party has extremely terrible power, he didn't kill anyone who shouldn't be killed.

That's not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

"Mr. General T, what's your opinion?"

"Everyone, it seems that we have no choice at the moment."

The big guys naturally knew what this sentence meant and what it represented. They all showed angry and unwilling expressions.

But in the end, no one said much.

They really didn't have any other choice.

I'm too lazy to divide it, so I'll post it together. Finally, please subscribe, please subscribe to all, brothers!

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