American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 115: Beautiful Guo, surrendered and bowed her head!

November 22.

Another press conference was held to add new supplements and explanations to the Cuban missile incident.

In the last speech, they made a one-sided and guiding speech due to certain political considerations.

Thus, they guided the public opinion, incited the public emotions, and made the general public have a false perception of mutants.

It can be called a biased perception.

But after the speech, seeing that the majority of mutants fell into dire straits because of their guidance at the beginning, they were condemned by their conscience.

So after careful consideration, they decided to have the courage to admit their mistakes and disclose the truth of the matter to the general public.

"In fact, it was the intervention of those mutants that prevented the missile crisis from breaking out."

"Yes, the world did not fall into a nuclear war, and World War III did not break out. We should all thank those mutants!"

"But at that time, we were frightened by the great power displayed by the mutants. It was a terrible power that we had never seen before and was beyond our cognition."

"That was a power that the weapons we relied on could not deal with. Our fleets, our planes, and our tanks would all be useless in the face of that power."

"So we were afraid."

"We are afraid of this group that holds terrible power!"

"The Great Bear Country is the same as us, they are also afraid!"


This speech was presented to every citizen of the United States through the broadcast of major satellite TV news.

At this moment, almost everyone in the United States put down their work at hand, sat around the TV, and stared at the small screen with their eyes fixed.

Almost everyone was stunned and could not believe their ears at all.

"Nonsense, it must be nonsense!"

I don't know how many people can't accept this fact at all, pointing at the TV screen and cursing.

This is too fucked up.

It is precisely because of the relevant remarks made by the White Palace some time ago that the mutant group has become the target of everyone's criticism and the outlet for the public's anger.

Everyone is suppressing mutants severely, and many people ruthlessly abuse and beat mutants after discovering them.

The police also arrested mutants as soon as they saw them, and shot them directly if they dared to resist.

It can be said that mutants have become a group with a lower status than Nigo.

As a result, everyone vented for so long, but turned around and told them that mutants were not wrong, they played politics and distorted the facts?

In the end, they were just fools played by the government?

This is fucking!

No one can accept this fact.

"So, this is the truth of the matter?"

"What a mess! Elder Sun is really a mess!"

"A bunch of idiots who grew up eating shit! Mutants should have been our powerful allies, but now they have been driven to the opposite side!"

There are also many people who scolded the government for its incompetence.

A powerful group that can easily destroy the fleet, if they can grasp it, what else can the Big Bear Country use to compete with the United States?

Is there any doubt that the United States will surpass the Big Bear Country and become the world's first power?

What an idiot government, playing a good hand of cards badly.


"Professor! Look!"

In the Xavier Manor, Charles, Siren, Destroyer and Darwin, like all other citizens of the United States, crowded in front of the TV, staring at the small screen.

Several people were excited, and some even had flushed faces. Siren couldn't help but shout to Charles excitedly.

Mutants have become like rats crossing the street recently, which makes Charles very sad.

There was even more resentment and blame towards Rorschach and Eric.

If it weren't for the reckless actions of those two people, how could the mutants fall into such a situation.

Charles was worried and racked his brains to do something for the mutants to change the current situation of the mutants.

However, there was nothing he could do.

There was no solution to the current situation in the short term.

But Charles could never have thought that after just a few days, the rhetoric would change!

The fishing reel was twisted and began to turn in a direction that was beneficial to the mutants!

But why did the rhetoric change suddenly?

This puzzled Charles because he couldn't figure out the logic of doing so.

Charles didn't believe a word of what the other party said about the condemnation of conscience.

When did those guys have a conscience.

Charles fell into deep thought.

But even though he couldn't figure out what was going on, it was a good thing anyway, and Charles was still very excited about it.

“Eric, come and see, public opinion has changed!”

In another secret base, Eric and his men were also excited.

They were happy that their compatriots had finally been treated fairly and justly.

But they also had the same question, why did they suddenly change their words?

This makes no sense!

Could it be that someone did something to change their mind?

If there really is such a person, who would that person be?

"So... our two countries have reached a unanimous decision to use the missiles on the fleet to eliminate all mutants!"

"But we didn't expect that the mutants would launch a powerful counterattack against us!"

"They sank our fleet!"

"What happened in Cuba was a complete tragedy, a tragedy based on misunderstanding and impulse."

"And we are the initiators of this tragedy!"

"We owe the whole world the truth, and we also owe the mutants justice!"

Under the gaze of the whole United States, and even the whole world, the speech came to an end.

After the speech, the whole world seemed to be hit by a nuclear bomb, and a super earthquake of no less than magnitude 8 was set off.

The United States actually admitted its mistakes?

How could such a thing happen!

Even if the sun came out from the west, such a thing would never happen!

But the fact is that this incredible thing really happened!

Everyone was in a huge shock, and no one could remain calm.

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