American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 116 Rorschach lets the pretty boy slap himself in the face

"The speech of the smiling boy can be said to have stunned the whole world."

"In just a few days, as the president of the United States, he made two contradictory statements."

"These inconsistent speeches have made the Cuban missile incident even more mysterious. Everyone is eager to know what happened at that time."


Inside the luxurious villa.

Rorschach, Hank, and three girls including Raven, all sat in the living room, watching the news reports on the TV screen in front of them, and they were all in a good mood.

"Rorschach, you did it, you really did it!"

Hank pushed his glasses, his face looked red, and it was really hard to hide the excitement in his heart.

He said to Rorschach with excitement and admiration.

When Rorschach said he wanted to seek justice for mutants, Hank was skeptical about it.

After all, mutants have been smeared and stinky in the eyes of the people. How can they seek justice?

Unless the United States slaps itself in the face and takes back what it said before!

But is this possible?

It is impossible at all!

However, Rorschach did just that. He successfully made the United States slap itself in the face.

Hank is now completely convinced of Rorschach.

He is glad that he chose to follow Rorschach.

"Yes, Hank, Rorschach did it!" Raven also laughed happily, "I knew this from the beginning!"

Rorschach did not disappoint Raven. He is always the most powerful mutant in Raven's eyes.

"The United States knows how to show respect!"

The White Queen couldn't help but snorted softly, "If they don't know how to show respect, I don't mind accompanying Rorschach again... In fact, I am very much looking forward to it."

"Well, Emma, ​​I'm sorry to disappoint you." Copycat couldn't help but laugh.

Sure enough, the United States made the wisest choice!

Rorschach's eyes were calm, and he was not too surprised by the action of the laughing boy.

Because the Pretty Country really had no choice.

He could join hands with the White Queen to slaughter anyone in the Pretty Country without alerting anyone, but the Pretty Country had no way to deal with them!

Not to mention dealing with them, the Pretty Country couldn't even find them!

In this case, what should the Pretty Country do?

Not to mention that the laughing boy himself was actually a mutant.

"But Rorschach, even if the laughing boy changed his previous words, the situation of the majority of mutants has not changed much."

"Now the people feel deceived, their resentment is even greater, and the outlet for this resentment is undoubtedly still the mutants."

Hank's voice sounded again. He was not overwhelmed by the good news, but pointed out the serious situation that still exists very calmly.

Hank was not exaggerating.

In fact, many people did not believe the words of the laughing boy at all.

People in this country are like this, they only believe what they want to believe, regardless of whether it is true or not.

Of course, there must be many people who will change their hostility towards mutants after knowing the truth.

But one thing is undeniable anyway.

When mutants and ordinary people have a sharp confrontation, even if it is later discovered that the confrontation is just a misunderstanding, the change to the status quo is very limited.

You have fought and quarreled, and have suppressed mutants in various ways. How can you just let it go?

This is true for both sides.

"Hank, the coexistence of mutants and humans is a very complex sociological problem. This is not something that Rorschach can solve alone."

Raven on the side sighed deeply, and a touch of melancholy appeared on her face.

Although Rorschach did not speak, he still agreed with Raven's opinion.

Racial confrontation has existed since ancient times. Let's not talk about anything else. Let's take the simplest example:

As ordinary humans, just because of the difference in skin color, it can lead to many problems that cannot be solved for countless years, let alone the difference between mutants and ordinary people?

Regardless of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the mutant group officially surfaced and was recognized by everyone, the sharp confrontation between the two sides was inevitable.

Can this confrontation be avoided?

To be honest, Rorschach thinks this is unrealistic, because it involves human nature, which is not something that one person can change.

Of course, with Rorschach's current ability, he can kill all the people in a city directly to deter ordinary people and make them respect and fear mutants.

And dare not offend mutants in any way.

But what's the point of doing this?

A race that relies on a certain person to survive has no future.

Rorschach is not the nanny or butler of the mutant group!

He is now the nuclear weapon of the mutants, deterring those officials and making them dare not to do anything to the mutants. He has done enough.

The rest will be left to Eric and Charles to play.

"Is there really no solution to the mutant problem?" The voice of the imitating cat sounded, and she asked leisurely from the side.

He asked what everyone at the scene was thinking.

"Actually... although Xiao's method is extreme, it is still a method." Queen Bai spread her hands on the side.

Since there will be inherent conflicts and opposition between the two races, what if there is only one race left?

"Emma, ​​mutants are not genocidal lunatics." Raven immediately said to the White Queen seriously.

Even someone as extreme as Eric is not so extreme as to plan to wipe out all mankind.

"That's what I said." The White Queen shrugged.

She really just said it casually, nothing more. This crazy plan is destined to never be realized with Xiao's death.

"Rorschach, do you have any thoughts on this?"

Hank couldn't help but stare at Rorschach and asked hopefully.

Several mutants at the scene also looked at Rorschach with hope.

"There is a general idea, but now, the time is far from mature."

Rorschach thought for a while, but said this meaningfully.

Since the conflict and confrontation between mutants and ordinary humans cannot be resolved, why not change the idea and "isolate" the two sides?

It seems feasible to create a country exclusively for mutants.

But as Rorschach said, establishing a country is not that simple.

The current conditions are far from being achieved.

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