American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 117 Rorschach: This is an attempt to get me!

"What's the idea?"

Hearing Rorschach's words, Hank's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Rorschach eagerly and asked.

"Yeah Rorschach, what do you think?"

Raven also stared directly at Rorschach.

But Rorschach shook his head and did not reveal too much to everyone.

It’s something that’s not even mentioned in Chinese characters. Why are you talking about it now? Is it to stimulate everyone’s heart?

After all, the establishment of a country is indeed a bit of a fantasy in the eyes of ordinary people.


While talking to a few people, Serena came to Rorschach respectfully and asked Rorschach for her opinion, "The elders are ready, can we go over now?"

A few days ago, Klein came to Rorschach specifically to talk about awakening the other two elders and confirming the group's membership, and Rorschach agreed.

Now that the other party is ready, Luo Xia will naturally not let others go.

"Let's go!"

Rorschach stood up and waved to Serena.

This matter was Rorschach's private matter, so Rorschach did not bring any mutants with him.

After saying hello to everyone, he followed Serena out directly.

Serena acted as the driver herself, and almost an hour later, Rorschach's figure once again appeared in the old castle that seemed a bit eerie.

"Marcus, the time agreed with the Supreme is coming soon, what are you going to do?"

Just after arriving at the compound, Rorschach heard Elder Victor's voice with his super hearing.

It sounded like they were discussing something related to themselves, so Rorschach didn't hesitate. He directly used his clairvoyance ability and looked in the direction of the sound.

But they saw three elders, Emilia, Victor and Marcus, sitting together in a super luxurious room that only elders were qualified to stay in.

But it seemed that the atmosphere at the scene was not so harmonious.

"What should I do? Victor, no Supreme Being has been transformed into the undead. What do you think I should do?"

Marcus's voice was as cold as his face, with an unspeakable sense of oppression.

"Does our tribe need the Supreme? Alexander has abandoned us for so many years, why don't we still be fine! Emilia, you really know how to make your own decisions!"

As Marcus spoke, he snorted at Emilia.

"Marcus, I..."

Emilia, who was originally aloof and majestic in front of other tribesmen, actually became nervous under Marcus' questioning.

You can't even speak!

There is no other reason. Marcus is simply too powerful.

Not only that, Marcus is also the son of a supreme being!

Its strength has even surpassed that of their tribe's original Supreme Alexander.

The other two elders in their group, whether it was Emilia or Victor, were actually transformed by Marcus.

"Marcus, Emilia is also kind-hearted. Didn't she say that the new Supreme has the ring of the ancestor? The ancestor has never given the ring to any Supreme."

Victor's voice sounded, interceding on behalf of Emilia.

"That's why Marcus, Supreme Rorschach must have a close relationship with the ancestor of Dracula. If he can become our Supreme, it will definitely be beneficial to our tribe."

Emilia hurriedly followed Victor's words and explained herself.

"So, you want us people to bow down to a human being? Just obey him?"

Marcus' voice became more and more fierce, and he stared directly at Emilia, "Is that what you mean?"

"No, no, you misunderstood Marcus!"

Emilia shook her head repeatedly, with a nervous look on her face, "I swear on the name of my ancestor, I really only think about our tribe!"

Amelia is really aggrieved.

Although that human being is still just a human being, does it matter?

What's important is the ring of Dracula's ancestor!

As long as they have the ancestor's ring, their tribe can be regarded as the "personal soldiers" of Dracula's ancestor. How big a benefit is this?

The status of the entire ethnic group will undergo earth-shaking changes!

Originally, Emilia thought she had made a great contribution, and Marcus would be very, very satisfied.

But who would have thought that not only was Marcus not satisfied, but he was angry!

What on earth was Marcus thinking?

Emilia was puzzled.

"Okay Marcus, now is not the time to argue about this. The Supreme is coming soon. What are you going to do?"

Victor asked again in a deep voice.

In fact, he vaguely understood why Marcus was so angry. What Marcus just said was actually just an excuse.

Victor believes that Marcus must understand that as long as he has the ring of Dracula's ancestor, he is absolutely qualified to take over their tribe even if he is a human being.

That's not what Marcus was thinking about.

What Marcus is really worried about is his brother William!

Although William has been locked up for hundreds of years, Marcus has never given up looking for him, but there is a premise for all this.

The entire group is under Marcus's control.

Because William is a werewolf!

What’s more, he is a supreme-level werewolf.

And werewolves and vampires are naturally two opposing races.

If the new Supreme comes, how can he accept William?

How can he let the elders of their tribe go to find a werewolf Supreme?

That is simply a fantasy.

This is the real reason why Marcus opposes the new Supreme.

Although Victor and Marcus have an agreement not to release William, both sides know that Victor can't control Marcus at all.

It's only a matter of time for Marcus to find William.

But if there is another Supreme, it will be completely different.

It's just a pity that Emilia's brain is not flexible enough and she didn't see the key point at all.

"What should we do? Wait until the Supreme comes, don't talk to me, leave everything to me!" Marcus said coldly to Victor and Emilia.

Victor immediately knew.

It seems that Marcus intends to take certain measures to deal with the new Supreme.

But it is true that Marcus, as the son of the Supreme, does have the confidence to do so, and even thought of killing their original Supreme Alexander.

It is not strange to ignore the new Supreme.

"Is Marcus going to mess with me?"

Rorschach, who saw everything, couldn't help but show a look of astonishment on his face.

Originally, he thought that with the supreme status of the Supreme, as long as he showed up, all the vampires would come to lick him.

Especially Emilia's licking gave him such an illusion.

Rorschach didn't expect that under this situation, Marcus actually planned to mess with him!

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