American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 119 That's it? I thought you were strong.


"So fast!"

Elder Emilia, whose face was full of worry, suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

She was really caught off guard by Rorschach.

Even Victor, who had always been expressionless, was finally moved at this moment and showed a look of surprise.

Originally, everyone thought that Rorschach was a mortal, so they were just afraid of Rorschach's supreme status, that's all.

No one had any hope for this person's strength.

But now it seems that they were wrong.

The new supreme is not that simple!

Apart from anything else, just the speed just now, the two undead elders didn't react.

Crack, crack, crack!

The sound of bones being squeezed hard was heard, and Marcus was seen struggling frantically in Rorschach's hands.

He tried desperately to pry Rorschach's hands apart, trying to break free from Rorschach's "claws", but it didn't work at all.

Rorschach grabbed Marcus so easily, and he actually completely grasped him!

"Who is this guy!"

Marcus' heart was suddenly filled with shock, and his contempt for Rorschach disappeared in an instant, replaced by deep shock.

This man's power is so strong!

So strong that he was completely suppressed by just one hand!

Then Marcus, who was in shock and anger, didn't say any more nonsense, and his body muscles and bones began to change as soon as he thought.

In the blink of an eye, the original Marcus disappeared, and a bat-like monster with wings appeared in front of Rorschach.

In this state, Marcus was even more powerful, more than five times the original!

But then Marcus was shocked to find that even after the sudden increase in power, he still couldn't break free from Rorschach's hand.

"How could it be!"

"How is it possible!"

Marcus roared wildly in his heart, and then the bone spurs on the two wings began to stab Rorschach fiercely.

Rorschach did not dodge or evade, as if he did not see it.

The corner of Marcus' mouth could not help but curl up a sneer.

Didn't react?

Then you are finished!

The next moment, two extremely sharp bone spurs, comparable to blades, pierced Rorschach's body directly.

But the imagined situation of Rorschach's body being pierced with two holes did not happen.

The two bone spurs were like piercing two steel plates, and they did not cause any effect on Rorschach at all!

"What kind of body is this!"

Marcus could not believe his eyes.

"Your wings are much more disgusting than Dracula's wings."

Rorschach's contemptuous and disdainful voice sounded, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"This is..."

Marcus immediately had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

Although he didn't know what Rorschach's red eyes meant, it was definitely not a good thing.

Marcus tried harder and harder to break free from Rorschach's hands, but it was useless.

He could only watch Rorschach stretch out his other hand, grab one of his wings, and pull it open.



Two extremely blazing heat rays burst out from Rorschach's eyes, cutting off Marcus' wing.


Marcus let out a shrill scream.

"What's going on?"

"That seems to be... Elder Marcus' voice!"

"What happened?"

Marcus's voice startled the vampires in the hall outside, and everyone was in doubt.

Elder Marcus, that was the most powerful vampire in their tribe, why did he scream so much?

What happened inside?

Thinking about the Supreme who just walked in, the vampires vaguely guessed something, and their faces couldn't help but change slightly.

"It's the Supreme!"

Selina subconsciously looked in the direction of the inner hall, and an incredible look appeared on her face.

Elder Marcus has always been unruly and has never had much respect for the Supreme. It is normal for the two sides to have conflicts.

However, it seems that it is not the Supreme who suffered, but Elder Marcus!

This new Supreme is not as simple as it seems.


There was a loud noise, and it was Rorschach's casual punch that hit Marcus.

Marcus was immediately "ejected" like a cannonball and fell heavily to the ground.

A big hole was smashed on the ground.

Not only that, there was also a big hole on Marcus' chest, which was deeply sunken.

Almost all of his ribs were broken, and some of his internal organs were almost instantly beaten into a puddle of mud by Rorschach.

If he wasn't an undead, this punch alone would have been enough to kill Marcus a hundred times.

But even so, this punch was too fierce. Even if Marcus had the undead's strong body and super self-healing ability, he could only lie limp on the ground like mud for a while.

He couldn't even get up.

"That's it?"

Rorschach clapped his hands and looked at Marcus, who looked like a dead dog, with contempt, "I thought you were very strong!"



The scene suddenly became quiet, and only the sounds of Emilia, Victor and Klein gasping for air were heard one after another.

But the three of them were all dumbfounded.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, almost popping out their eyeballs.

No matter what, they couldn't believe their eyes.

The new Supreme is so powerful and so abnormal?

That's Marcus!

Such a powerful elder, whose strength is definitely at the Supreme level, is as weak as an ant in front of the new Supreme!

He was beaten like a grandson by the opponent, and he had no power to fight back!

Everyone even saw clearly that if it weren't for Supreme Rorschach holding back, Marcus would have died long ago!

Not to mention anything else, the terrible laser shot out of Supreme Rorschach's eyes would have no problem cutting off Marcus's head.

So terrifying!

Rorschach Supreme is so terrifying!

Especially Klein, his whole body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and his already pale face became even paler than paper.

Fortunately, vampires don't sweat, otherwise, Klein would be soaked in cold sweat.

What was he thinking before?

Looking for death?

He was actually dissatisfied with Rorschach Supreme?

Even Elder Marcus was almost killed by Rorschach Supreme in a few moves, not to mention him.

He was nothing in front of Elder Marcus.

Scared to pee!

Klein was really about to pee.

At this moment, all of Klein's dissatisfaction, jealousy, resentment and other emotions towards Rorschach disappeared in an instant, and he no longer dared to have any small thoughts.

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