"how come!"

"How can you be so powerful!"

The scene was quiet for several seconds before it was interrupted by Marcus' unbelievable and horrified voice.

But Marcus just stared at Rorschach with his eyes wide open, with a ghostly expression, and screamed from his throat.

How pitiful, Marcus has never seen such a powerful person!

Even the supreme beings he knew were all weak and weak in front of this person.

Even Marcus suspected that the ancestor of Dracula might not be able to defeat this character.


Rorschach ignored Marcus' words and just frowned slightly.

The gaze he looked at Marcus began to become sharp.

Marcus couldn't help but shudder.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for my offense!"

Marcus immediately made his attitude clear, respectfully got up from the ground, walked to Rorschach, and leaned deeply towards Rorschach.

"Marcus has met the Supreme! I was blind before, please don't take offense to the Supreme!"

Marcus lowered his posture and spoke to Rorschach like a third grandson.

"Victor has met the Supreme!"

Victor on the other side didn't dare to delay for even a moment. He immediately ran to Marcus in fear and saluted Rorschach together with Marcus.

It goes without saying that Emilia and Klein, two people who have long been loyal to Rorschach, go without saying.

Only this time, Emilia was even more in awe of Rorschach.

Klein is truly loyal from the heart.

"Marcus, you didn't know me before, so I forgive you for your first offense. The next time I cut off your wings, it won't be your wings."

Rorschach glanced down at Marcus and said lightly.

When Marcus heard this, he couldn't help but shudder.

He couldn't help but recall the horror of the heat ray in his mind, and he was even more frightened.

The heat rays are like garlic, silverware and other objects, naturally restraining their vampires!

After his wings were cut off by Rorschach's heat rays, they probably wouldn't grow back at all within a month or two.

"From now on, Marcus will have no doubts about the Supreme!"

Marcus immediately said to Rorschach respectfully.

But it's not clear whether Rorschach is sincere or fake. After all, Marcus is a vampire and has no heartbeat. Rorschach can't learn from Daredevil's method of using heartbeats to judge whether the other person is lying.

But then again, those who lie and can cause heartbeat changes are all novices. For someone like Marcus, even if he is not a vampire, it is impossible for him to reveal such low-level flaws.

But Rorschach didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

Anyway, with his overwhelming strength here, if Marcus really dares to do any tricks secretly, he will be killed directly.

"You think I care about this?"

Rorschach sneered, then ignored everyone in the room and strode out.

Marcus and Victor looked at each other, and then chased after each other.

"Supreme, please stay!"

Marcus shouted to Rorschach.

The voice was no longer as unruly and condescending as before, but was filled with awe.

"What do you think of the succession ceremony?"

Regardless of the blood stains on his body, Marcus took two steps behind and asked Rorschach for advice.

Although both Marcus and Victor recognized Rorschach as the Supreme, a formal succession ceremony was needed.

To inform their own ethnic group and other ethnic groups that their ethnic group has a new supreme leader.

Just like getting a certificate and a wedding.

"Let's talk about it when I have time."

Rorschach just waved his hand, looking unconcerned.

Rituals and so on are all empty and have no practical effect.

As long as Rorschach is strong enough, it makes no difference whether there are those rituals or not.

In the same way, if Rorschach is not strong enough, there will still be no difference if there is a ceremony or not.

"It's really inappropriate for me to be like this now, so please forgive me, Supreme, and let Victor and Emilia send the Supreme off to you."

Marcus didn't say much, he just confessed to Rorschach.

Naturally, Rorschach didn't take this kind of thing to heart and allowed Marcus to stay inside. He only asked the two elders, Victor and Emilia, to send him out respectfully.

"what happened?"

"Why are there only two elders?"

"Where's Elder Marcus?"

The vampires in the hall couldn't help but started talking when they saw that only two elders came out to see off the Supreme Being.

Thinking back to the screams of Elder Marcus that came from the inner hall before, everyone understood something more vaguely.

The awe for the new Supreme has become even more intense.

"Two elders, please stay, Serena will just send me back."

At the entrance of the hall, Rorschach said to the two elders who sent him out.

The two elders did not show much pretense and each responded. Victor told Serena seriously: "Selena, the Supreme is the supreme leader of our tribe and our soul. You must serve Zhou Dao. There must be no neglect, you know?”

"I will, Elder Victor!" Serena immediately replied respectfully.

Selena still respected Victor very much, as he was her great supporter in this tribe.

Then everyone stopped talking, and Selena drove Rorschach out of the castle in person.

Victor and Emilia returned to the inner hall.

They came to Marcus, who was covered in blood and in a state of embarrassment.

"Marcus, you have seen the strength of Supreme Rorschach. Since you have also sworn allegiance to the Supreme, I think this should not be just talk, right?"

Victor looked at Marcus meaningfully and asked.

It would be fine if the Supreme was not strong, but if Marcus planned to do some tricks when the Supreme was so strong, it would bring disaster to the entire tribe.

"I know what to do! Victor, you may have misunderstood me. Although the Supreme just embarrassed me, I am actually very happy that our tribe can have such a powerful Supreme."

"Who doesn't want their tribe to become stronger?"

Marcus looked serious and said to Victor.

"It's great that you think so, Marcus."

Victor said expressionlessly, just praying in his heart, hoping that the Supreme really subdued Marcus.

However, compared to Marcus, Victor, like Emilia, welcomed the Supreme Rorschach's succession from the bottom of his heart.

Apart from anything else, with the Supreme, the key hidden in his body would be safer.

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