American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 121 Howard Stark: The Earth has really been invaded by aliens!

SHIELD base.


There was a loud noise, and the door to Peggy Carter's office was pushed open hard, and a figure hurried in.

Peggy Carter, who was on the phone, glanced at the caller, then greeted the caller and hung up.

Then he looked at the other party helplessly: "Stark, can you really not learn what knocking on the door is?"

"Sorry Peggy, how about I go out and type again?"

Howard Stark pointed behind him and said to Peggy Carter in a rogue manner.

Peggy Carter knew very well Howard Stark's temperament, so she could only shake her head helplessly.

Otherwise, why don't we really ask Howard Stark to go out and knock on the door again?

"Tell me what happened!"

Peggy Carter then straightened her expression, looked at Howard Stark and asked.

She knew that what could make the other party so anxious and excited must be very important information.

"I found it! Peggy! I found it! I already know everything. The Megatron Rorschach said must be in the North Pole!"

Having said this, Howard Stark picked up a piece of paper and shook it, "I also know the specific coordinates!"


Peggy Carter also cheered up and showed a slight expression of excitement.

But soon, Peggy Carter calmed down again. She looked at Howard Stark thoughtfully and asked, "Did you get the coordinates from the captain's son? Do you really believe him?"

That guy named Bold Witovich is locked up in a mental hospital!

"I totally trust him Peggy!"

Howard Stark still couldn't hide the excitement on his face, and he quickly explained to Peggy Carter.

"During the entire process of my communication with him, he was clear and organized. I believe there is nothing wrong with his mind."

"He was locked up in a mental hospital just because he knew something that others didn't know, that's all!"

"Peggy, he saw it, he saw a UB6 with his own eyes!"

"When he and his father, Captain Witevitch, were returning through the North Pole, they accidentally encountered a UB6. According to him, the UB6 attacked his father and broke his father's glasses."

"But that UB6 was frozen by the ice and snow there, which allowed their fleet to escape."

"And this is the coordinate where the fleet met UB6. I got Peggy!"

Howard Stark couldn't help but dance as he spoke.

"According to Rorschach's information, UB6 is looking for 'cold places on earth', which is indeed consistent with your information." Peggy Carter remained calm, and she began to review based on the clues at hand.

"Yes, according to our research during this period, low temperature can greatly reduce the energy radiation of UB6, making them lose their mobility."

"This is exactly why that UB6 was trapped in the North Pole, and it is also why other UB6s are looking for it, because it is Megatron!"

"Peggy, the information we are investigating now matches perfectly with the information Rorschach told us before."

"This must be true!"

After combing through it here, Peggy Carter really couldn't find anything suspicious about it.

"Peggy, we must take action immediately, the earth has been invaded by aliens!"

Howard Stark said sonorously to Peggy Carter again.

Outside the luxury villa.

A low-key and luxurious Cadillac stopped slowly.

The car door opened, and Rorschach and Serena walked out of the car.

"Selena, you go in first, I have something to deal with." Rorschach waved to Serena and said.

"Supreme, wherever you want to go, I can drive you." Serena immediately suggested.

"No need, the place I went to is a bit far." Rorschach smiled at Serena.

"If that's the case... Supreme, our tribe also has a private jet. I can arrange for someone to fly over right away."

Serena continued her proposal very thoughtfully.

"The plane... is too slow!"

Rorschach actually smiled.

Serena: "..."

She didn't understand what the Supreme meant for a while. In this era, the fastest means of transportation is the airplane, right?

If the plane is still too slow, what else can be done faster?


Then, Serena understood.

Along with this extremely dull sound of air explosion, a powerful air flow also hit his face.

Serena was extremely shocked to find that the Supreme was flying!

Supreme, he can actually fly!

Serena was stunned and fell into a huge shock.

They are clearly not undead, but they can inflict heavy losses on supreme powerhouses like Elder Marcus, and they can even fly!

What kind of Supreme did she follow?

But at this moment, Serena finally understood what the Supreme meant when he said the plane was too slow.

Shaking her head, Serena just put aside the distracting thoughts in her heart, drove the car into the garage and parked it.

Just got out of the garage.


The familiar sound of sonic boom sounded again, but the Supreme One who had just left had already gone and returned.

"Supreme, are you back? Do you have any orders?"

Serena immediately greeted him respectfully, looked at Rorschach and asked.

"It's not necessary for now, let's go back first."

Rorschach waved his hand, but did not reveal to Serena what he had done before.

Serena naturally didn't ask any more questions.

But when I saw the Supreme Being back so soon, I could only silently guess in my heart that maybe the Supreme Being's affairs were not going so smoothly, right?

In fact, Serena actually guessed it right.

There have been various delays in the past. It is only now that the follow-up to the Cuban missile incident has been properly handled and the undead problem has been solved. Rorschach finally has time to go to the Hoover Dam to check it out. Is the source of fire there?

However, it is very regrettable that through Rorschach's perspective scan, it was discovered that there is no source of fire at Hoover Dam.

It seems that Megatron and the Fire Source should still be staying in an ice cave in the Antarctic or the North Pole.

In that case...

Rorschach pondered for a moment and then made a decision.

Let SHIELD handle such troublesome matters. Rorschach just needs to keep an eye on SHIELD.

When SHIELD found the source of the fire, Rorschach passed things along from SHIELD, which was perfect.

Rorschach made the decision happily.

As for now...

Two sharp lights burst out from Luo Xia's eyes.

It’s time to settle Stryker’s account.

By the way, the mutants in the secret base on the island were also taken over. Anyway, Rorschach is also recruiting people now.

And according to the consistent nature of the system, the secret research base for mutants this time might even trigger a mission.

Simply kill three birds with one stone.

But before that, some necessary preparations still need to be done.

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