American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 122 Beautiful country is completely in chaos

November 29th.

A week has passed since the laughing boy gave a speech in which he slapped himself in the face.

As Hank "predicted" before, the situation faced by the mutants does not seem to have improved significantly.

No matter what the cause of the conflict between the two parties is, but Liang Zi has taken over and the seeds of hatred have been planted, it will be difficult to change the facts.

Just like a broken mirror cannot be reunited.

There is a rift in the relationship between mutants and ordinary people, and they cannot go back to the beginning.

During this period of time, countless conflicts between mutants and ordinary people broke out in various places across the country, and there were even quite a few serious ones that resulted in human lives.

The entire country of Beautiful Country can be said to be in chaos.

In addition, a fleet in Cuba was destroyed, which severely damaged the military power of the United States. More than 20 core members were killed in succession, which caused even more serious problems.

This makes the beautiful country even more chaotic.

The entire society has fallen into a high degree of chaos.

Fortunately, due to Rorschach's big fuss in the Hexagon Building, the officials were at least shocked by Rorschach and did not dare to blatantly attack those mutants. This may be the only consolation.

But even so, even the spontaneous opposition of ordinary people makes life very difficult for mutants.

" eleven o'clock in the morning, a new mutant was discovered in a convenience store on Hamlet Avenue. This mutant seemed to have the ability to control the growth of plants."

"As shown in the footage from the scene, you can see that the streets dozens of meters around the convenience store on Harlem Avenue are covered with countless vines."

"According to on-site reports, the mutant can drive those plants to attack and is quite dangerous. The local police have rushed to the scene, but it seems that the progress is not going very smoothly."

"The two sides are in a confrontation..."

Inside the mutant base.

Rorschach, Hank, Raven and other mutants were sitting in front of a TV, watching a news report.

——Yes, after finishing some matters at hand, Rorschach did not immediately set off to attack Stryker's mutant base.

Instead, a series of preparations began.

The first point is to raise the shelves of the mutant base.

Otherwise, even if Rorschach brings back some mutants from that secret base, there must be a place to place them, right?

During this period of time, Rorschach was basically busy with this matter.

After Marcus was beaten by Rorschach with his fists, this ethnic group's attitude towards Rorschach could be said to have become more respectful, and they gave full support to the construction of the base.

As long as it is Rorschach's request, no matter what it is, the other party will implement it as soon as possible without any compromise.

that's all.

With the strong support of a "super family" that has been around for hundreds of years, various materials, money, and manpower have been continuously imported.

In just one week, in such a short period of time, the base's framework was basically up.

Even the laboratories, various research equipment, etc. that Hank needs are all available without missing a penny.

The efficiency is still very high.

A group of mutants had already moved into this new base in the morning.

As for the luxurious villa where Rorschach originally lived, it was still Rorschach's property. Just like any other super rich man, he had multiple mansions where he could stay.

Rorschach can be said to have experienced a luxurious feeling.

Rorschach originally planned to say hello to all the mutants and set off to visit Stryker. However, he did not expect that the mutant on the news attracted Rorschach's attention.

Can plants be controlled?

According to the pictures on the news, it was a young man about the same age as Rorschach, but he was able to create a "green corridor" that was only one or two hundred meters long. This ability must be said to be very good. .

Especially since the host also made it clear that the young man could also control those plants to attack people.

Isn't this just a beggar's version of Senju Hashirama? It can even be said to be a low-profile version of Yamato.

Frankly speaking, Rorschach is very, very optimistic about this ability.

It can attack and defend, can work in groups or singles, can provide tactical cover, and can also serve as the main combatant. The potential can be said to be very huge.

Rorschach couldn't help but think of recruiting.

"Rorschach, we should help him!"

Hank's voice sounded, but he saw his eyes fixed on the news on the screen, and said to Rorschach in a deep voice.

His face was full of worry.

Because there were really many police officers dispatched to the scene, they had already surrounded the young man.

Although the police did not dare to act rashly due to the young man's ability, bullets have no eyes.

The situation is still very critical.

"How can we help? Harlem is in another district. Even if we rush there now, it's too late."

The imitation cat couldn't help but shake its head and let out a long sigh.

A look of regret.

"Well, this is it."

Raven shrugged at the imitation cat, "This is not a problem at all for Rorschach, he can rush over in a few seconds."

Copycat thought about it, that's true, she had confirmed with Rorschach a long time ago that Rorschach's speed has reached the speed of sound!

It won't take too long to run over.

This method is a bit not so elegant, but I don't know if Rorschach is willing to do such a thing for his compatriot.

Copycat never thought that Raven was not talking about Rorschach's speed at all, but flying!

Running with legs, how low is that?

"So Rorschach, what are you going to do?"

The White Queen's voice sounded slowly, and she looked at Rorschach expectantly and asked.

Obviously, she also hoped that Rorschach would take action and save her compatriot.

"Well, since you all said so..."

Rorschach spread his hands, and then without any nonsense, he flew into the air.


Accompanied by the sound of the explosion and the strong airflow, Rorschach's body disappeared and flew directly out of the open window.

Copycat and the White Queen suddenly widened their eyes, as if they had seen something incredible.

After a long while, they finally turned around, stared at Raven in disbelief and asked: "Rorschach, he can actually fly?"

An invulnerable body, super speed at the speed of sound, monster-like strength, and deadly heat rays emitted from his eyes...

That's not all, now, Rorschach can actually fly?

What kind of freak is this!

Copycat and the White Queen were both shocked.

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