American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 123 Eric Charles Rorschach's first meeting after the split

Harlem Avenue.

This once inconspicuous place, as dirty and messy as the rest of Harlem, has now become a pleasant "scenic spot."

Because the cold city streets, which were originally made of reinforced concrete, were actually greened along the streets.

A large number of vines and branches extended forward along the street, covering the surrounding houses, buildings, vehicles, and billboards.

It looks unique.

The vines were so dense that they blocked the entire street, making it impossible for the police cars to drive in and had to stop far away at the end.

As a result, the police officers had to abandon their vehicles and go into battle alone.

Because the ability control is not very proficient, the low-end version of Yamato cannot control all the branches and perform corresponding operations as he wishes.

So even though it caused a considerable amount of trouble to the policemen, in the end, the policemen still mobilized a large number of manpower and used hatchets to clear a way through hard work.

Just approaching the convenience store.

But the convenience store is now filled with countless branches and vines, like a big cocoon, completely surrounding the low-end version of Yamato.

The police were also left helpless.

They couldn't even get in.

On the contrary, as soon as they get close, the opponent will control the branches and attack them.

Just shoot him?

It would be okay in normal times, but now that this matter has attracted great attention across the country, it is naturally impossible for them to kill people brazenly under such circumstances.

So the scene fell into a confrontation for a short time.

On a few street corners not far from the convenience store, a group of policemen held weapons in their hands, facing the big cocoon in the convenience store. The atmosphere was tense.

"Surrender, you have nowhere to go!"

"If you surrender, we will give you a lighter sentence!"

One of the people, who looked like a squad leader, held a loudspeaker and shouted in the direction of the convenience store.

"I didn't do anything wrong, why should I surrender?"

A very angry and helpless voice came from the convenience store.

"Child, we will investigate this matter, but you must cooperate with us first!"

"Stop joking, do you think I don't know what happened to other mutants after they were captured?"

"Kid, you misunderstood. The mutants we captured are all criminals."

"Fuck you criminals, that's just your excuse!"

The two sides were in a stalemate.

The squad leader also took advantage of distracting Yamato and quietly gestured to several subordinates, asking them to quietly and slowly approach the convenience store from a hidden place.

Bang bang bang!

But a few vines pulled out immediately, blocking the way of the policemen.

Although the attack power of those vines was not too strong, they still made the policemen miserable.

There was even a policeman who even had his gun pulled out of his hand and fell to the ground, making a fool of himself.

The squad leader's face became a little ugly.

If this continues, their team will become a complete joke and be ridiculed by the people across the country.

"Last warning! If you don't surrender, we will attack!"

The team leader made a decision and shouted in the direction of the convenience store again.


But at this time, a sonic boom suddenly sounded. The police couldn't help but subconsciously followed the sound and looked up, and felt that there seemed to be a vague shadow flashing across the sky.


The next moment, a violent blast of air suddenly shot up and hit his face. The impact was such that some policemen even had their hats knocked off the ground.


It was only then that the police discovered that an Oriental young man had appeared at the scene at some point.

Everyone was stunned.

what's the situation?

What the hell?

Why did this person appear suddenly?

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

After the team leader came to his senses, he immediately shouted at Luo Xia's back.

But Rorschach didn't seem to hear the team leader's words at all, and just walked towards the convenience store in front of him with such swagger.

He said to the young man inside: "Come out, no one can hurt you."

This completely ignored his own attitude, which immediately made the police officers behind him angry.

"Stop! I'm asking you something!"

The squad leader raised the gun in his hand and shouted at Luo Xia.


But at this moment, the gun in the squad leader's hand suddenly seemed to be alive, and it flew out of his hand automatically.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of metal collision and friction sounded one after another, and the guns in the hands of all the surrounding police officers also flew up.

He flew in front of each policeman, turned around, and pointed the black muzzle at the heads of those policemen.


The sound of swallowing saliva was heard.

All the police officers were frightened, their faces were pale, and they were sweating profusely.

Although they didn't know what the strange scene in front of them was about, they also knew that their lives were at stake!

As long as their respective guns pull the trigger, their heads will explode!

In an instant, no one dared to act rashly anymore.


Rorschach in front of him couldn't help but smile.

He slowly turned around and looked in one direction.


A figure flashed by.

Eric, wearing a helmet, walked through the passage with two other followers.

After not seeing him for a while, Eric seemed to be more sharp and more powerful than before.

And Eric's followers were no longer the eagle-winged man and the braided man familiar to Rorschach, but two other unfamiliar faces.

It seems that Eric was not idle during this period of time and also recruited some people.

I just don't know if the Brotherhood of Mutants has been established.


Eric also smiled and greeted Rorschach, and came to Rorschach with a few people, "Why am I not surprised to see you here?"

"Same here."

Rorschach shrugged at Eric, "Eric, you should have been busy during this period."

"My brothers and sisters are in dire straits, how can I sit still?"

Eric said as a matter of course, "But Rorschach, you are the same, right? The matter of the laughing boy was you, right?"

Eric stared at Rorschach with sparkling eyes and asked speculatively.

The two mutants around Eric couldn't help but look at Rorschach with very surprised eyes.

Eric actually suspected that it was this young man who made the laughing boy change his position?

Who is this person, and why does Eric think so highly of him?

Rorschach smiled and didn't say much on this topic, but gently said: "It seems that you are here for this mutant too."

"Yes, Rorschach, I am optimistic about his ability, so even if it is you, I will not give in." Eric nodded and did not deny it.

"You... are also mutants!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"I will arrest you and him together!"

A voice sounded, but it was the captain who was pointed at by Eric, who actually shouted at Eric and his men at this moment.

This made Rorschach very speechless.

This guy is really brave, does he really think that he is a policeman and Eric dare not touch him?

But a sharp light flashed in Eric's eyes, and the trigger of the gun in front of the captain immediately started to move.

"Eric, enough!"

But at this time, a follower mutant beside Eric had a blank look in his eyes, and suddenly reached out to stop Eric.

He also spoke to Eric.

At the same time, the policemen around him also froze as if they were under a spell.


Eric uttered the name softly.

At this point, how could he not understand what was going on?

"I knew you would come too."

Eric looked at the mutant who was beside him and said meaningfully.

At this time, Rorschach's eyes were already looking at another passage.

There, Charles, as elegant as ever, walked slowly with Siren and Ravager.

He came to Eric and Rorschach.

"Eric, Rorschach!"

Charles glanced at the two of them, his expression a little complicated for a while.

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