American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 124 Charles Eric: With Rorschach around us, we can only be a foil

Once upon a time, Charles, Eric, and Rorschach were close friends and comrades-in-arms. They trusted each other, fought side by side, and defeated Xiao's conspiracy together.

At that time, although everyone had different ideas, they supported each other, worked hand in hand, and fought together...

But in a blink of an eye, the three of them parted ways and each took a different path.

Even a completely different path.

And this time, it was the first time the three of them got together after such a long time, and for Charles, it was still very sad.

"Charles, Sean, Alex!"

Rorschach also nodded lightly, nodded to these friends of his in the past, and said hello.

"Hey, Rorschach!"

The Destroyer and the Siren also said hello to Rorschach.

Although they felt a little embarrassed and unnatural, they could not hide their excitement.

Although they felt a little sorry for Rorschach for choosing to follow Charles, deep down, they were still happy to see Rorschach again.

"Charles, tell me, what are you doing here?"

Eric's voice sounded, and he looked straight at Charles and asked.

"I think we both know why I'm here." Charles said so meaningfully.


Charles also had a certain reason, just like Eric Rorschach, for this newly emerged mutant.

But there was also a large part of the reason, to stop Eric.

The situation of mutants is already very bad now, and Charles can't watch Eric add fuel to the fire at this time.

In fact.

This is the first time Rorschach has seen Charles since the split, but it is not the first time Eric has seen Charles.

Eric has been making trouble everywhere during this period, and Charles will naturally not watch it. He has already stopped Eric.

This is not the first time.

"Charles, you have seen the situation of our compatriots, doesn't this make you sober?" Eric said to Charles very disappointedly.

"Eric, attacking ordinary people at will will not change this situation, it will only intensify the conflict!" Charles also argued.

"So, our brothers and sisters can only allow themselves to be bullied like this?" Eric couldn't help but sneered.

Then he was too lazy to say any more nonsense to Charles.

He and Charles had had similar arguments countless times, and each time was a waste of energy.

Eric had given up long ago.

Charles was "hopeless", and no matter how much he said to him, it was a waste of words.

Forget it, let it be!

Eric ignored Charles and walked directly with his followers to the "green cocoon" in front.

Charles and Rorschach didn't say much, and everyone came to the front of "Yamato" together.

"Child, come out, you are safe."

Eric shouted to the mutants hiding inside through the "cocoon".


The branches and vines in the "cocoon" soon began to dissipate and spread, slowly fading away.

A young man, about 17 or 18 years old, appeared in front of everyone.

The young man saw everything that happened before clearly through the gap, and knew that the people outside were all his compatriots.

And they came to rescue him.

"Cool! This is so cool!"

The young man subconsciously glanced at the policemen in the distance who were immobilized and pointed at by the suspended pistol, and shouted in surprise and excitement.

"Kid, believe me, this is not cool at all." Charles said to the young man meaningfully.

If it is not necessary, he hopes that he will never use his ability on others, especially in this way.

"I am Eric, what is your name?"

Eric looked at the young man again and asked.

"Vincent, Vincent Korfa."

In front of his compatriots, Vincent is still more at ease.

He did not hesitate and directly reported his name to everyone.

"Well, Vincent, I am Charles Xavier."

Charles greeted Vincent with a gentle smile.

"Rorschach." Rorschach also reported his name to Vincent.

"Hello, Eric, Charles, Rorschach, are you here to take me away?"

Vincent's eyes were filled with a hint of expectation.

"Yes, kid, but you can only go with one of us three."

Charles nodded, and then said to Vincent with a sigh.

This scene reminded Charles of the recruitment work they did when they were at the CIA base.

Whether it was him, Eric or Rorschach, they had all done this kind of work, and at that time they all brought people back to the base together.

However, now, the other party must make a choice.

"That's right, kid, the three of us can provide you with shelter and protect you, but you can only go with one of us."

"Make your choice, kid."

Eric also said to Vincent.

Vincent is not a fool, and he can naturally see that although the three people in front of him know each other, they are not in the same group.

So he began to think.

His eyes swept over Charles, Eric and Rorschach in turn, and finally fell on Rorschach.

"Can I go with you, Rorschach?" Vincent looked at Rorschach expectantly.

Vincent actually chose Rorschach, which surprised Charles, Eric and Rorschach.

Because among the three, Rorschach's "appearance" was not very competitive.

The reason was that Rorschach was too young, and naturally he was not as stable and reliable as Charles and Eric.

Again, Eric "performed" a gun control, and Charles also "performed" a "fixed body technique", but Rorschach did nothing.

He was even alone, without even a follower.

In the eyes of those who didn't know, there was no doubt that the possibility of choosing Eric or Charles was greater.

However, surprisingly, Vincent chose Rorschach.


Eric was a little surprised. He looked at Vincent curiously and asked, "Can you tell us why you chose Rorschach?"

"Because Rorschach can fly! That's so cool. Although you two are also cool, he is undoubtedly the coolest!"

Vincent said as if it was a matter of course.

Charles: "..."

Eric: "..."

Rorschach: "..."

Is the reason so simple?

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