American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 125 Rorschach, this monster, has become even more perverted!

But if it was Rorschach, both Eric and Charles were very convinced.

I even couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At least it wasn't Eric/Charles, so it wasn't the worst situation.

For Eric, although Rorschach's way of doing things is slightly more conservative, it is still very different from Charles. It can be said that he has completely abandoned Charles's ridiculous ideas.

This can be seen from the fact that Rorschach invaded the Intelligence Bureau and even secretly manipulated the smiling boy.

So although Eric thinks Rorschach is still a bit too gentle, he also agrees with Rorschach.

The same goes for Charles.

Although Rorschach chose to help Eric destroy the fleets of the two countries during the Cuban missile incident, since that incident, Rorschach has been unusually "low-key" and has always been quiet and honest.

Nothing happened.

How is it like Eric, who leads people to incite the emotions of mutants every day, and leads mutants to fight against humans crazily.

So Vincent was taken away by Rorschach, and Charles also expressed his relief, at least that was not the worst choice.

——Well, if Charles knew what Rorschach did, I'm afraid he wouldn't think so.

But as of now, Charles, who has lost his brainwave enhancer, still doesn't know about the big moves made by Rorschach.

"Rorschach, you actually awakened a new ability?"

Charles just looked at Rorschach in surprise.

Eric on the side was also the same, with a surprised look on his face.

It was clear that Rorschach still couldn't fly when he was in Cuba. How long had it passed?

So are they just fake mutants? They only have one ability in this life, but Rorschach has the ability to awaken every three days, endlessly.

And what’s awakened are those very powerful abilities!

It's simply enviable and jealous.

"I was quite surprised. I suddenly woke up... by accident."

Rorschach shrugged, showing a slightly helpless look on his face.

Charles: "..."

Eric: "..."

Listen, is this human talk?

Are you really not afraid of being struck by lightning when you pretend to be so big?


Rorschach then looked at Charles and Eric and smiled softly, "Well, Charles, Eric, I'm sorry, Vincent, come here."

Rorschach waved to Vincent, and Vincent quickly came to Rorschach's side without any hesitation.

Looking at Rorschach expectantly: "Rorschach, do we want to fly away together?"

"Of course, I didn't drive here, so I can't walk back, right? Vincent, hold on to me." Rorschach told Vincent with a smile.

Vincent came over excitedly and hugged Rorschach.

He also used his own ability to separate some vines and wrapped himself around Rorschach's body.

Make sure you don't lose your grip while Rorschach is flying.

"Well, everyone, goodbye!"


After saying hello to all the mutants present, Rorschach's body suddenly stood up from the ground.

Accompanied by a sonic explosion and powerful airflow, Luo Xia's body rushed into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

"What an enviable ability. This is real flying."

The Siren looked up at the direction where Rorschach disappeared, and couldn't help but sigh with envy.

His flight was just gliding by sound waves, that's all, Rorschana was called real flight.

"This monster is even more perverted than before!" The ravager also murmured.

In the past, Rorschach was already overwhelmingly powerful, far stronger than a bunch of mutants and far ahead.

Now that he has the ability to fly, it is even more impossible for anyone to be Rorschach's opponent.

But in any case, it is a good thing that the mutants have such a powerful companion who is not like Eric who does things every day.


A familiar sonic boom sounded, and a figure hit the ground heavily.

"Okay Vincent, we're here!"

Rorschach said to Vincent with a smile.

Vincent let go of Rorschach and looked at the surrounding environment with wide eyes. His face, which was already excited about experiencing flying in person, became even more excited.

"What is this place?"

Vincent is a person living in a slum. When has he ever been to such a majestic place?

My eyes were straight.

"This will be your home from now on. Come on, let's go in."

Rorschach greeted the extremely excited Vincent and led him striding into a hall in the main castle ahead.

There, Raven, Hank, the White Queen and Copycat were all there.

They were all very excited when they saw that Rorschach had really brought the fellow mutant who was in danger.

"Everyone, this is Vincent. From now on, he will also be a member of our big family."

"Riven, could you please help Vincent get familiar with this place?"

After a brief introduction for both parties, Rorschach handed Vincent over to Raven.

"Of course, come on Vincent."

Raven took Vincent down with a smile on her face, introduced Hank to the imitating cat and other people, made him familiar with the base, and introduced other related matters to him.

Etc., etc.

Rorschach doesn't have to worry about these things.

Just leave it to the butler.

When everything was almost arranged, Rorschach gathered everyone together and announced an important thing to everyone.

"Everyone, do you remember William Stryker that I told you about before?" Rorschach asked the mutants.

Rorschach had told everyone about William Stryker before. After all, he planned to take over the mutants on the island after destroying the other party's base.

Naturally, he had to tell everyone the truth first.

All the mutants were still very indignant about the guy who captured mutants and used them for experiments.

But unfortunately, the guy was hiding too deeply. Rorschach ordered Selena to use a lot of manpower to investigate, but there was no news.

Obviously, now there should be a definite clue.

"Rorschach, did you find that bastard?"

Raven couldn't help but asked angrily.

"Yes, there are definite clues, so I plan to go and take a look myself." Rorschach nodded and said to Raven.

"I'll go with you!" Raven said indignantly.

"And me! How can I be left out of this kind of thing?" Copycat also looked very excited.

Even the White Queen expressed the same wish. For her, this kind of thing was also an obligation.

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