American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 126 Is this an attack? Are you sure you're not tickling me?

"No, Raven, Emma, ​​Vanessa, you have more important tasks."

Faced with the requests of the mutants, Rorschach shook his head and refused them all, "Be optimistic about this base, this is our base camp."

"Rorschach, you are overthinking. We have just created this base, so no one will attack us, right?"

The imitating cat looked unconcerned, "Let's not mention that they can't find this place at all. Even if they find it, they wouldn't have the guts to mess around, right?"

Who is Rorschach?

That was the man who single-handedly killed the Hexagon Building into a river of blood and single-handedly suppressed the officials of the Beautiful Country!

"The base is in dire straits and needs manpower."

Rorschach still shook his head, "I want you to help Hank build the brainwave enhancer and the Blackbird fighter jet as quickly as possible."

"What's more, someone needs to be in charge here. No one can take on this important task except you."

Although I feel like guarding the base is a bit boring, what Rorschach said does make sense.

It is indeed a bit unreliable to hand over such a huge base to a technical geek like Hank and a newly recruited "plant boy".

It needs "old Jianghu" like the White Queen and the Imitation Cat to be in charge.

Alas, there are still too few people in the base.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh secretly in their hearts.

"Everyone, wait for my good news!"

After saying hello to all the mutants, Rorschach walked into the yard, rose up from the ground with a bang, and disappeared into the sky.


An underground casino on Bourbon Street.


A guy wearing a windbreaker and a jazz hat, holding a handful of playing cards in his hand, was performing a fancy show.

But as the "boy in the jazz hat" waved his hands casually, he saw those playing cards drawing incredible trajectories in the air, as if they were completely alive, and the people around him were dazzled.

There is no doubt that it is Gambit.

"Are you Remy LeBeau?"

a voice sounded.

On the other side of the card table, Wolverine dressed as a cowboy stared directly at the King of Gamblers and asked.

Gambler's movements while playing cards were slightly stagnant: "Do I owe you money?"


"Then I'm Remy LeBeau."

Gambit then smiled at Wolverine, and then made a gesture of invitation to Wolverine.

Wolverine unceremoniously sat down opposite Gambit and spread his hands: "Now the police are arresting mutants everywhere, man, don't you think you are too high-profile?"

That kind of fancy card playing can easily lead people to suspect that he is a mutant, right?

"Mutant? Haha, did my card skills surprise you? Thank you for your compliment."

Gambit King smiled softly and inadvertently denied his identity, his expression unchanged from beginning to end.

Sometimes an appropriate high-profile is the best cover-up.

Wolverine saw that the other party did not admit his identity, so he didn't say much.

"The big blind is 100, the small blind is 50, can I deal you the cards?" Gambit King finished shuffling the cards at this time and looked at Wolverine and asked.

"I only have seventeen yuan, I don't know what I can do?" Wolverine thought for a while, but asked seriously.

"Seventeen dollars?"

The smile on Gambit King's face froze.

The surrounding poker players also looked at Wolverine as if he were a fool.

"You might as well take a taxi and go home directly!" Gambit King said with a sarcastic look on his face.

"I haven't achieved my goal yet. Isn't that a waste of money?"

"So, what's your purpose? Why are you here?"

"Anthony Collison, the man I want to kill, he works for a man named Stryker on an island. I want to know where that island is."

Wolverine directly told Gambit his purpose.

"Yes, that is also my purpose!"

But at this moment, another voice suddenly sounded.

Gambit and Wolverine saw a young man from the East walking over in a flash.

Gambit and Wolverine were both stunned.

Because that young man was so young, he was clearly still a child!

It is very rare for a person of this age to appear in a casino, not to mention that the other party also said that the secret base is also his purpose.

It's even more inconsistent.

"Child, leave, this is not the place you should be."

After being stunned for a moment, Wolverine said directly to Rorschach.

"That's right, kid, don't keep your parents waiting." Gambit King also said with a deliberate smile.

As for what Rorschach said, both of them couldn't help but ignore it.

" Gambit, Wolverine, I know your background."

Rorschach, however, ignored the words of these two people and directly found an empty seat at this table and sat down. "So, let's just skip the useless coloratura and get to the point. How about that?"

"Logan, I know you are looking for that base, and I am looking for it too."

"Rimi, you are just afraid of Stryker and are afraid of being caught by him again, but in fact you also want to destroy that place, right?"

"So you see, we have a common goal."

Under the astonished gazes of the two people, Luo Xia spread her hands and said these words in an understatement.

The astonishment on the faces of the King of Cards and Wolverine gradually turned into vigilance.

"Who are you?"

Wolverine stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him, and said in a deep voice.

Although the King of Cards did not speak, his eyes, like Wolverine, were fixed on Rorschach.

"Like you two, you know what I mean." Rorschach still looked nonchalant.

"It seems that Stryker has done something to you?" Wolverine raised his eyes and asked speculatively.

"I think it should be similar to what he did to you, which is why I went to that island."

"So? We have the same purpose?" Wolverine shook his head. He would not believe others so easily. "I only have one request, don't hinder me!"

Rorschach smiled disdainfully: "Logan, you think too highly of yourself."

"So, can you tell me where the island is now, King of Cards?"

Wolverine ignored Rorschach and asked with his eyes fixed on the King of Cards.

The King of Cards stopped talking.

He suddenly raised his hand, injected energy into the poker cards in front of him, and stretched out his hand to Wolverine and Rorschach.

Chi Chi Chi!

A large number of poker cards shot towards the two.

Wolverine's huge body was immediately shot back by the poker cards, and a big hole was knocked out of the wall of the casino.

It can be seen how powerful those poker cards are.


The same poker cards fell on Rorschach, but they were like fallen leaves blown by the wind, and did not affect Rorschach at all.

Rorschach still sat there, as steady as a rock.

He didn't even blink his eyebrows.

"Are you tickling me?" He just looked at the King of Cards with a sarcastic look on his face.

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