American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 127 The King of Cards Wolverine is shocked: This guy is too perverted!


Gambler's eyes suddenly widened, filled with shock.

The young man in front of him actually managed to resist his own attack with his physical strength?

Still so relaxed and freehand, so understated!

How can this be!

Didn't you see that the extremely strong man on the other side was easily knocked away by you?


Although this young man is young, he is definitely not simple!

Gambit instantly put away his contempt for Rorschach.

Then he raised his head suddenly, overturning the card table in front of him, and then picked up the gentleman's stick at his feet.

It looks like an ordinary gentleman's stick, but in fact, it's Gambit's weapon!


There was a loud noise, but Wolverine on one side pushed away the "wall fragments" pressing on him and walked in through the big hole.

Walked towards Gambit King.

But at this time, a stern smile suddenly appeared on the card king's face, he waved the gentleman's stick in his hand, and then punched the ground hard.


A powerful energy shock wave suddenly exploded towards the surroundings.

A huge crater was instantly created on the ground by the shock wave, with rocks splashing everywhere.

The gambling tables and other items around them were all overturned immediately.

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamations in the casino, and everyone shouted for Zhang Huang to flee.


"It's a mutant!"

There were also such exclamations mixed in among them.

Poor Logan, just as he got closer, he was hit hard again, and his whole body flew backwards like a leaf blown by the wind.

However, looking back at Rorschach...

The smile on Gambit's face froze as if he had been struck by a knife.

The oriental young man was still sitting in his chair without any influence at all!

How can it be!

What a joke!

Gambit King was really shocked now, even a little panicked.

Just now, he didn't hold anything back, he really showed his strength, but in the end, he couldn't shake anyone's hair at all!

What kind of freak is this kid!

Thirty-six strategies, taking action is the best strategy!

Gambit King made a decision decisively. He didn't dare to stay at the scene any longer, just like a mouse seeing a cat, he ran away.

"Wait a moment!"

Wolverine got up from the ruins again and chased Gambit.

Whoosh whoosh!


But Gambit waved the gentleman's club a few times, knocking Wolverine to the ground.

It can only be said that Wolverine's fighting skills are really poor. Fighting relies entirely on his own self-healing ability. His skills in this area are not even a little worse than Gambit.

Just looking at Wolverine who was knocked to the ground by him, Gambit grinned proudly.

Seeing Wolverine charging towards him again, he waved the gentleman's club in his hand dizzyingly, and then slammed it to the ground.


A huge force burst out.

With the help of the powerful recoil, Gambit King suddenly stood up from the ground, jumped a full distance of twenty or thirty meters, and jumped to the roof of this building!

Then a smile appeared on Gambit King's face.

He put away his gentleman's stick and planned to escape calmly.

But as soon as he turned his head, the smile on Gambit's face froze again.

It's that kid!

The boy was holding his arms and looking at him sarcastically!


Gambit King became more and more shocked.

How did this person get here?

What the hell is this kid doing!

He was vaguely afraid of Rorschach in his heart, for no other reason than that kid was too unfathomable.

"what on earth do you want?"

Gambit King looked at Luo Xia helplessly with a pained face.

"I already told you."

Rorschach said in an understatement.


Before he finished speaking, Gambit King felt his eyes blurred. He didn't react at all. Rorschach had appeared in front of Gambit King like a ghost.


Gambit King was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue.

What kind of magical speed is this?


The next moment, Rorschach reached out and grabbed Gambit.

He just grabbed the other person's neck, picked him up, and said with a straight face: "Do you think you still have a choice?"

"let me go!"

Gambit tried all his strength to break away from Rorschach, but in vain.

He felt as if he was caught by a tiger and couldn't break free at all.


With a sharp shout from his mouth, Gambit once again injected a lot of energy into his gentleman's stick and began to hit Rorschach hard.

But with a slight wave of his other hand, Rorschach grabbed Gambit's gentleman's stick.

The huge energy injected by Gambit on the gentleman's stick seemed to not exist at all in front of Rorschach, and he was easily captured by Rorschach.

Then Rorschach exerted a little force, Gambit suddenly felt a lightness in his hand, and he could no longer hold on. The gentleman's stick was suddenly taken away by Rorschach and thrown away.


Then Rorschach stopped talking nonsense and threw Gambit from the roof with a wave of his hand.


Gambit King let out a long scream.

I just felt like the world was spinning for a while, and then I fell from the top of the building twenty to thirty meters away.

If he has a gentleman's stick in his hand, Gambit can also inject energy into the gentleman's stick and then hit the ground to offset the force of his fall.

But now, Gambit King's hands are empty, nothing!

Gambit King was a little panicked.

Even if he is a mutant and is physically stronger than ordinary people, he will still die if he falls from such a high place!


But just when Gambit King was about to hit the ground, he suddenly felt like his eyes were blurred.

Rorschach, who was still on the roof of the building, appeared in front of Gambit like a ghost.

As soon as he reached out his hand, he grabbed Gambit King.

It was thrown to the ground like a dead dog.

"What are you doing?"

On the ground, Logan was a little dumbfounded.

He just looked at Luo Xia blankly, his eyes full of surprise.

Originally, he didn't take Rorschach into consideration at all, but he never thought that this young boy would be so powerful!

In the hands of this person, Gambit King was like a baby, being ravaged to the point of being unable to resist!

What a mistake!

This is already true for Wolverine, let alone Gambit.

He just lay on the ground, breathing heavily, looking at Rorschach in shock and anger, and whispered: "What kind of monster are you?"

Unfortunately, Gambit has actually come into contact with a lot of mutants, but he has never seen such a powerful mutant!

"OK! OK!"

Seeing Rorschach looking over, Gambit immediately spread his hands and surrendered completely, "Don't you just want to know where the base is? I'll just tell you!"

"It would have been over if it had been like this."

Rorschach shrugged, walked up to Gambit, and looked directly at him, "Go ahead."

At this time, Gambit King got up from the ground, patting the dust on his body, and complained to Rorschach: "Oh my God, these are my new clothes... OK, OK, you want to know that place Where is it? I changed my mind."

"Are you kidding me?"

Two sharp lights suddenly burst out from Luo Xia's eyes.

"Don't get me wrong! Don't get me wrong!"

Seeing that Rorschach was a little angry, Gambit King immediately explained to the other party, "I mean, I don't just tell you where that place is, I should take you there myself!"

Is that what it meant?

Luo Xia's face looked better now, and he looked at Gambit King with a smile but not a smile: "You must have thought clearly, you managed to escape from there."

"You're right." Gambit King shrugged, "I do want to destroy that place, and I am indeed afraid of being captured again, but now, the situation is different."

With such a perverted guy around, Gambit felt that the island wasn't so scary anymore.

"And I!"

Wolverine also walked over at this time, looking at Gambit and Rorschach in an unarguable tone, "I'm going too."

Gambit King looked at Luo Xia with questioning eyes.

Obviously, with Rorschach here, Gambit cannot make the final decision on this kind of thing.

"I only have one request." Rorschach looked at Wolverine sternly and returned the words that Wolverine said before, "Don't hinder me!"

Wolverine was choked by Rorschach for a moment.

But facing such a strong man, he could only swallow his breath.

But he didn't dare to say any more nonsense.

"Boy, we're in some trouble."

At this moment, Gambit suddenly looked at the front of the street and spoke in a deep voice to Rorschach and Wolverine.

Wolverine followed the sound, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

However, they saw that at the intersection ahead, a large number of police officers had rushed out and blocked the road ahead.

Every policeman still had a weapon in his hand, and they were all pointed at three people.

"People in front, listen, raise your hands and put them where we can see them!"

A man who looked like a captain started shouting at Rorschach and others with a loudspeaker.

"This was not part of my plan."

Wolverine shook his head helplessly, then stretched out his hands, and a pair of blinding alloy claws stretched out from his fists.


But before he could take action, Wolverine felt a strong gust of wind and a dull sound of air explosion.

He and Rorschach beside Gambit just disappeared.

It turned into a blurry shadow, circled around the policemen in front, and then turned back again.

The group of policemen in front of them all groaned and fell to the ground.

Gambit King: "..."


Isn't this too exaggerated?

They didn't react at all. They only felt the Rorschach beside them shake. That's all, that group of policemen were all taken care of.

This guy is really a pervert!

However, both Gambit and Wolverine felt secretly happy when they thought about such a pervert going to Stryker.

"let's go."

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he just ignored the policeman lying on the ground and walked forward swaggeringly.

Wolverine and Gambit each came to their senses and immediately followed up.

The figures of the three people quickly disappeared on this somewhat dirty street.

"OK, Gambit, where are we going?"

After leaving the previous place of right and wrong, Wolverine immediately stared at Gambit eagerly and asked.

"Don't worry, I will take you to meet a 'big baby' first."

Gambit said mysteriously to Rorschach and Wolverine.

big baby?

Not to mention Wolverine, even Rorschach was very curious.

What on earth is the big treasure that Gambit King talks about?

Twenty minutes later.

Rorschach and Wolverine appeared in a "farmhouse", and they finally knew what the big treasure in Gambit's mouth was.

It was actually a tattered, almost scrapped plane!

"Envy me, this is my big baby! I won it back at the gambling table!"

Gambit showed off his plane to Rorschach and Wolverine with a showy look on his face.

Although the plane was really shabby, it was still an airplane anyway. This kind of thing was not something that ordinary people could own.

"Oh ho ho, you want to drive this and take us to that secret base?"

Wolverine Logan also got excited all of a sudden, looking at the plane excitedly, "Isn't this too ostentatious?"

"Man, this is my style, you have to adapt as soon as possible." Gambit said to Wolverine with a sultry look on his face.

Only Rorschach looked helpless.

This shabby airplane is too low and low for him.

Even Rorschach was unwilling to go up.

Even he can fly much faster than this thing.

But after just complaining a little in his heart, Luo Xia didn't say much.

He's not that pretentious. The plane is just a little worn out, so why can't he sit there?

What's more, he still needs this broken plane to bring back the mutants on the island.

After all, he couldn't carry everyone and fly out one by one, right?

"OK guys, are you ready?"

Gambit clapped his hands at this time and shouted excitedly to Rorschach and Wolverine, "My big baby is so horny!"

As he spoke, Gambit happily got on the plane and invited Rorschach and Wolverine on board.


Not long after, the tattered plane took off.

What made Rorschach feel very speechless was that Wolverine, a tall and rough man, curled up in his seat the moment the plane took off, and did not dare to take a breath.

Like a frightened deer.

"First time flying on a plane?"

Gambler couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Many people are nervous when they fly for the first time, and this is perfectly normal.

However, Wolverine is a mutant. With such a strong body, he can also be nervous. This is something Gambit never expected.

"Fly your plane!"

Wolverine glared at Gambit angrily.

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