American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 128 Stryker's Panic: That Monster is Coming!

Dark night.

A plane flew silently through the night sky, passing by the bustling city with bright lights and green lights, and gradually appeared in the silent and vast sea.

"Are we almost there?"

Wolverine's body was still stiff, clutching the armrest of his seat, and asked Gambit in front of him who was flying the plane.

"What, are you still afraid of flying? You look like you're sweating profusely."

Gambit couldn't help but turn his head and laugh.

"You're really good at joking, you'd better pay attention..."

"What are you looking forward to? The clouds in front of you?"

The smile on Gambit's face became more and more teasing, "You should learn from Rorschach. Flying is a kind of enjoyment, not suffering!"

As Gambit spoke, he glanced at Rorschach, who was sitting in the seat next to Wolverine.

But I saw Rorschach leaning on the seat in a very comfortable posture, without even wearing a seat belt.

The tension with Wolverine is simply two extremes, so the contrast shouldn't be too obvious.

"Enjoy it? Just this crappy plane, it keeps bumping! I'm really worried when it will fall apart!" Wolverine said angrily.

"Well." Gambit King spread his hands, "So, I have opened it as carefully as possible."

At this time, the plane had passed through a cloud layer, and an island appeared in everyone's sight.

"Relax, we'll be there soon." Gambit began to introduce Wolverine and Rorschach at this time, "Three Mile Island is right in front of your eyes!"

Wolverine looked stunned.

Three Mile Island, he knows this place!

I never expected that Stryker would build his base in this place!

Wolverine originally thought it would be a more hidden place.

"No one will hang around a nuclear reactor." Gambit then gave this explanation, "Everyone is afraid that they will turn into monsters."

This explanation is quite reasonable.

It can only be said that Stryker was indeed brave enough to accurately capture everyone's psychology and build a secret base in a place like this in a majestic manner.

"there is a question."

Gambit turned around again at this time and said to Wolverine and Rorschach, "The plane can't get close to the island and land there, otherwise we will be shot down... So, this means you can only jump sea ​​and swim across.”

"I'm sure this will be fine for you two, right? It's just going to hurt a little."

At such a high altitude, the water surface will actually appear to be very hard, even like the ground, which can cause great damage to the human body.

But Wolverine and Rorschach are both mutants, and their physical fitness is far incomparable to that of ordinary people. One can withstand his own poker attack without any injuries, and the other...

Well, card attacks only amount to tickling your opponent.

So it's not like these two people were injured, but the pain will still hurt.

"Yes, that's almost it."

Wolverine opened the hatch next to him, and the biting wind suddenly rushed in.

Wolverine looked down, then turned back with a look of deep approval, "Yes, this will indeed hurt. Maybe this will make you feel secretly happy."

"Yes, I do feel secretly happy." Gambit King gloated unabashedly.

"You two, I'll take the first step."

At this time, Rorschach also casually opened the hatch next to him, then greeted Wolverine and Gambit casually, and jumped out.

But Rorschach did not jump directly into the sea, but flew away with a bang.

Gambit King: "..."


The two of them looked at the direction in front of them where Rorschach flew away and disappeared, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Did he fly away just now?"

After a few seconds, Gambit looked at Wolverine and murmured a question.

"Yes, he did fly away just now." Wolverine also nodded and murmured in response.

"Haha, Stryker, wish him good luck!"

Gambit couldn't help but laugh out loud right after.

With such a pervert looking for trouble, he began to feel a little worried for Stryker.

"I'm already looking forward to it."

Wolverine responded with the same twinkling eyes, and then jumped out of the plane without any nonsense.


A splash of water suddenly burst out.

But at this time, Rorschach's figure had already hit the base heavily.

"Strike, I'm coming!"

Rorschach gently uttered such a sentence from his mouth, then activated his super vision and scanned the surroundings.

Although it was a dark night, it did not have any impact on Rorschach. Everything was so clear.

Rorschach found the entrance to the base immediately.

He didn't say anything nonsense and began to walk towards the entrance in a swaggering manner.

"what sound?"

"what happened?"

The soldiers patrolling outside the secret base were naturally not for nothing, not to mention Rorschach's sonic boom was so obvious that they were alerted immediately.

And he quickly discovered the uninvited guest Rorschach.



Several soldiers immediately picked up the assault rifles in their hands, pointed at Luo Xia and shouted loudly.



Rorschach didn't say anything and directly shot two heat rays, ruthlessly shooting all the soldiers who rushed over.

This is a research base for inhumane human experiments. Rorschach no longer has any mercy on the people in this base.

In this way, he easily solved all the "flies" that blocked him, and Rorschach quickly came to the entrance of the base.


With a casual punch, the thick iron door at the entrance flew out directly.

Rorschach walked in so swaggeringly.

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

At this time, the piercing alarm sounded throughout the base.

"What's going on?"

In a laboratory at the core of the base, Stryker was personally watching the experiment of weapon X11, and was immediately awakened by the alarm.

"Sir, the base has been invaded!"

At the same time, a soldier quickly rushed over and reported to Stryker.

Stryker's face suddenly became solemn, and his brows were deeply furrowed.

"You continue, don't be affected!"

After telling the researchers, Stryker quickly came to the control room not far away and checked the surveillance in the control room.

That's right.

Although surveillance video is not popular in this era, it is just not popular, that's all.

A secret research base like Stryker's, which is so secretive and shady, is still equipped with a surveillance system.

"It's him!"

When Stryker saw the familiar face on the surveillance camera, his face changed immediately.

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