American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 129: Scared Stryker: He broke through my base in two minutes!

Strike was very impressed by Rorschach, and even said that he had not "forgotten" Rorschach until now.

It was this person who repeatedly destroyed Stryker's plan and brought him a lot of trouble.

He also slapped Stryker in the face.

Victor, Zero, Wade, three trusted generals, including more than 20 special agents, all died at the hands of Rorschach. This loss was enough to make Stryker feel painful.

Especially Victor and Wade, both of them were ideal experimental subjects for the X weapon plan!

As a result, all of them were killed by Rorschach without exception.

God knows how much effort Stryker spent to find a new generation of experimental subjects to replace these two?

When he thought of this, Stryker wanted to cut Rorschach into pieces, so that he could relieve his hatred!


"How did he find this place?"

Strike's brows frowned deeply, and he felt very surprised and shocked.

It seems that he had underestimated this kid before.

There must be a powerful organization behind this guy.

Otherwise, the other party would never find this place.

Thinking of this, Stryker couldn't help but feel annoyed, because it meant that this base he had worked so hard to build for a long time had to be abandoned.

The only consolation was that the x11 weapon was about to succeed!

That would be the most perfect weapon since the x weapon plan was secretly implemented.

Stryker would never allow anyone to come and disrupt the situation at such a critical moment.

"Attention, first, second and third teams, there is an intruder in the base, go and eliminate him immediately!"

"Other teams, pay attention!"

Stryker didn't say anything nonsense, immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and issued such an order to all the soldiers in the secret base.

The soldiers who received the order had no hesitation at all, like a tide, rushing madly from various channels towards Rorschach.

[New mission generated:]

[The mission is as follows: Destroy William Stryker's mutant research base! 】

[Task Reward: 1500 Origin Points]

At the same time, Luo Xia heard a prompt from the system in his mind.

Luo Xia's eyes lit up and he showed a hint of excitement.

Sure enough.

His previous prediction was correct. The system issued a task again.

And the reward for this task is still not low. There are 1,500 Origin Points, which can unlock 15% of the progress!

Another big harvest!

Luo Xia can be said to be full of energy.


"Quick, stop him!"

"The commander has ordered, kill without mercy!"

A chaotic and low sound of footsteps sounded, mixed with various low shouts.

But in the passage ahead, a group of soldiers with live ammunition rushed over.

The noisy sound interrupted Luo Xia's thoughts.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

The moment those soldiers found Rorschach, they raised their guns without saying anything and pulled the trigger at him mercilessly.

"You don't take the road to heaven, but you break into hell!"

"I haven't found you yet, but you come here to die?"

Stryker, who saw this scene from the surveillance, couldn't help but smile coldly and cruelly.

Even if this guy is very powerful and can kill Wade and more than 20 agents he sent out in one breath.

But now, in such a narrow passage, facing a group of soldiers' gunfire, how should this kid deal with it?

There is no way to dodge!

Unless this kid's body is made of steel, he will definitely be beaten into a sieve!

But the next moment, the smile on Stryker's mouth froze.

It was as if it was cut off by a knife.


There was a burst of sound in the passage, and Rorschach's body suddenly disappeared.

Almost at the same time, all the soldiers who surrounded Rorschach flew backwards at the first moment.

They fell in pieces, and then fell to the ground, motionless.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

Stryker was dumbfounded and confused, and had no idea what was going on.

The cameras of this era were still very primitive and very rubbish. How could they capture Rorschach at the speed of sound?

In Stryker's eyes, Rorschach suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then all his soldiers fell to the ground inexplicably.

That's all!

Stryker couldn't react at all to what was going on.

But there was one thing Stryker was sure of, that is, he had greatly underestimated Rorschach's strength!

The opponent's strength was far beyond his expectations.

Although he couldn't see clearly what happened just now, it was obviously done by the opponent.

"All teams, attention! All teams, attention! Everyone, stop the invaders!"

"Yes, all teams!"

Stryker's original calmness disappeared, and there was a hint of panic in his voice, and he gave orders to the soldiers in the base again.

For a time, all the soldiers at their posts, no matter what they were doing, immediately put down what they were doing.

He took out his weapon and began to rush out.

"Start X11!"

At the same time, Stryker also gave an order to the laboratory.

"But sir, X11 is not fully ready yet!"

"Just start it!"

Stryker said ruthlessly.

Of course he knew that x11 was not completely ready yet, but that Eastern boy was so evil, how could Stryker dare to waste any time?


next moment.

Stryker saw that the images on the screens in front of him seemed to be blurred, and then the soldiers he sent out fell in groups.

Not just one of the monitoring screens, but all the monitoring screens are like this, one after another without stopping.

It only took two minutes to go back and forth. Stryker looked around and saw that there was no one standing on all the monitoring screens.

Except for that oriental young man!


Stryker couldn't help but swallowed hard, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

How can it be?

How is this possible!

In just two minutes, all his soldiers in the base were knocked to the ground by that kid!

It’s only two minutes!

In such a short period of time, this kid actually penetrated his base!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Stryker would never dare to believe this kind of thing.

After issuing a series of orders, Stryker was not idle either.

Instead, he quickly left the central control room and came to another room.

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