American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 131 Despair! Why is he so powerful?

Among the few people, only Silver Fox looked worried.

She didn't care whether Rorschach was the person Stryker mentioned. She only knew that the young man might encounter something very dangerous next.

The people around her were not good men and women.

However, Silver Fox didn't dare to openly remind Rorschach, and could only stand aside and watch Rorschach anxiously.

Is this... Silver Fox?

When Silver Fox looked at Rorschach, Rorschach also recognized Silver Fox's identity.

He then withdrew his gaze calmly.

How to deal with Silver Fox, he had made a decision in his heart.

Then, Rorschach looked at the mutants standing next to Silver Fox, and a cold look flashed across his face.


Then Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, his eyes turned red, and a heat ray shot towards the front of the plane.

The whole process of Stryker's ordering these mutants to deal with Rorschach had been completely seen through by Rorschach's perspective and super hearing.

So at this moment, Rorschach would not waste any time talking to these people?

The right way is to just start fighting.

How could the plane head expect Rorschach to start fighting right away without even saying hello?

Especially the attack method of shooting heat rays from his eyes was completely beyond the plane head's expectations and caught him off guard.

In a hurry, the plane head instinctively wanted to dodge, but no matter how fast he dodged, could he be faster than Rorschach's heat rays?


The heat rays shot directly at the plane head's body, and the plane head was shot away in an instant.


The huge body of the plane head hit the wall beside him heavily, and then fell heavily to the ground, and then did not move.

Looking around, I saw that on the plane head's chest, two blood holes were still emitting wisps of green smoke.


The quiet man, the black mutant, and the short mutant all changed their expressions.

At this moment, their previous contempt and doubt about Rorschach were thrown out of the window in an instant.

"Cover me!"

The short mutant let out a low roar at this time, and rushed directly towards Rorschach.

And the moment he took a step, the muscles on the short mutant's body surged rapidly.

It was like Bruce Banner transformed into the Hulk, and in the blink of an eye he became a super big guy about two meters and five meters tall!

His muscles were intertwined, and his arms were thicker than a person's head.

It looked very oppressive.

Boom boom boom!

Even the earth seemed to tremble with the short mutant's step by step.

But it was a pity.

The short mutant who was full of oppression in the eyes of others was just a flower stand in the eyes of Rorschach.

If you don't have enough strength, it's useless no matter how big you are!

Just when he was about to shoot the short mutant to death with two heat rays, the black mutant next to Wen Jingnan suddenly opened his mouth and roared at Rorschach.


An extremely powerful sound wave was roared out by the black mutant.

The sound wave was so strong that everything around the passage was overturned in an instant.

Even if there was a car here, it would also be overturned by the sound wave.

The ability of this black mutant is very similar to that of the Siren, but judging from its attack power, it is obviously much stronger than that of the Siren.

This is understandable. The black mutant is a battle-hardened warrior at first glance, otherwise he would not have been chosen by Stryker.

And the Siren is just a young boy who has just started out.


The next moment, the powerful sound wave hit Rorschach.

But the imagined thing that Rorschach was overturned by the sound wave or staggered back did not happen at all.

Rorschach stood proudly under the sound wave impact of the black mutant like Mount Tai.

The whole person, did not move at all!

He did not even blink his eyebrows.


The black mutant's face changed wildly. How could such a thing be possible?


But it was too late. Rorschach's eyes moved, temporarily abandoning the short mutant, and turned to shoot at the black mutant.

He shot the black mutant to the ground in one go, and went to see his beloved airplane head.

At this time.

The giant transformed by the short mutant also came in front of Rorschach.

He jumped up suddenly, opened his fist as big as a casserole, and hammered Rorschach fiercely.



The next moment, accompanied by a dull critical sound and the sound of broken bones, Rorschach still stood there motionless, just making a fist swinging motion, that's all.

But the 2.5-meter-tall "giant" flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

Then the huge body began to quickly return to normal, and just lay on the ground motionless.

Wen Jingnan turned his head subconsciously and saw that the short mutant's chest was sunken directly, as if it had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

Both the ribs and the heart had been smashed alive, and there was no possibility of survival.


Wen Jingnan took a breath of cold air on the spot, and even his body began to tremble.

Looking at Rorschach, his eyes were filled with endless fear.

What kind of monster is this?

Isn't it too scary?

How can there be such a scary person in the world?

At this moment, Wen Jingnan finally understood why Stryker was so scared by this young man.

"Please wait a moment..."

Wen Jingnan was so scared that he didn't dare to fight a monster like Rorschach.

He immediately waved his hands and tried to beg for mercy from Rorschach.


But a sonic boom interrupted Wen Jingnan's words.

Wen Jingnan didn't react at all, and saw Rorschach suddenly appeared in front of him.

He grabbed Wen Jingnan's neck.


Then Wen Jingnan heard the sound of his neck being broken.

Then, he fell to the ground helplessly.


"This guy!"

Stryker, who saw this scene through the surveillance, almost bit off his tongue, and his face was full of shock.

This person is so powerful?

How could it be!

Stryker could not see clearly how Rorschach used the speed of sound to knock down all the soldiers, but he saw clearly how Rorschach killed Wen Jingnan and several others.

The powerful mutants under his command were like babies in this man's hands, without any resistance.

The gap between the two sides was so big!

Why, why is the gap between the two mutants so big, why is that guy so powerful?

Stryker roared wildly in his heart.

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