American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 132 Is this your ultimate trump card? It is vulnerable!

"Has weapon x11 been successfully activated?"

Stryker swallowed hard, then immediately picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and urged the lab.

"Sir, it has been activated successfully!"

Hearing the reply from the intercom, Stryker couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

As long as weapon x11 is successfully activated, even that perverted guy has nothing to fear.

Because weapon x11 is even more abnormal!

This is a super mutant that combines Wolverine's super self-healing and "enhanced Adamman alloy bone claws", as well as Cyclops, shapeshifting and many other abilities!

It's Stryker's ultimate weapon!

Although those losers didn't stop the pervert for too long, they finally accomplished their mission.

It bought valuable time for Stryker to activate weapon X11.

"Move out!"

Stryker immediately entered the control system of weapon X11 with great excitement and issued an order to the opponent.

Weapon X11, which was originally standing in front of the test bench, as motionless as a puppet, suddenly raised its head and took a long step out.

A look of excitement and anticipation flashed across Stryker's face.

He wanted to see how his weapon X11 could deal with that pervert.

"Weapon x11?"

Luo Xia couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

It seems that after Wade was killed by him, Stryker created a new Deadpool.

He remembered that Deadpool's original codename was Weapon X11.

I just don’t know which one is stronger between this new generation of Deadpool and the original, cheap version of Deadpool.

But before, Stryker was almost scared to death, but after activating the new generation of Deadpool, he immediately became as stable as an old dog.

It can be seen that this new generation of Deadpool should be quite strong.

Rorschach couldn't help but show a look of curiosity and expectation on his face.

I hope this new generation of Deadpool can really bring some challenges to myself.

Thinking of this, Rorschach ignored the Silver Fox who was standing aside tremblingly, and strode away directly.


It wasn't until Rorschach's figure completely disappeared from the passage that Silver Fox couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, even though Rorschach did not surprise Silver Fox with his action, Rorschach did not need to take action at all. Just standing there was enough to give Silver Fox a mountain-like sense of oppression.

In all his life, Silver Fox has never seen such a perverted mutant.

"It's now!"

And soon, a look of determination appeared in Silver Fox's eyes, and she had already made a decision.

At this moment, Stryker's base has been turned upside down by that perverted Eastern mutant. It is a great opportunity for her to secretly rescue her sister!

It's obviously impossible to wait for that bitch Stryker to keep his promise.

Thinking of this, Silver Fox ran away quickly without any delay.

In the blink of an eye, the original passage was empty.

Only the bodies of Wen Jingnan and a few others were left, lying "quietly" on the ground.


The gate sounds.

In another passage, the extremely heavy gate in front slowly rose, and a sharp and capable figure appeared in front of Luo Xia.

The other party glanced at Luo Xia and slowly said this sentence: "You are my target."

"Strike didn't sew your mouth shut? Such a Deadpool has no soul."

Rorschach glanced at the new generation of Deadpool in front of him and complained slightly.

Then without any nonsense, he just scoffed and fired two heat rays at each other.


The same is true for the new generation of Deadpool. Two heat rays were also shot out of his eyes, and he was confronted with Rorschach's heat rays.

The heat rays from both sides "collided passionately" together, and there was a brief stalemate.


Seeing this scene, Stryker couldn't help but punch his fist hard.

Deadpool really did not disappoint him!

Boy, aren't you arrogant?

Let me use my ultimate weapon to blow your head off!

Stryker felt like he could do it again.

But soon.

The chrysanthemum smile on Stryker's face began to slowly fade away, and instead revealed a look of solemnity and worry.

Because Rorschach and Deadpool's heat ray didn't face off for long.

Instead, Rorschach's heat ray quickly consumed Deadpool's heat ray with an overwhelming advantage.

The half of the heat ray belonging to Deadpool became shorter and shorter, and eventually, all was consumed by Rorschach's heat ray.


Then Rorschach's heat ray hit Deadpool directly in the face.

Deadpool's body shook violently, as if he was struck by lightning. His whole body instantly flew backwards and hit the ground heavily.

If Deadpool hadn't also been implanted with Adamantium alloy by Stryker, just this moment would have been enough to kill Deadpool in the head.

Even so, Deadpool's head was shot to pieces by Rorschach, and the alloy skeleton inside was exposed.

But Wolverine's healing ability is still very abnormal. Even this fatal injury did not affect him at all. Deadpool's head was intact in the blink of an eye.


Then, Deadpool used his ability to change his shape and disappeared from the spot.


After the hard fight just now, Stryker knew that Deadpool could not defeat Rorschach by frontal combat, so he began to plan to take the "assassin" route.


This route was also useless to Rorschach.

The next moment.

Deadpool's figure suddenly appeared behind Rorschach, and a long sword stretched out from his hand, and stabbed Rorschach fiercely.

But Rorschach seemed to have known that Deadpool would appear there. He stretched out his hand like lightning and grabbed Deadpool's neck in an instant.

But just when Rorschach was about to twist Deadpool's head off, Deadpool in his hand disappeared again.

Used shape change to move away.

That's right, Deadpool's Apparition is more powerful than Red Devil's.

Once Red Devil is caught, he can't get rid of the opponent even if he Apparates. Beast Hank dealt with Red Devil in this way in the first battle.

But Deadpool's Apparition can completely ignore this, but it is a little troublesome.

This means that Rorschach must kill Deadpool instantly.

But this kind of thing.

It's just a little troublesome, and it's not a problem for Rorschach at all.

"Good, very good!"

Stryker was very excited.

Since Rorschach can't do anything about Apparition, he can let Deadpool kill Rorschach!

With super self-healing and Apparition, Deadpool is invincible!

Just when Stryker was excited, Rorschach's body on the screen seemed to blur.

The camera technology in this era was crude, and this problem often occurred, and Stryker didn't take it seriously.

He continued to give Deadpool instructions, asking Deadpool to attack Rorschach.


Deadpool moved to Rorschach again, and stabbed at him fiercely with the alloy sword in his hand.

Stryker still didn't believe it. If he missed once, he would miss every time?

As long as he was stabbed once, the boy would be finished.

That's adamantium!

However, what Stryker would never have thought was that at this moment, Rorschach seemed to know the location of Deadpool in advance.

He turned around suddenly and took out a silver machete in his hand.

He chopped it fiercely.

He cut off Deadpool's head with one knife!


Deadpool's head bounced to the distance like a ball, and Deadpool's headless body fell heavily to the ground.

"Now, it can't heal itself, right?"

Rorschach glanced at the body of Deadpool, whose body was separated from his body, and threw the adamantium knife in his hand to the ground.

That's right, Stryker just felt Rorschach's body blurry for a moment, it was actually Rorschach who used the speed of sound to get an adamantium knife from the laboratory!

In this experimental base, there are many adamantium weapons!

It can only be said that this old man Stryker made a fatal mistake.

He clapped his hands, as if he had done something insignificant.

Rorschach looked up and glanced at the camera in the room, as if looking directly at Stryker: "Is this your ultimate trump card? Nothing more!"

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