American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 133 I have never seen such a powerful mutant!


When Rorschach looked at him like that, Stryker suddenly felt his body shiver involuntarily, and even his hair stood up.

Although that was just the picture in the camera.

But it must be said that Rorschach has been killing gods and Buddhas since he appeared, and he is extremely fierce.

Now he easily killed Deadpool, who was regarded as a savior by Stryker, which really caused a huge psychological shadow for Stryker.

Stryker was really scared at this moment!


That guy is really a monster!

He has never seen such a powerful mutant.

Stryker really couldn't understand why Deadpool's shape-shifting would not work in front of him?

Stryker naturally couldn't expect that Rorschach's super hearing could hear Deadpool's heartbeat the moment Deadpool appeared.

Then quickly determine Deadpool's position.

The shape-shifting trick was useless to Rorschach when he was at the CIA base, let alone now.

As these chaotic thoughts flashed through his mind, Stryker glanced at the surveillance screen in front of him and found that Rorschach was walking towards him in big strides. He was completely panicked.

He was no longer calm.


Stryker made this decision immediately.

After making up his mind, Stryker did not delay at all. He quickly opened the drawer and took out a pistol made of adamantium from it, and also grabbed a handful of adamantium bullets.

While filling it, he began to evacuate quickly.

But in front of Rorschach, this cheater, can Stryker escape?


As soon as he opened the door, Stryker's body suddenly froze.

Because in the passage in front, a young figure stood there with a big horse and a golden sword.

"Listen, I..."


Stryker's words just stopped abruptly, because Rorschach directly blew Stryker's head with a heat ray.


Stryker's headless body fell to the ground.

The adamantium pistol he held tightly in his hand also fell to the ground.

There was no chance to use it at all.

This super boss of the X-Men series, the old rival of the X-Men for decades, now has his life ended here early, which is really sad.

Who asked him to provoke Rorschach?

[Mission completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining 1500 origin points! ]

[The host has surplus origin points. Do you want to use them immediately for strengthening? ]

At the moment when Stryker was killed, Rorschach's mind also sounded a system prompt.


Without any hesitation, Rorschach chose to strengthen.

[Congratulations to the host, the Homelander template is unlocked by 50%! ]

The system sounded such a prompt again, which made Rorschach feel a little excited and excited.

Unknowingly, have I unlocked 50% of the template?

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 588.1 m/s]

[Strength: 621 tons]

[Constitution: 910 (average of healthy adult males 10)]

[Mental strength: 966 (average of healthy adult males 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (unlock progress 50%)]

[Abilities: Perspective (intermediate), Super Hearing (intermediate), Heat Ray (intermediate), Flight (intermediate)]

[Origin Points: 26 points]

Rorschach took a look at his attribute panel and found that his strength had once again improved significantly.

Not to mention that his strength reached more than 600 tons, his speed was also close to twice the speed of sound!

Not bad, Rorschach was very satisfied with this.

This trip to Three Mile Island can be said to be full of gains, and it was not in vain.

Then next.

It’s time to receive the mutants on the island!

Rorschach didn’t even look at the body of Stryker lying not far away, and turned around and left without looking back, without taking a cloud with him.

With super vision and perspective, Rorschach easily found the place where many mutants were imprisoned.

He stopped talking nonsense, shook his body, and disappeared.


Along with the sound of the explosion, the next moment, Rorschach's figure appeared in a hall.

Looking inside, Rorschach couldn't help but feel angry.

Stryker, you deserve to die!

Looking around, I saw rows of iron fences in the hall.

Those who don't know would think that this is a livestock farm, where horses, cattle, sheep and the like are raised.

However, in fact, the people imprisoned in those iron fences are not livestock at all, but people one by one.

Mutants one by one!

Stryker actually imprisoned these mutants as livestock. This alone is enough for Stryker to die a hundred times.


"Be more forceful!"

Silver Fox was standing outside an iron fence at the moment. He found two iron wires from somewhere and tried to open the lock violently.

However, this was a technical job. Silver Fox was sweating from working so hard, but it didn't work.

When he heard the noise behind him, Silver Fox subconsciously turned his head to take a look.


His brain was shaken, and he was in great tension, even his breathing became rapid.

It was this monster-like guy!

Silver Fox didn't know who Rorschach was, let alone the purpose of Rorschach coming here, but if Rorschach had any intentions towards the mutants here, Silver Fox couldn't stop him at all.

"Madam, why are you looking at me with such a nervous look, making me look like a villain."

Rorschach laughed softly, and then strode towards the iron fence.

"What do you want to do?"

Silver Fox took a deep breath and looked at Rorschach nervously.


Rorschach smiled softly and didn't say much, but two heat rays began to burst out from his eyes.

All the locks outside the iron fence were destroyed.

Seeing that Rorschach's purpose was the same as his own, they were all here to save these mutants, Silver Fox's hanging heart finally relaxed.

At this time, all the mutants imprisoned in the iron fence came out of the iron fence in surprise and joy.

"Is this true?"

"We are saved!"

"Great, we are saved!"

Everyone seemed to have been reborn.

They hugged each other, laughed, and talked about their joy of surviving the disaster.



Silver Fox and her sister also hugged each other tightly and cried with joy.

When Rorschach saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile with relief.

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