American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 134 Wolverine: I just arrived and the base has been razed?


On the coastline of the secret base, an inconspicuous splash of water burst out, and then a head emerged from the water.

The head first quietly observed the surrounding situation, and after confirming that it was safe, it climbed up boldly.

It was Wolverine.

After Wolverine jumped off the plane, he swam forward with his hands and feet, and now he finally swam into this secret base.

Carefully climbing up the base from the water, Wolverine crouched, and began to tiptoe forward slowly under the cover of the night.

But soon.

Wolverine found that he seemed to be a little unnecessary.

Because the outside of the base was so quiet that there was not even a little sound except the sea breeze.

Wolverine observed for so long, but he didn't see a single figure.

Thinking about Rorschach who had entered the base first, and thinking about Rorschach's supernatural ability, Wolverine knew what was going on.

I think most of the guards outside have been dealt with by Rorschach.

Wolverine's guess was soon verified. When he approached the entrance of the base, he really found that there were many corpses lying on the ground.

Rorschach is awesome!

Wolverine couldn't help but feel excited.

With so many guards, each of them was armed. Wolverine could certainly deal with them, but it would take a lot of effort.

He also had to pay the price of being beaten into a sieve.

Although Wolverine has the ability to heal himself and can't be killed or injured, the pain is not less.

The most important thing is that it will definitely alarm Stryker in the base and make Stryker be on guard, which will make things very troublesome.

It's not like Rorschach, who shook his body and a group of people fell to the ground. It was simply silent and the most perfect invasion.

With this excitement, Wolverine came to the entrance of the base that was penetrated by Rorschach very smoothly.

Naturally, there was no obstruction during the whole process.


Taking a slight breath, Wolverine became more vigilant.

Next, he was going to break into the enemy's base camp. Wolverine was ready for a bloody battle.


The base was also terrifyingly quiet, which made Wolverine feel a little strange.

However, Wolverine didn't think too much, stretched out his claws, and began to advance silently along the passage.

After walking a few steps, Wolverine found that the passage in front was full of corpses lying in all directions. After bypassing this passage, the same thing happened.

There were still corpses all over the ground.

The next passage.

The next passage.


Wolverine was gradually getting numb.

Except for corpses, there were still corpses!

Wolverine was no longer so cautious and began to check the base quickly.

He found the central control room, and through the monitoring of the central control room, he took in the situation in the entire base.

At this time, Wolverine discovered that in the entire base, except for Rorschach and the mutants who were imprisoned, there was no living person!

Wolverine was stunned.

After a long time, he finally murmured such a sentence from his mouth: "This must be a joke, right?"

From the murder of his wife Silver Fox, to Wolverine being bewitched by Stryker and agreeing to the other party's x-plan transformation, to finding out that he was deceived, he began to work hard to find Stryker's base.

He spent so much energy just to kill Stryker.

But now, after going through 9981 difficulties, he finally arrived at the destination, but Wolverine found that Stryker's base was swept away by Rorschach as soon as he arrived!

Isn't this too exaggerated?

How long has it been since he jumped off the plane?

Such a heavily guarded secret base was swept away by Rorschach?

Wolverine knew that Rorschach was very powerful, but he was still severely stimulated by Rorschach's toughness.

At the same time, he couldn't help feeling a little absurd. Things are unpredictable. He put all his strength into it, but in the end, he just played a soy sauce!

He didn't do anything!

"Oh, Stryker!"

After calming down, Wolverine just remembered such a key question.

There were too many bodies lying around in the base, and it was difficult to find Stryker's body through surveillance.

So Wolverine stopped talking nonsense and turned around to run away to find Stryker's body.

Finally, he stopped in front of a body with half of its head blown off, and felt that it was full of joy.

"Stryker, I didn't expect you to have this day."

Wolverine looked at the body on the ground and uttered such words from his mouth.

Although half of the head was blown off, Wolverine still recognized the other party's identity through the hairstyle and other features of the body.

"Everything is over!"

After muttering to himself, Wolverine retracted his gaze and quickly turned away.


"Brothers and sisters, my name is Rorschach. As you can see, I am also a mutant."

"I am your compatriot!"

In front of the rescued mutants, Rorschach was talking freely.

The eyes of everyone at the scene were all fixed on Rorschach, each one of them focused and devout.

Although Rorschach looked very young, he had just shown extremely powerful mutant abilities, which made them dare not underestimate him.

Not to mention, Rorschach also released them.

"You used to live in darkness here. You were trembling every day, worrying about when Stryker would attack you. You didn't know where your tomorrow would be."

"But now, I want to tell you that everything is over!"

"Stryker is dead, and this base has been disintegrated by me."

"You are free!"

In the eyes of everyone, Rorschach said such words.

"What! Is it true?"

"Is Stryker really dead?"


The scene suddenly exploded, and the mutants couldn't believe their ears. They just felt that all this was so unreal.

They thought that this was how their lives would be, and they would be Stryker's guinea pigs for the rest of their lives, and live their miserable lives in despair.

But who would have thought that things would suddenly take such a turn.

Stryker was killed!

There is a great savior who came to rescue them!

For everyone, this is just like a dream, so unreal.

But everyone is not stupid, and no one doubts Rorschach's words.

After all, if this base had not been captured, Stryker would have brought people here long ago.

How could he let them be rescued?

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