American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 135 Wolverine: It's not that I'm too weak, it's that you're too abnormal

Stryker is dead!

This secret base was also captured!

This is no longer controversial.

"Yes, I saved you, there is no doubt about it!"

"And what I want to do is not just these, I also formed a big family, a big family specifically for us mutants."

"There are our mutant brothers and sisters there, all coming together to help each other and support each other."

"But I won't force you!"

"If anyone wants to leave with me, I will naturally take them away. Even if someone doesn't want to leave with me, I will take him out of this base, and he can leave on his own after that."

"There is no need to rush. Everyone has time to think about it slowly."

"Now, let's get out of here."

Rorschach's voice continued to sound, his eyes swept over the mutants, and he spoke to everyone seriously.

The scene suddenly started to become noisy.

The mutants looked at me and I looked at you, and they all began to fall into thinking.

Should they leave on their own, or follow the person who saved them?

this is a problem.

Some people were hesitant, but some people had firm looks on their faces. It was obvious that a decision had been made.

Rorschach saw everyone's reactions in his eyes and didn't say much.

He started to greet everyone and led them along the passage in front.


A thick voice sounded, the gate slowly rose, and the figure of an extremely strong man appeared in front of everyone.

The mutants behind Rorschach subconsciously felt nervous.

Luo Xia smiled: "Calm down, everyone, he is not an enemy,"

Having said this, Rorschach just said hello to Wolverine: "Logan, you are a little late."

That's right, the person coming is none other than Wolverine.


He was really speechless and didn't know what to say.

Did I come late?

Are you too perverted?

How could a normal person wipe out a heavily guarded secret military base in such a short period of time with just one person's power?

Even if an army comes, it won't be so fast!

Wolverine was completely shocked by Rorschach.

He was about to say something, but Wolverine's eyes froze in the next moment.

Because the figure of a familiar woman caught his eye.

Wolverine was stunned: "Keira?"

Isn’t Keira dead?

Wolverine also buried Keira!

How is this going?


Silver Fox also didn't expect Wolverine to appear. She was also stunned, and then her emotions became a little unbearable.

It was not her intention to deceive Wolverine, and after doing that, Silver Fox has been living with guilt and self-blame.

Originally, Silver Fox thought that she would never have anything to do with Wolverine in her life, but who would have thought that she would see Wolverine again here.

"Keira, I don't understand, you're already... dead, right in front of my eyes!"

Wolverine just stared at the silver fox and asked in a murmur.

"I'm sorry Logan, I lied to you."

Silver Fox said to Wolverine with great self-reproach, and even dared not look directly into Wolverine's eyes.

"Logan, you two, isn't it a little inappropriate to flirt right now?"

Rorschach's voice sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two parties at an inappropriate time.

Wolverine and Silver Fox just closed their mouths.

Now is really not the right time.


Rorschach's eyes fell on Wolverine's face again, and he said to him, "Can you please take everyone out first? Meet Gambit."

"What about you?" Wolverine looked at Rorschach seriously and asked.

"Just killing everyone here is not enough. There is also a lot of research information on mutants in this place. I want to destroy it all."

Rorschach said to Wolverine matter-of-factly.

He originally planned to take everyone out of the base and then return to do this, but now that Wolverine is here, there is no need to go to such trouble.

When he heard about this kind of thing, Wolverine naturally did his part.

He nodded immediately, and then left with all the mutants.

As for Rorschach.

As he himself said, he began to "visit" the base.



All the equipment, instruments and equipment in the laboratory, etc., were all smashed to pieces by Rorschach's heat rays.

The relevant research materials were collected by Rorschach and burned completely.

As for why it's so troublesome, instead of setting the place on fire?

The main reason is that the movement is too loud, and the billowing smoke will be noticed immediately, which is enough to cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course Rorschach is not afraid of trouble, but it is naturally best to avoid unnecessary trouble.

And there are nuclear facilities here, so it's even more unsuitable to act like this.


This is?

Several more heat rays destroyed a laboratory. Rorschach was about to leave, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by a strange stone that fell on the ground.

The stone was originally placed on an experimental instrument. When Rorschach used heat rays to destroy the experimental instrument, he didn't pay much attention, and the stone was also swept.

But what Rorschach didn't expect was that the stone, which should have exploded into slag in Rorschach's heat rays, was intact!

It was shot out by Rorschach's heat rays.

It fell to the ground.

But it was not damaged at all.

"What is this?"

Rorschach's eyes were attracted by the stone at once.

Thinking about it again, it must be something extraordinary that could be placed on the experimental table by Stryker, and Rorschach's interest in the stone was raised all of a sudden.

Could it be... this is the ore of adamantium alloy?

This was the first thought that flashed through Rorschach's mind.

But Rorschach soon threw this idea aside.

Because the stone didn't look like it, the stone was too clean, as if it was made of granite.

And it was cut in half by some kind of sharp blade.

The cut was extremely smooth, like a mirror, but just now, the stone could clearly resist Rorschach's heat ray!

With a hint of curiosity, Rorschach picked up the stone, and after a moment of hesitation, a heat ray shot out from his eyes again.

It shot at the stone.

An amazing thing happened. Under the energy of the heat ray, the stone was not damaged at all, but after a moment, it even glowed blue!

However, when Rorschach put away the heat ray, the blue light of the stone quickly dimmed.


Rorschach's eyes suddenly showed curiosity.

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