American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 136 Accidentally awakened a power that no one in my country has

To be honest, Rorschach didn't expect that his heat rays would actually change the stone.

From the previous reaction, it seemed that his heat rays activated the stone.

Since it was confirmed that the stone was indeed not an ordinary object, Rorschach did not continue to conduct random experiments.

In countless movies in his previous life, there were such plots of curiosity killing the cat. If there was any trouble caused by random experiments, it would be a bit troublesome.

However, since such a mysterious stone was found, Rorschach naturally couldn't just leave it alone.

He planned to take it back and give it to Hank for research.


But what Rorschach didn't expect was that at this moment, the stone that was originally fine suddenly cracked.

The cracks were still emitting that dazzling blue light.



As this sound continued to sound, the cracks on the stone became more and more.



The whole stone exploded directly.

A very dazzling blue light exploded just like that.

And this was just the beginning. What was even more terrible was that the blue light seemed to be alive, and it rushed towards Rorschach.

"What's going on?"

Rorschach was immediately shocked.

Without thinking, he directly used nearly twice the speed of sound and dodged to the side.

However, what Rorschach didn't expect was that even with his speed, he couldn't avoid the blue light.

The opponent rushed directly into Rorschach's body and disappeared.

Rorschach: "..."

His anus suddenly tightened.

His body was also slightly tense, and his nerves were tense.

Could he be eroded by some evil curse, or radiated by unknown energy?

Wouldn't he turn himself into a monster?

Isn't that how it's played in the movie?

No way?

I won't be so miserable, right?

Rorschach swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a gulp, and hurriedly began to check his body.

Rorschach's face suddenly changed after the examination. He actually found something.

And it was not physical, but mental.

Rorschach had carefully felt it. There was nothing wrong with his body. Everything was normal.

It was just that suddenly, he felt as if he had an inexplicable "feeling", a feeling independent of the five senses.

Rorschach couldn't describe that feeling. In short, he could sense some objects around him without using ordinary senses such as touch, vision, and smell.

Even when Rorschach closed his eyes, everything in the surrounding environment could appear in his mind in the form of a blue picture.

Just like... Daredevil's radar perception.

And this was undoubtedly the change brought to him by the blue light in the strange stone.

——Even the main color of perception was blue, there was no doubt about it.

So the thrilling wave just now, in the end, just brought Rorschach a new superpower, that's all?

A completely useless superpower that even the Homelanders don't have?

No other effects?

Rorschach couldn't help showing a strange look on his face.

He felt that things might not be that simple.

But he carefully checked his body again, inside and out, and indeed could not find any other changes.

"Forget it, whatever happens."

Rorschach could only give up.

But he made up his mind that after returning, he must let Hank give him a full body check.



Frenzy Rainforest Town.

A pickup truck that looked a little shabby was driving forward slowly on the small road that seemed a little dirty in the town.

In the box behind the pickup truck, there were boxes one after another, as well as some tables, chairs, benches and some daily furniture.

In the pickup truck, a cowboy who looked about forty years old, with a thin face but a very deep look, was driving the vehicle expressionlessly.

In the passenger seat next to the cowboy, there was a girl who looked about 15 or 16 years old, young and beautiful, with big wavy golden hair.

But the girl looked pouty and angry.

"Smith, I just integrated into this place, I just made friends, and they even invited me to the carnival... Can we stop this?"

"We have moved eight times in ten years, I'm really fed up!"

"This is not the life I want at all!"

The girl complained to the cowboy next to her with great dissatisfaction.

"Number Six, stop your useless complaints! We can't stay in one place for too long, otherwise the Mauga people will come looking for us."

"Besides, we have to find the Holy Stone and other people!"

Smith just looked ahead, without even looking at the little girl, and said to her in a cold tone, "You have to remember, we are not here to enjoy life! We have a higher mission and task, whether it's you or me! Have you forgotten how the Mauga people destroyed our hometown!"

Number Six's mumbling face suddenly froze, he couldn't speak, and his face began to become a little heavy and a little lost.

As if thinking of some tragic past.

Smith glanced at No. 6, then realized that his words might be a bit heavy, so he comforted him: "No. 6, I know this is a heavy mission, but fortunately, you don't have to bear it alone. This is the fate of the nine of you, not just you."

"That's exactly the problem, Smith." No. 6 looked helpless, "We can't find where the others are at all."

"Don't worry, when I find the holy stone, the holy stone will guide us to find others." Smith comforted No. 6 seriously.

"But there is a prerequisite, we have to find the holy stone first." No. 6 emphasized.

This sentence directly made Smith speechless.


The holy stone can indeed guide them to find others, this is not a problem, the problem is that they don't know where the holy stone is.

"No. 6, don't worry, although I don't know where the holy stone is, as long as the energy of the holy stone is stimulated, I will sense it immediately."

"So... don't worry."

Although Smith said so, No. 6 still did not have any optimistic attitude towards this.

Although the name of the Holy Stone sounds awesome, it is just a piece of stone from the outside. Who knows where it fell on this planet? How could it be activated for no reason?

Is she going to pray for a lightning bolt to fall from the sky when it rains and hit the Holy Stone?

Are you kidding?

They have been looking for the Holy Stone for ten years, but they don't have even a clue.

"Smith, you say..."

No. 6 was about to say something to Smith, but he was surprised to find that Smith's face suddenly showed a touch of excitement and ecstasy.

Not only that, the "wolf tooth" hanging on Smith's chest also began to flicker with a faint blue light.

"What's going on? Smith, what's wrong?" No. 6 asked very strangely.

"The Holy Stone has just been activated!"

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