American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 137 Card King: Humans can’t be that strong!

Three Mile Island.


After destroying the last laboratory, Rorschach withdrew his heat ray.

Then he walked out of the base leisurely and came to one of the passages.

There was already a jeep parked there.

Without any nonsense, Rorschach got directly into the jeep and started the car smoothly.

It wasn't that Rorschach was too lazy to walk or wanted to take a car in the base. With Rorschach's current wealth, there was no need to do such a thing.

The reason why Rorschach decided to drive was because there was a good thing he collected in the car: Adamantium alloy!

This is a "super metal" that is even harder than vibranium.

Now that he has met him, Rorschach will naturally not miss it.

Rorschach didn't pay much attention to anything in this base, but he was still disrespectful of things like Adamantium.

The only regret is that even Stryker doesn't have much of this metal. It just filled a jeep, that's all.

But Rorschach is not that unsatisfied person. Just a little less, mosquito legs are also meat, right?

"Let me see where you are!"

After starting the car, Rorschach used his clairvoyance to look around, and immediately saw where all the mutants were gathered.

Without any nonsense, he quickly turned the steering wheel and the car sped away, quickly disappearing.

After twisting and turning in various passages and driving along the winding paths on the island, Rorschach's car finally stopped in front of an apron.

Gambit, Wolverine, and other mutants are gathering here at the moment.

Seeing a car driving over suddenly, everyone subconsciously felt a little nervous. It wasn't until the car got closer and everyone could see that the person driving the car was Rorschach that they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought you left alone."

After Wolverine saw Rorschach, he couldn't help but complain.

"Why did I do that?"

Rorschach naturally asked, was he running all this way just to kill a Stryker?

"How do I know? You took too long." Wolverine took a puff of his cigar and blew out a puff of smoke.

"So Rorschach, you actually wiped out a base by yourself?"

Gambit King's incredible voice followed, "Are you sure you are a human?"

Humans can't be so strong!

Rorschach spread his hands: "If you insist on treating me as God, that's not impossible."

Gambit King: "..."

I treat you like a monster, okay?

"Hey Rorschach, look what I found?"

Then Gambit changed the topic and he showed off to Rorschach extremely excitedly, pointing to a plane behind him, "A bigger, more beautiful baby! I tell you! This is what I found, this This thing belongs to me, even you can’t steal it from me, do you understand?”

Rorschach didn't expect Gambit to find a new plane here, so it seemed that the previous junk was no longer needed.

He then curled his lips. This thing was for military use. It was basically a hot potato. Even if he got it in his hand, he couldn't open it.

Not to mention, isn’t the Blackbird fighter designed by Hank much better than this?

Rorschach has no interest in this stuff.

"My only concern is, since you can fly your little crappy baby, you can probably fly this new big baby, right?"

Rorschach just looked at Gambit King calmly and asked.

"Are you kidding me?"

Seeing that he was openly questioned, Gambit King suddenly became unhappy. He stood up straight and said, "I can even give you a fancy flight! Let you see what the art of flying is."

Wolverine on the side couldn't help showing a look of disdain.

Although the time he has been in contact with Gambit has not been long, Wolverine can be said to have seen through Gambit, who is a super slut.

It would be good if one out of ten words from his mouth is true.


Some people couldn't help laughing.

But some young mutants were amused by the gag between Gambit and Rorschach.

At this time, everyone was 100% sure that this base had been completely destroyed, and they were immediately rescued from this nightmare place, so everyone was still in a good mood.

The atmosphere at the scene was full of joy.

"Even the children don't believe your nonsense."

Wolverine blew out a smoke ring leisurely and satirized mercilessly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you will be nervous when flying."

Gambit also unceremoniously exposed Wolverine's shortcomings. He said to everyone, "You may think this uncle is cool and powerful now, but when you get on the plane, you will see that he is actually just a little kid." Cat, like this.”

While talking, Gambit also demonstrated Wolverine's posture while sitting on a plane.

Ha ha!

There was another burst of joyful laughter.

"Okay, great artist, it's getting late, we should go!"

Rorschach clapped his hands at this time and reminded Gambit King.

Everyone just stopped talking and laughing and started to get on the plane one after another.

Rorschach naturally drove the jeep into the plane.

Almost fifteen minutes later, the plane took off from Three Mile Island and disappeared into the clouds.

"We...are free!"

"We are really free!"

Looking out the window at the majestic clouds outside, the mutants finally let go of their worries.

Many people's faces were filled with happy smiles and endless yearning for the future.

After getting rid of the nightmare, they will usher in a brand new life.

Where should they go?

Everyone still remembers what Rorschach said on Three Mile Island. When the time comes, will they follow this powerful lifesaver or seek a new life?

Everyone is thinking about this question.

In this thought.

The plane unknowingly stopped in a remote place outside New York.

The mutants got off the plane one by one and gathered in the open space outside the plane.

"Supreme, the car has been arranged."

Selina, who received the notice early, came to Rorschach with an umbrella and reported to him.

Rorschach nodded lightly and didn't say much.

"Hi, beautiful lady, I'm Remi Lebo."

When the poker king saw Selena, his eyes lit up immediately, and he came over to show his courtesy to Selena.

It was a pity that Selena didn't even bother to pay attention to the poker king, and didn't even look at him.

As for the others.

They were much more savvy than the poker king, and they all gathered in front of Rorschach obediently, waiting for Rorschach's next words.


Under everyone's gaze, Rorschach spoke, "I believe you have thought very thoroughly at this moment, so now, tell me your choice."

"Follow me, or leave?"

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