American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 138 I actually awakened my spiritual consciousness? That's so exaggerated!

Following Rorschach's words, everyone at the scene started to look at each other, and the atmosphere became a little serious.

"I guess we can't go back to the past, right?"

The first person to speak was a young man covering his eyes with a blindfold.

This is Rorschach's focus, and he is also the younger brother of one of Rorschach's old friends, and a well-known figure in the X-Men series.

Cyclops Scott Summers.

I don’t know what Cyclops is like for other people, but for him it is indeed like this.

After all, it would be a disaster as soon as he opened his eyes. How could he still survive in human society?

Going with Rorschach was Cyclops' only option.

"I was kicked out of my family anyway."

Another boy with a tongue like a lizard's tongue also shrugged.

He was once regarded as a monster by everyone because of his weird tongue, which is the same as Cyclops to a certain extent.

"Rorschach, I'm going with you!"

"I'll go with you too!"

Following Cyclops and "Lizard Tongue", other mutants also expressed their decisions to Rorschach.

Half of the people decided to follow Rorschach.

But naturally, if there are people who decide to follow Rorschach, then there are also people who decide to leave.

"Rorschach, I am very grateful for everything you have done. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. If you are of any use to me in the future, I will definitely do my best to help."

"But I'm sorry, I choose to live with my sister."

After the scene was quiet for a moment, Silver Fox's sister Michelle spoke to Rorschach with an apologetic expression.

Rorschach still has some impression of Michelle.

This woman has the ability to turn herself into a diamond, which is frankly a very good ability.

But as Rorschach said, you can stay or go as you please, and Rorschach did not stop him in any way.

He just nodded lightly and glanced at the others who had not expressed their opinions: "You are planning to leave just like Michelle, right?"

"I'm sorry, Rorschach."

"Sorry, Rorschach."

"It doesn't matter. I respect your choice. Everyone, let's just say goodbye."

Rorschach waved to those who chose to leave, and then ordered Serena beside him, "Arrange for everyone to leave."

"Got it, Supreme!"

Serena responded and began to wave to the men waiting aside.

Those who chose to follow Rorschach were quickly put on the bus by Serena's people.

Those who planned to leave naturally left.

At the end of the scene, only Rorschach, Wolverine, Gambit, and the Silver Fox sisters were left.

"Rorschach, this was a very exciting trip, but I hope it will never happen again. And Logan, I hope I won't run into you two again."

After Gambit said hello to Rorschach and Wolverine, he couldn't wait to get back into the plane.

After parting ways with Gambit, Rorschach glanced at Wolverine, without saying anything else, got into Serena's car and left quickly.

Rorschach is not surprised that people like Gambit and Wolverine would not choose to follow Rorschach.

Gambit King is a prodigal son.

As for Wolverine?

It is meaningless to analyze the previous Wolverine, because the fate of the current Wolverine has been greatly changed.

In the original storyline, Wolverine was hit in the head by Stryker with Adamantium and lost his memory.

But what now?

Because of Rorschach's intervention, this incident never happened.

Wolverine remembers it all, and his wife isn't dead yet.

And judging by the looks on both sides, Rorschach was even sure that the two of them would definitely "renew their relationship". They had already started flirting with each other on the plane.

If nothing else, Wolverine will once again live in seclusion with his wife.

Oh, by the way, I also have to add my sister-in-law.

Didn't my sister-in-law say she wants to live with her sister?

"The Fairy Life of My Sister-in-law and I"

"The story that has to be told about a man and two women"

Rorschach imagined several dramas in one second.

Shaking his head and throwing away those messy thoughts, Rorschach began to lean on the backrest and once again entered his "spiritual world".

Yes, it is the spiritual world.

In the past, Rorschach only knew that his mental power was 90 times that of a normal person. Although it seemed exaggerated, it was just a cold number on the attribute panel, nothing more.

What is the level of Rorschach's mental power?

He didn't know.

Will he be immune to the Scarlet Witch's psychic magic when the plot of Avengers 2 begins?

Or could it withstand Loki's scepter?

Rorschach is unknown.

Although his mental power is really very powerful, for Rorschach, there is no practical concept.

In other words, it is still an illusory concept that cannot be seen or touched.

But after the accident at the Three Mile Island secret base, the situation changed.

Rorschach's originally incomprehensible and intangible mental power was like someone taking a blue paintbrush and dyeing it blue, and it could be directly sensed by Rorschach.

With a thought, Rorschach can enter the blue world similar to thermal imaging.

However, this thermal induction can not only sense heat, but also everything around, which is still very magical.

And this induction is not the elementary one, but very, very fine.

When his mind is focused on a certain point, he can make very detailed "observations".

For example, now.

Rorschach's mental power can penetrate into all objects in front through the blue "magnetic lines of force".

The leather wrapped outside the seat, the lining inside, the metal frame inside, and so on and so forth...

Everything is exposed under this induction.

To put it more vividly, it is like the divine consciousness described in fairy tales.

This induction is different from perspective. Perspective is only a visual observation, but this induction is a kind of "touch" to a certain extent: hot and cold, soft and hard, or some other physical properties can be fed back through this induction.

He can even control his mental power to touch and do other operations.

Wait a minute!

Rorschach, who was trying, suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't help showing a look of disbelief.

Since his mental power can touch objects, does that mean...

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