American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 139 Transformation, the truly impeccable motherland

Mind power!

That’s right, it’s telepathy!

Thinking of this, Rorschach's face was filled with excitement.

Since his mental power is dyed and is no longer ethereal, but can touch the tangible objects around him, does that mean that he can use his mental power to control other objects?

Like, mobile?

Isn’t this just telepathy?

I have to say, this thing is a good thing!

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Rorschach couldn't control his mood. He couldn't wait to try it out.

Considering that Rorschach's control over mental power is still at a very weak stage, and the previous touches were also very weak, Rorschach first pulled off a button of his clothes.

He put it on his hand and concentrated all his mental energy to try to touch and control the button.


The button actually moved!


Not to mention how excited Rorschach was, his previously seemingly enlightened and even somewhat absurd theory was verified.

He indeed has telekinesis!

Although it is still very weak at the current stage, this is just the beginning. Luo Xia believes that his telepathy will gradually become stronger in the future.

Of course, telepathy is only one aspect. For Rorschach, he has more important guesses.

The controllable mental power also has the attribute of telekinesis. Is this equivalent to the magic resistance skill?

Magic resistance is a major shortcoming of the people of the motherland, even for Superman.

The people of the motherland who have magic resistance are the truly invulnerable people of the motherland!

When he thought of this, Rorschach couldn't help but feel excited.

During the rest of the journey, Rorschach was completely immersed in the exploration of his own spiritual power, unaware of the passage of time.

"Supreme, we are here."

It wasn't until Serena's voice rang in his ears that Rorschach looked around and suddenly realized that he had arrived at the base camp.

Bang bang bang!

Along with this series of sounds of opening and closing the car doors, Rorschach and a group of mutants got out of the car.

“What a lovely place.”

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"It's so big, like a castle!"

When the mutants saw the majestic and ultra-luxurious manor that they had only seen in movies, they felt as if Grandma Liu had come to the Grand View Garden, and were amazed.

Everyone looked straight in the eyes.

"Everyone, welcome to your new home!"

Rorschach opened his arms to the mutants and smiled.

"Wow, there are a lot of people this time. It seems that this place will not be deserted after all."

A voice sounded, but it was Ruiwen who came over with a smile on her face.

Beside Ruiwen, several other elders were also present.

Everyone was very excited when they saw that Rorschach had brought almost ten mutants this time.

These are their compatriots.

Under such a severe situation now, it is an exciting thing for everyone to see more compatriots reunited.

"This looks cool." Even the imitating cat couldn't help but sigh excitedly.

"Ruiwen, I'm going to trouble you next."

Rorschach greeted Raven.

Raven didn't talk nonsense, she took the mutants away in an orderly manner and made corresponding arrangements.

I have to say that having such a great butler around really saved Luo Xia a lot of worry.

"Emma, ​​Vanessa, there are a lot of people here this time, could you two help Raven share the load?"

Rorschach then looked at the White Queen and Copycat who were laughing and joking to one side.

"I knew you came to me for work."

The imitating cat complained in his mouth, but it was just a joke, nothing more.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing if they can give me any surprises." The White Queen looked curious.

"Hank, come with me, I brought a lot of good things this time."

Rorschach finally waved to Hank and said to Hank mysteriously.

"What good stuff?"

Hank was immediately attracted by Rorschach's words.

"Selena, have someone move the things to the lab."

Rorschach waved to Serena again.

"I understand, Supreme!"

Serena responded, and then ordered people to start moving the Adamantium alloy ores in the car, as well as some of the Adamantium alloy weapons cast by Stryker, to the laboratory box by box.

"Is this... some ore?"

Hank glanced at it, then glanced at Rorschach suspiciously.

It's not that Hank underestimates Rorschach, it's really something like ore that requires a high degree of professionalism to play.

But when he thought about it, Rorschach most likely plundered it from Stryker, and Hank couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

"Don't underestimate these ores. Let me tell you, they are the hardest metal in the universe!"

Rorschach said to Hank in a very affirmative tone.

The hardest metal in the universe! ?

Hank's eyes suddenly widened. Are those rocks so exaggerated?

After rubbing his hands, Hank's eyes suddenly radiated a burning light.

He couldn't wait to do some research.

"Hank, wait a minute!"

But Rorschach stopped Hank. Compared to studying adamantium alloy, Rorschach had another more important thing to ask Hank for help.

Check the body.

Although Rorschach didn't feel anything wrong with his body until now, he couldn't rest assured without letting Hank check it in detail.

"What's wrong, Rorschach?"

Hank looked at Rorschach with a serious look.

Rorschach looked like this, and it was obvious that something was wrong.

"Hank, don't make a sound. I want you to check my body quietly."

"Check the body?" Hank looked Rorschach up and down, and couldn't help but worry, "Are you injured?"

"I'm not injured... No, I'm not sure if I'm injured or not..."

Rorschach then told Hank about the strange stone, which made Hank stunned.

The kind of stone that can withstand Rorschach's heat rays and can "disintegrate" itself and emit blue light is unheard of and unseen even for Hank.

Hank did not dare to neglect it and immediately took Rorschach to the corresponding laboratory and conducted a detailed and comprehensive examination on him.

"Rorschach, after my examination, there is indeed nothing wrong with your body."

Hank's words finally made Rorschach feel a little relieved.

Since Hank did not find any problems through various instruments and equipment, it can only mean that there is indeed nothing wrong with Rorschach's body.

The only effect that the strange stone had on him was that his mental power "changed from virtual to real".

Of course, mental power and the like cannot be detected with the equipment Hank currently has, but there is no abnormality in the brain, which is closely related to mental power.

Although he still has some uncertainty in his heart, it seems that this is the only way now.

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