"A new day!"

The warm but not blazing sunlight came in through the window and projected on Rorschach's face.

Rorschach slowly opened his eyes and stretched his waist comfortably.

I have to say, the feeling of sleeping until you wake up naturally is good!

After lifting the quilt and walking to the window, Rorschach subconsciously looked outside.

On the playground in front of him, several young people were playing basketball.

Someone also set up a drawing board on the grass and used a brush to outline everything in the base.

"Yes, the base is finally a little lively."

Rorschach nodded and showed a satisfied look.

In this way, the manor is considered to be a little lively.

After a simple wash, Rorschach changed his clothes, and without further delay, he left his room and went to meet Hank and others.

"Hello, Dean!"

"Hello, Dean!"


Along the way, the mutants who were taken over by Rorschach and settled here greeted Rorschach enthusiastically.

Initially, it was because Vincent joked with everyone that they were all children from an orphanage, and Rorschach was the director of the orphanage who took them in.

As a result, the name of Rorschach "director" spread.

Rorschach felt quite helpless about this.

But of course, he would not dwell on such things. The director is the director, after all, it is also a respectful title, and people who don't know who is the director of the orphanage or the director of the academy would not know.

If Rorschach turns this mutant base into a mutant academy in the future, then wouldn't he be more legitimate as the director?


After crossing the playground, there was a long and narrow bluestone road in front, with some bamboo chairs and swings on both sides of the road. A young man with an eye mask covering his eyes was sitting on the swing bored.

It was Cyclops Scott.

Because he couldn't see, he could only sit on the swing to bask in the sun temporarily.

"Mr. Rorschach!"

Hearing the voice, Scott immediately stood up from the swing and groped his way towards Rorschach.

"Are you used to it here?" Rorschach held the other person with his hand and asked with a smile.

"Of course, I'm used to it! Thank you, Mr. Rorschach!" Scott said to Rorschach with gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

If it weren't for Rorschach, he would still be locked up in that experimental base as a guinea pig for others, living an inhumane life.

So Scott is truly grateful to Rorschach, without any falsehood.

Although Scott cannot integrate with other compatriots temporarily because of his "blindness", this is a new life for him.

"Scott, don't worry about your eyes, Hank is our Tinker Bell, he will find a way to make you open your eyes safely."

After a few words with Scott, Rorschach patted Scott on the shoulder and said to Scott confidently.

"Tinker Bell?" Scott showed a puzzled look.

"Uh... genius inventor."

Scott finally understood, and then forced a helpless smile to Rorschach, "Mr. Rorschach, actually, I've adapted to it, it's okay."

It was obvious that he had no hope for Rorschach to open his eyes safely.

Rorschach didn't say much about this, and just waited until Hank made the "laser glasses" to see what expression Scott's face would be.

"Hey Rorschach."


"Good morning, everyone!"

When they arrived at the event hall, Hank, Raven, the White Queen and Copycat were already there.

Everyone simply greeted each other, and then started talking about business.

"Rorschach, the registration work has been completed, this is everyone's roster."

Raven first handed Rorschach a roster.

Rorschach looked at it, and the names, ages, personalities, basic abilities, etc. of the mutants were all roughly marked.

It was convenient for people to understand.

Rorschach glanced at them, indicating that he had an idea, and then looked at the White Queen on the side: "Emma?"

The White Queen knew what Rorschach meant, and she nodded: "I checked their memories, and they are all fine."

Although these people, except Vincent, were recruited by Rorschach from Stryker's base, the necessary steps must be taken, which is also the important reason why Rorschach recruited the White Queen first.

With the White Queen here, no one with ulterior motives or ill intentions will want to get in.

Especially after the brain wave enhancer is built, the White Queen will really become a human radar, or another Professor X, and her role will be even greater.

"I have conducted a simple test of their abilities, and I think we can focus on two people."

Copycat also spoke at this time, and she put her finger on the list and clicked, "Scott, his potential is very huge, Rorschach, even in the entire base, I think his potential is only below yours."

Others also echoed, and everyone unanimously had great expectations for Scott.

Rorschach was not surprised by this. Anyone who has watched the X-Men movies knows Cyclops's strength.

Moreover, Cyclops has served as the captain of the X-Men and even took over the position of dean of the Mutant Academy from Professor X.

His potential is indeed unlimited.

"His eyes can emit lasers, and red quartz can effectively filter out most of the light waves in these bands. After a few more tests, I think I can make a pair of red quartz glasses for him."

"So he can open his eyes."

Hank also added.

Rorschach nodded, indicating that he knew what was going on.

"Besides, it's Vincent."

Copycat put his hand on another name again, "In terms of attack power, he can't compare to Scott, but his ability development direction is diverse. If used well, he can even surprise everyone more than Scott."

Rorschach also nodded.

After another simple communication, everyone basically had a rough idea of ​​the mutants they recruited:

There are currently only two key training targets, Scott and Vincent.

"Rorschach, everyone!"

Raven's voice suddenly interrupted everyone.

But Raven walked to the TV at this time and turned up the volume of the TV.

A character on the TV news instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Eric, or rather, Eric who has completely become Magneto.

But Magneto was standing majestically in a cape and a helmet.

He was indescribably majestic and domineering.

Behind Magneto was a mess, and a few police cars overturned on the ground could be vaguely seen.

"Fellow countrymen, brothers and sisters, how long will we have to suffer such oppression?"

"It's time to fight back! It's time for us to declare war on mankind!"

"From today on, we will blow the horn of counterattack!"


Magneto actually declared war on all mankind so openly on TV!

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