American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 141 Rorschach: The only hope to save mutants

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became depressing.

Except for Rorschach, it can be said that all the other mutants were stimulated by Magneto's madness.

Even the original Black Emperor Xiao, a guy who was as extreme as Eric and planned to wipe out all mankind, only developed in secret.

He's always been a facilitator behind the scenes, that's all.

Until the Cuban Missile Crisis broke out, no one knew what the Black Emperor had done.

How can it be that Magneto is so high-profile.

"Eric is crazy!"

Raven's brows suddenly furrowed deeply, "War? Is this what he always wanted?"

"This guy is even crazier than Xiao." Copycat also looked stunned.

"The situation is already messy enough, and Eric is adding fuel to the fire."

Hank shook his head and couldn't help but have a look of worry on his face.

Now mutants and ordinary people are already in a stage of acute and incompatible opposition. If Eric does this again, the contradictions and conflicts between the two sides will further intensify.

The already precarious fate of mutants has become even more gloomy and blurry.

Hank sees no way out for everyone.

"Aren't we going to do something?"

The White Queen just hugged her arms and looked the calmest among the group of people. She just opened her mouth and glanced at Luo Xia and asked.

The White Queen didn't care about starting a war with ordinary people, but in her eyes, Eric was too stupid to do this.

That would just put mutants on the fire and change nothing else.

If you really want to start a war, just like Xiao, do something real, instead of shouting slogans and harming your compatriots.

What the White Queen is worried about is that Magneto's declaration of war will bring greater disaster to the mutants, that's all.


Following the White Queen's words, all the mutants set their sights on Rorschach one by one.

"No, we don't need to do anything."

Rorschach shook his head, "Eric is indeed a bit extreme, but considering the current chaotic situation, this may be exactly what we need."

Magneto's actions will indeed make the situation of mutants more embarrassing, but it can also scare many people. This is an indisputable fact.

"But Rorschach, if Eric is allowed to continue like this, war will really come!" Hank's face still looked worried.

"No, because we still have Charles." Rorschach smiled meaningfully.

Eric and Charles are indispensable.


Hank and Raven looked at each other and were speechless.

Indeed, with Charles's temperament, it is impossible to let Eric act so wantonly and ignore it.

And Charles' ability is also very powerful, enough to exert a great restraint on Eric.

"What about us?" Raven couldn't help but ask again.

"Bring more brothers and sisters here and provide them with a pure land in this troubled world." Luo Xia said to everyone with a leisurely look.

"But how many people can we protect?" Ruiwen sighed.

No matter how strong Rorschach is, he is still just one person.

No matter how big this place is, even if it is full of people, how many people will be able to survive?

But there are thousands of their brothers and sisters!

Raven felt they needed to do more.

But this kind of problem is indeed a very difficult problem, and it cannot be solved by just Ruiwen alone.

In the face of such a big issue of race survival, Raven is just an insignificant pebble.


Thinking of this, Ruiwen couldn't help but focus on Luo Xia.

Only this man can change the fate of mutants.

At least for now, Raven believes that Rorschach is the only hope to save mutants.

Raven knew that Rorschach had a big chess game in mind. Although she didn't know what it was, Raven was willing to dedicate her strength to it.

"Rorschach, it will take half a month to build the brainwave enhancer."

Hank pushed up his glasses on one side and said to Rorschach with a solemn expression.

Although all available resources have been used to build the brainwave intensifier, after all, the amount of work is there, and it cannot be completed just as soon as it is completed.

"It doesn't matter." Rorschach shrugged, "Anyway, news about mutants is everywhere now."

On top of that, Rorschach also has super hearing!

As long as it's within New York, no, after being strengthened by Three Mile Island, Rorschach's super hearing has increased and is no longer limited to New York.

All in all, Rorschach's super hearing can also play a huge role at this time.

Thinking of this, Rorschach had no nonsense and immediately began to use his super hearing to filter and listen to the sounds of the entire city.

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"Be careful, everyone, retreat quickly, be careful not to be burned to ashes!"

"Danger, this is an extremely dangerous person, shoot!"

"Tu tu tu tu!"

"Apply for support, apply for support!"

Such a sound came into Rorschach's eardrums.

Burn to ashes?

Could it be... the Burning Man?

Rorschach's expression changed slightly.

There is no doubt that Pyro is very powerful, and Pyro once suppressed Iceman Poppy to death.

You know, Iceman Bobby is an Omega-level super mutant.

There is no doubt about Pyro's strength.

Moreover, Rorschach remembered that Pyro initially followed Professor

So now, I wonder if the Burning Man will follow me?

Rorschach thinks this is a very interesting topic.

Wait a moment.


Rorschach then shook his head. Ice Man and Fire Man are not from this era, right?

Now, they are either not born, or they are just a child, right?

"Don't force me!"

Another voice came again. Judging from the source of the voice, it was obvious that it was the target being besieged by the police and military.

Surprisingly, it was the "Burning Man".

Hearing this voice made Rorschach even more shocked. It was a woman's voice.

So, there is a female version of Pyro?

It can be said that Rorschach's interest was suddenly aroused.

"Everyone, I found a compatriot who is in danger, take the first step!"

Luo Xia didn't waste any time. He said hello to everyone around him and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, a familiar sonic boom sounded.

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