American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 142 Even if he is a mutant, this is too exaggerated, right?

27th Street, New York.

Fountain Park.

The once bustling and lively park has now become deserted, with no tourists.

Because so far, the entire park has been blocked, not by the police, but by the military!

At each entrance of the park, there are soldiers in military uniforms and armed with live ammunition guarding.

This scene is nothing short of exaggerated.

Apart from anything else, just looking at this point, you can see how powerful the female version of Fireman is this time.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The dense sound of gunfire came one after another.

But in the central square of the Fountain Square, a tactical assault vehicle led the way, and four or five ordinary special agent vehicles followed closely behind, just lined up in a row, forming a blockade.

All the roads in the direction of the main east-west exit of the square were blocked.

In front of the tactical assault vehicle, a burly man looked solemnly at the battlefield ahead.

Not far ahead.

There were eight of his men, hiding behind various bunkers, holding assault rifles in their hands, and frantically pulling the trigger at the woman next to a statue in front of them.

But the woman opened her hands forward, and a ball of blue flames surrounded her, forming the most perfect energy shield.

Surrounded the female fireman.

Compared to the word "flame", it is actually more like a blue flame-shaped energy body, otherwise it would be impossible to prevent bullets.

And this blue flame-shaped energy body also has a very terrible temperature, because those bullets were directly melted in the first time after being blocked.

That's it.

The blue energy body defended the woman from all the bullets, and was not affected at all.

In front of the female fireman, there were several human-shaped ashes. Obviously, they were a few poor kids who tried to violently capture the female fireman.

"Don't force me!"

Although the female fireman's ability is powerful, it can be clearly seen that she is now a little exhausted.

She let out a sharp shout and pushed her hands forward.

The blue flames around her suddenly burst out, and the surrounding area of ​​60 to 70 meters was instantly covered by the blue "sea of ​​fire".


The soldiers who were shooting at the female fireman changed their expressions, and they dared not to fight hard. They all retreated into the bunkers at the first time and dared not show their heads.



Screams also sounded immediately.

The female fireman's sea of ​​fire attack was too domineering. Some soldiers' bunkers were more powerful and successfully blocked the opponent's fire attack.

But a few were not so lucky. The flames rushed in from the gap and directly set them on fire.

These guys who won the prize directly experienced what it felt like to barbecue.

"Colonel Kaz, we can't go on like this. Our people can't handle this situation at the moment!"

On the blockade, the deputy next to the strong man said to the strong man with an ugly face, "We have called for support, but the support will arrive in at least fifteen minutes."

Before that, their people might all die.

"Where are the rocket launchers?"

Colonel Kaz pondered for a moment, and then made such a decision, "Bomb her with rocket launchers!"

"But Colonel Kaz, the order we received is to capture, not to eliminate... eh!"

The deputy was interrupted by Colonel Kaz by grabbing his collar when he was halfway through his words.

He stared at his deputy with his eyes like knives, "Are you questioning my decision?"


The deputy suddenly felt like he was being stared at by a beast, his anus tightened, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva on the spot.

He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

"Yes, Colonel!"

The deputy immediately gave Colonel Kaz a standard military salute, and then ran out quickly to deploy.

Very soon.

Under the command of the deputy, a rocket launcher was immediately lifted off the tactical assault vehicle, quickly set up, and aimed at the female fireman in front.


With this order, a rocket was fired out of the rocket launcher.

It directly hit the blue energy shield of the female fireman.


A violent explosion sounded immediately.

The blue energy shield suddenly shook violently, like a raging sea.

The female fireman's body was directly struck by lightning and flew backwards.

The statues behind her were knocked to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Kaz couldn't help but curl up a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

The deputy beside the colonel couldn't help but tighten his anus, and stared wide-eyed to observe the situation of the female fireman carefully.

The other party shouldn't be killed like this, right?


Fortunately, the fire woman coughed and even staggered to her feet.

This made the deputy feel relieved, but also secretly frightened and scared.

Even rocket launchers can't kill it, what kind of monster is this?

In stark contrast to the previous attempt to stop Colonel Kaz from using rocket launchers, he even wanted to use a rocket launcher to kill the woman directly!

It's scary to think that this monster won't die.

"Do it, arrest people!"

Colonel Katz gave the order casually.

The soldiers didn't say anything nonsense, and immediately stepped forward, preparing to take down the female fireman.


But at this moment, an extremely dull sonic boom suddenly sounded, making everyone present couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Muffled thunder?

It doesn't look like it.


The next moment, a group of people immediately felt that their eyes were blurred, but they saw a young man from the East crashing to the ground.

The ground beneath everyone's feet seemed to be shaken.

Especially the huge airflow pouring down from the sky, and then violently surging along the ground towards the surroundings, splashing up a puff of smoke and dust.

That momentum is so domineering.

what's the situation?

Whether it was Colonel Kaz or the other soldiers at the scene, everyone couldn't help being stunned, staring at Rorschach with their eyes wide open.

Could it be that this person just flew down from the sky?

Even if he is a mutant, falling from the sky is a bit exaggerated, right?

You have no wings!

Luo Xia did not pay attention to the gazes of those around him. He walked up to the female fireman as if there was no one around and leaned over to check on the female fireman.

A very delicate and handsome face, and at the same time very familiar, reflected in Rorschach's pupils.

This is?

Rorschach immediately felt that this face was very familiar, and it must be a certain plot character.

But he didn't recognize who it was for a while.

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