American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 143: The flesh resists the rocket launcher, what kind of devil is this?

Although I am very curious about the identity of this female fire person, it is obviously not the time to dwell on this issue now, because the female fire person seems to be in a very bad condition at the moment.

After all, it is a weapon of the rocket launcher level.

Although the female fireman finally blocked the rocket launcher, she was seriously injured by the rocket launcher.

This is also understandable.

Although many of the mutants possess various powers, overall their combat effectiveness is not that high.

Not to mention rocket launchers, even ordinary firearms can't deal with many of them.

After all, people at the level of Eric and Charles are in the minority.


The firewoman coughed, and she coughed out a mouthful of blood.

With a hint of doubt on her face, she looked at Luo Xia: "Who are you?"

"Don't talk, I'll take you out of here."

Rorschach said to the female Pyro, and then he subconsciously used his clairvoyance eyes to look at the female Pyro, and his brows suddenly frowned.

The female fireman's condition was worse than he imagined. Two of her ribs were broken, and one of them was pierced into the muscle.

In addition, various organs of the female fireman were also injured to varying degrees.

Things are slightly troublesome.

Because there is no biological force field, Rorschach has no way to fly away with the female fireman at this time.

The female Pyro's physical condition could not withstand even Rorschach's slow flight.


There were other injuries on the female Pyro's body that required Rorschach to perform some first aid treatment.

"Don't worry, I am a compatriot of You. I will take you out of here, but before that, lie down and let me take care of your wounds."

After understanding the situation of the female fireman, Luo Xia spoke to her softly.

"The mutant in front, come out slowly and hold your head in your hands!"

A sharp voice came from behind, but it was Colonel Kaz who shouted angrily at Rosha.

He admitted that the mutant who fell from the sky did suppress them at first, but wouldn't it be bad not to take them seriously?

Isn't this a bit too arrogant?

Rorschach didn't pay attention at all, as if he didn't hear it. He just slowly supported the female mutant and helped her lie on the ground.

Originally, Rorschach planned to help the female fireman perform a simple bandage, but in the end she did not dare to do it randomly.

The woman's injuries were more serious than Rorschach could handle.

All right.

Luo Xia was helpless. Even though he was from the motherland, he was really not proficient in first aid.

"I tell you to come out with your head in your hands!"

The shouts behind him were still ringing, and Colonel Kaz once again shouted at Rorschach in a deep voice, "I'll count to three. If it doesn't come out, I'll fire!"




Without saying three words, Rorschach shot a heat ray directly.


As if being hit by a sledgehammer, Colonel Kaz flew backwards and hit the tactical assault vehicle behind him hard.

Then it hit the ground hard and became motionless.


"Colonel Katz!"

Suddenly there were bursts of exclamations all around.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and looked at Rorschach in shock and anger.

This guy actually killed Colonel Kaz?

In front of so many of them?

"kill him!"

"kill him!"



Eighty-nine soldiers immediately picked up the assault rifles in their hands and began to pull the triggers on Rorschach mercilessly.

A hail of bullets covered Rorschach.

Rorschach just stood there motionless, as if he didn't see it, letting the bullets hit him.

Then... it bounced back to the ground.

Don't say he was injured, he didn't even frown.

It's like the hail of bullets that can turn anyone into a hornet's nest, no, a pile of mud, is just like a breeze blowing in the face.

The gunfire slowly stopped.

Because all the people who fired were stunned and fell into a daze.

The action of pulling the trigger in his hand also stopped due to the huge shock.

How can it be?

Is this person's body made of steel?

Firearms are the most powerful weapons they rely on, but now, this killer weapon has completely lost its effect.

All the soldiers were suddenly invaded by huge fear, and they all panicked.

No one can stay calm!

"The only reason you're still alive is because I need first responders."

Rorschach ignored the ugly faces of the mutants looking at monsters and said expressionlessly, "You are all soldiers. I know you are proficient in first aid treatment. You must also have a first aid kit. Whoever comes to save people, I will spare him." I will do what I say."

The already depressing atmosphere at the scene became even heavier with Rorschach's words.

Because the implication of Rorschach's words is that everyone else will die?

And that female fireman went to first aid just after her front foot was injured and her back foot was injured, or was it because they were threatened by others, do they still want to lose their dignity?

Although facing death threats, everyone at the scene looked at me and me, but no one came forward.

At this time, the female firewoman behind her made a painful sound, and Luo Xia subconsciously turned around to check.

"Quick, get out of here!"


The female Pyro shouted to Rorschach with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, they can't do anything to me." Luo Xia confidently said to the female fireman.

"go to hell!"

A beast-like sound immediately sounded.

But it was the soldier who had fired a rocket launcher at the female Pyro before, who seized this critical moment and fired another rocket launcher at Rorschach.


A rocket shell just sprayed out a long flame and bombarded Rorschach.

All the soldiers at the scene couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Yes, bullets are useless against this pervert, but now it's a rocket launcher!

They still don't believe it. Can this person withstand the bombardment of rocket launchers?

Do not make jokes.

There can be no such monster in the world.

"Let's go!"

The female fireman's face showed extreme worry and nervousness, and she shouted at Rorschach.

But the next moment.


A sonic boom suddenly sounded.

But he saw that the Rorschach who was standing in front of the female fireman had disappeared, and the next moment he appeared next to the rocket launcher like a ghost.

As soon as he reached out his hand, he caught the rocket shell.

When the cannonball just left the barrel, it was caught by Rorschach.

next moment.


Amidst the violent explosions, blazing flames exploded and swept in all the people around them in an instant.

Several nearby cars were also overturned.

Even the soldiers who were farther away seemed to have been hit by a storm, and they were all rolled back by the powerful shock wave.

The scene was on its knees for a moment.

But after the explosion shock wave formed by the rocket launcher dissipated, Rorschach was still standing there, unscathed!

As for the one who fired the rocket launcher and the few unlucky guys around him, they were already reduced to rubble.

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