American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 144 How could a flesh and blood body reach this level!


The scene suddenly became quiet.

It was so quiet that even everyone's breathing became so heavy.

Everyone at the scene stared at Rorschach with eyes wide open, looking at him with horror, as if they had seen a ghost.

Their breathing became heavy in an instant, and cold sweat instantly soaked their entire bodies.

Some people even couldn't help but tremble all over.

How could it be possible!

How could such a thing be possible!

It would be fine if bullets couldn't kill him, but he was unscathed by rocket launchers?

How could a flesh and blood body reach this level!

No one could remain calm, and everyone was shocked by Rorschach's super strong defense.

"This kind of thing... is it fake?"

Not to mention those ordinary soldiers, even the female fireman herself was also dumbfounded, and almost popped her eyes out.

A flesh and blood body could actually withstand the bombardment of rocket launchers?

The female fireman never dared to imagine that mutants could be so powerful.

"I'll count to three."

In the dead silence, Rorschach's voice rang out slowly, his eyes swept across the faces of the survivors who had climbed up in a panic, "If anyone wants to live, be wise now."


"I'll do it!"

Before Rorschach finished speaking, two soldiers immediately rushed to shout at Rorschach.

God has mercy on me, Rorschach's extremely fierce performance just now has completely scared everyone at the scene, causing their psychological defenses to collapse.


The sonic boom sounded again.

Then the two soldiers saw that it was like a vague shadow flashed by, and all the soldiers except the two of them fell directly to the ground.


The two couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, and even their legs began to tremble.

One thought difference, that was their fate.

"Let's get started!"

With Rorschach's voice, the two soldiers didn't dare to delay for a moment. They took out the first aid kit with sweat on their foreheads and went to give first aid to the female fireman lying on the ground.

"Hold on for a while, it will be fine soon."

Rorschach, who seemed like a devil in the eyes of the soldiers, smiled warmly at the female fireman at this moment.

"Thank you, thank you for everything you have done."

The female fireman said to Rorschach from the bottom of her heart.

"It doesn't matter, we are all compatriots." Rorschach waved his hand and said lightly.

"Colonel Kaz!"

"Colonel Kaz!"

"Please reply if you hear me!"

"Please reply if you hear me!"


A few streets away, the temporary command center.

A man in plain clothes, but for some reason wearing a black mask, was holding a walkie-talkie in his hand and kept shouting.

However, no matter how he shouted, it was always like a mud ball entering the sea, and he didn't get any response at all.

"Stop shouting, Ghostface. If he could answer, he would have answered long ago. If he didn't answer, it only means one thing, something happened."

Not far from the masked man, a young man wearing suspenders and looking a little sloppy was leaning lazily on a chair, crossing his legs and yawning as he spoke to the masked man.

Ghostface's brows hidden under the mask could not help but frown slightly, but he also put down the walkie-talkie in his hand.

He knew that this cynical guy was right.

The sound of the walkie-talkie was so loud, if Kaz could answer, why didn't he answer?

It was obvious that something happened.

"Hawkeye, what are you still doing? Why don't you check what's going on right now!" Ghostface immediately said to Hawkeye in a deep voice.

But Hawkeye still looked so carefree, and the whole person was still so lazy: "Calm down, Ghostface, anyway, that guy Kaz can't die. As long as his heart and brain are not destroyed at the same time, he can be revived with full blood, so... don't worry."

"I don't bother to worry about Kaz's life or death, I just want to know what happened at the scene! Hawkeye, you know how much the adults value Liz!"

"If this operation fails, will you bear the adults' anger?"

With Ghostface's words, the carefree Hawkeye just returned to his seriousness.

He slowly sat up and moved his hands and feet: "Fine!"

As he said, Hawkeye rubbed his eye muscles, suddenly widened his eyes, and looked forward.

His vision suddenly passed through countless buildings, as if he had super perspective, and he saw the situation in the fountain park in an instant.

He immediately showed a look of surprise.

"Who is that guy?"

"It seems that we have a troublemaker."

Hawkeye looked at Rorschach, and then at the two soldiers who were frightened by Rorschach's "power" and tremblingly gave Liz first aid, and quickly understood what was going on.


Ghostface raised his eyebrows.

Of course, his action was hidden under the mask, so no one could see it.

"A... kid about 16 or 17 years old, it seems that he killed our people and forced our people to treat Liz... By the way, why is Liz so seriously injured? Shit! Did that guy Kaz use a rocket launcher?"

"Didn't the master say that he would capture her alive? Even if this guy has the ability to heal, he can heal Liz as long as she doesn't die, but isn't he afraid of blowing her to death?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's good that such a reckless guy died this time, otherwise he would have angered the master and killed him sooner or later."

Hawkeye's eyes quickly swept around the scene, and he acted as a live commentator for Ghostface with "expression and emotion".

"A sixteen or seventeen-year-old kid? So he is also a mutant?" Ghostface came up with such a logical guess.

"Of course he is a mutant. There are so many mutants now, and they keep popping up one after another. The master is so far-sighted that he foresaw this day so many years ago."

When Hawkeye said this, he unconsciously showed a look of admiration, which formed a very sharp contrast with his previous sloppy look.

It can be seen to what extent he admired the "master" in his mouth.

"But Ghostface, there's another mutant, what are you going to do?"

"The master's order is to bring Liz back. If there are obstacles, they must be eliminated, whether they are mutants or not." Ghostface said without hesitation.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie without hesitation and began to contact and dispatch: "B277, B278, B279, report your position."

"Command center, we have reached the fountain park and are waiting for the next instructions."

"There is a third person breaking into the scene, eliminate him!"


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