

In the quiet scene, suddenly there was the sound of a propeller rotating rapidly.

Liz, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help but look up, with a look of worry on her face.

But I saw three armed helicopters circling over the square.

But the two soldiers who were providing first aid to Liz couldn't help but feel happy: their support had finally arrived!

Only Rorschach still looked calm.

He just raised his head and glanced at the three armed helicopters, and then looked back.

It was like seeing three birds flying by without even blinking.

With Rorschach's current strength, armed helicopters and the like are just scum in front of him.

If the other party knows what's good, Rorschach can let him go. If the other party doesn't know what's good, then destruction will be waiting for them!


But the next moment, such an order came from the helicopter.



Immediately afterwards, the Gatling barrels equipped on the three helicopters began to rotate rapidly.

Amidst the tongues of fire, enhanced bullets that were infinitely more powerful than ordinary bullets poured down towards Rorschach like raindrops.

"court death!"

Luo Xia let out a cold snort, and her expression became grim.

He didn't dodge, he just raised his head slowly.

His eyes naturally began to turn red.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In an instant, a large number of Gatling bullets were poured on Rorschach, but they did not have any impact on Rorschach.


Hawkeye, who saw this scene in the command center, immediately showed a very surprised look on his face, "Ghostface, this intruder is not an ordinary character. No wonder he can defeat Kaz and the others... Damn it." !”

But just halfway through speaking, Hawkeye seemed to have been stimulated by something and screamed out in surprise.


However, Rorschach saw two blazing heat rays shooting out from his eyes, piercing B277 in one fell swoop.


B277 suddenly exploded, with flames shooting into the sky.


B278 also failed to escape this fate. Like B277, it was shot and killed by Rorshasa, then staggered from the sky and fell to the ground, and also exploded.


Only B279 took advantage of the precious opportunity bought by his two "companions" to launch two missiles at Rorschach.

The missile pulled its long tail and shot hard towards Rorschach.

"I don't believe the missile can't kill you!"

Hawkeye stared at Rorschach unconvinced and snorted.


But the two missiles had no chance of getting close to Rorschach. Rorschach turned his head slightly and shot down the missile in the air with a heat ray.

Then he turned his head slightly again, and the last armed helicopter was also shot down.

In just a few minutes, three of the most advanced armed helicopters were shot down by Rorschach so easily.

It can even be said that it was shot down effortlessly.

From the beginning to the end, even Rorschach stood with his hands behind his back. The old god stood comfortably, without even moving his steps.

"Who is this guy...?"

Liz witnessed this scene with her own eyes and was completely stunned.

She herself is a mutant, but she never dared to imagine that mutants could be so powerful!

His body can withstand rocket launchers, and he can also fire such terrifying lasers from his eyes. Oh, by the way, don't forget that he can also fly!

What kind of monster did I encounter?

Lizzie's brain was a bit unable to react.



The two soldiers who gave Liz first aid were so frightened that they almost lost their breath.

Originally, they thought that when their armed support arrived, the situation would be reversed and they could successfully escape from the clutches of this Eastern mutant.


The armed helicopters they had high hopes for were all destroyed easily by the other side, like cutting into tofu.

The two soldiers were completely frightened and even pissed themselves.

I no longer dare to have any messy thoughts.

"Isn't this...a bit exaggerated?"

Hawkeye was also a little stupid, he was really stimulated.

"Hawkeye, what's going on? What happened?"

Ghostface immediately asked in a deep voice.

"Our armed helicopter was destroyed." Hawkeye said to Ghostface with a stunned look on his face.


Ghostface couldn't believe his ears, and his voice unconsciously went up an octave.

Are you kidding me, how long did it take for the gunship to get there?

Do you have three minutes?

Was it destroyed?

"Ghostface, the intruder this time seems to be a great guy."

Hawkeye rubbed his head with a headache on his face, "Oh, I'm afraid I have a headache now."

"It seems that I need to go there in person." Ghost Face was silent for a moment and made such a decision.

"You're going? What's the point of going!" Hawkeye struck Grimace mercilessly, "I'm afraid you won't even have time to use your abilities, and you'll be shot through by his laser!"


"That's right, laser laser, the same ability as the boy that the adults are paying attention to! So you know who you are going to face, right?"

Ghostface suddenly lost his confidence.

Facing the overbearing and unreasonable attack method of laser laser, he really didn't have the slightest confidence.

Not to mention, that person also has a powerful body that can withstand Gatling shots.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Ghostface had to admit that the mutant was not something he could deal with.

"What are you thinking about? Stop thinking and report to your Excellency quickly! Ask Your Excellency to send someone else over!"

"This matter is beyond your control!"

Hawkeye urged Grimace in a matter-of-fact tone.

But the grimace looked very unwilling.

This is something he is solely responsible for, but if something goes wrong and he can't finish it, he still has to ask for help. What will the adults think of him?

Will it look too useless?

"Wake up, Ghostface, you don't know about Liz's relationship with the Supernatural Defense Investigation Bureau. If you delay any longer, this mission will really be ruined!"

Eagle Eye knew what worries Ghost Face had in mind, so he hit the nail on the head.

Hawkeye, who was still struggling and hesitating, suddenly understood and woke up instantly, not daring to delay any longer.

He immediately took out another special communicator and contacted the "adult".

Tremblingly, he reported the situation at the scene to the adults.

"I see."

"Don't interfere with this matter yet. I will send someone else to handle it."

"Just let the eagle keep an eye on people!"

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