American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 146 I don't believe anyone can be so powerful

After dealing with the three armed helicopters in the sky, it was not known whether the person behind the scenes was intimidated by Rorschach or for some other reason, but in any case, there were no other blind armed forces to get in the way.

Rorschach just stood aside with his arms folded, watching the two soldiers giving Liz first aid leisurely.

Almost fifteen minutes later.

The two soldiers stood up tremblingly and said to Rorschach, "Sir, okay, okay."

Rorschach looked at Liz carefully and found that Liz's complexion had indeed improved a lot. After the wound was bandaged, the bleeding had stopped.

However, Rorschach also understood that this was only on the surface. Liz's injuries were actually quite serious and needed to be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately.

"But sir, we only temporarily treated the external injuries, stopped the bleeding and prevented the wound from infection, but she still had some internal injuries."

"She needs to be sent to the hospital immediately."

One of the soldiers said to Rorschach cautiously.

As if he was afraid that he was not diligent enough and would be killed by the big devil Rorschach.

This was exactly what Rorschach expected.

"Drive to the nearest hospital!"

Rorschach naturally didn't say anything nonsense and immediately gave instructions to the two soldiers.

"Why the hell am I talking so much!"

The soldier who reminded Rorschach really wanted to slap himself in the face.

However, since Rorschach had already spoken, the two soldiers who had been frightened by Rorschach naturally didn't dare to say anything more and immediately ran over to drive.

Rorschach picked up Liz and took Liz to one of the cars.



A "special agent car" drove out of the fountain park and drove away.

The sentries set up at the exit of the park didn't know whether they received orders or didn't know what happened in the fountain square. After seeing that the driver was one of their own, they didn't stop him.


"That pervert is finally gone!"

What Rorschach would never have thought was that after his figure completely left, Colonel Katz, who had been killed by him, actually got up from the ground again.

He patted the dust off his body, turned his head and looked at the mess and corpses on the ground, his face pale.

"How terrible."

"It's really terrible!"

"When did such a freak appear in New York?"

Katz patted his chest and talked to himself with a face full of fear.

Even rocket launchers can't kill him, this is too exaggerated.

Fortunately, I was smart and lay on the ground pretending to be dead, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"No, I have to report this matter to the adults quickly!"

Katz thought of this, no more nonsense, and immediately took out a special communicator.


St. Mary's Hospital.


A "special agent car" slowly stopped at the door, the door opened, and Rorschach walked out of the car holding Liz.

At this time, Liz had already fallen into a deep sleep due to severe injuries and excessive blood loss.

"Sir, can we go now?"

The two soldiers stared at Rorschach carefully and asked, with a look of nervousness and panic, fearing that Rorschach would shoot a heat ray at them and kill them.

"Go away!"

Rorschach said this nonchalantly.

The two soldiers were like ants in front of him, and could even be said to be so insignificant that they could be completely ignored. It didn't matter whether they were released or not.

Since Rorschach had already promised to let them go, he would not kill them all.

As for whether these two would leak Rorschach's information, reveal Rorschach's current location, etc., these would not be a problem.

The military is not just for free.

Rorschach caused such a big incident in the fountain square, and he believed that his every move was under the high attention of the military.

There was really no difference whether to let these two go or not.

With Rorschach's current strength, he didn't care about these.



Rorschach didn't think about these "messy" things at all. He just rushed into the hospital with Liz in his arms, called the doctor, and put Liz on the operating table.

It was not until this time that Rorschach found a phone booth and called Selina to ask Selina to arrange for someone to come.

After doing all this, he returned to the hospital lobby and sat on a chair in the waiting area as if nothing had happened.

Waiting for Liz's treatment.

"Santa Maria Hospital, this is it!"

"So arrogant, making a scene in the Fountain Square, but not running away?"

"Not only did he not run away, he didn't even kill those two rubbish and let them go."

"Tsk tsk, he is so arrogant."

"I just don't know if he is really as powerful as Hawkeye and the others said."

Just waiting boredly, suddenly, such a conversation between the two men came into Rorschach's ears.

A ray of light suddenly burst out from Rorschach's eyes.

Someone is here!

There is no doubt that the person the two people are talking about is Rorschach!

Rorschach turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice using his perspective ability.

He saw two middle-aged men in the front hall of the hospital.

At first glance, the two middle-aged men looked ordinary and unremarkable. One of them had a hairstyle similar to the Mohawk in later generations, and wore a cheap jacket and jeans.

The other was dressed in black casual clothes, and his face looked a little thin.

But if you look closely, you will find that the eyes of these two people are much sharper than those of ordinary people. Obviously, they are not ordinary people.

"I think that Hawkeye is probably talking nonsense. I don't believe that someone can be so powerful, with both laser eyes and a body of steel."

The voice of the Mohawk sounded, and he said to the casual man beside him with a nonchalant look.

"Haha, it doesn't matter."

The casual man smiled, with a nonchalant look on his face, "Since I'm here, he has only two outcomes: surrender or death!"

"Before that, let's find the person first! Really, this hospital is so big, I should have brought two more people earlier."

The Mohawk shook his head and couldn't help complaining.

"No need to bother!"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them.

"Who is it!"

The man with the mohawk and the casual man both changed their expressions.

They both turned their heads at the first moment and saw a very young oriental man standing behind them with a blank expression.


The man with the mohawk was very surprised.

When did this person appear? They didn't even notice it at all!

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