American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 147 It’s so scary, what kind of perverted body is this?

"Aren't you two looking for me?"

"Why, now you don't recognize me?"

Rorschach said to the Mohawk and the casual man with endless sarcasm on his face.

"Idiot, that's him!"

"Your target this time is him!"

At the same time, Hawkeye's solemn warning came from the earphones of the Mohawk and the casual man.

The Mohawk and the casual man were startled, looked at each other, and then turned their heads together, looking at Rorschach with a very surprised and unexpected look.

This kid is not simple!

No wonder he can make the ghost face fall so big.

"Sir, it seems that we won't be bored today, right?"

Then, the casual man raised a cold and cruel smile at the corner of his mouth and said to the Mohawk next to him.

"Who said no? It's rare to meet an interesting guy. I can't wait to move my hands and feet, Polka Dot!"

The Mohawk tilted his head left and right, and immediately made that kind of snapping sound.

He looked so cool.

"I just don't know if this guy can let us have fun... eh!"

Polka Dot's words just stopped halfway.

Because Rorschach suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Polka Dot's neck.

Of course, it was not just Polka Dot, even Jazz beside Polka Dot was not let go.

Rorschach just held the two of them tightly with one hand.



Jazz and Polka Dot's faces flushed all of a sudden, and they felt that their necks were about to be strangled by the other party.

They subconsciously used all their strength to try to break free from Rorschach's hands.

But the other party's palm seemed to be made of steel bars, and it couldn't be shaken at all.


Jazz and Polka Dot couldn't help but show surprise on their faces.

With their strength, Rorschach could catch them in one encounter!

They didn't even react.

And how could the opponent be so strong?

They looked as weak as babies.

It seems that Hawkeye was right, this guy is really strong.


A sonic boom sounded, Rorschach's body shook, and the figures of Jazz and Polka Dot disappeared instantly.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"There was someone there just now?"

Some people around who noticed the movement looked in the direction of the sound strangely.

But they saw that there was nothing there, not even a ghost.

They couldn't help but feel very strange.

Especially some people nearby who noticed the strong airflow were even more confused, and some even thought they had seen a ghost.


Almost at the same time, in an empty alley not far from the hospital, the familiar sonic boom sounded again.

Rorschach pinched the figures of the other two strong men and appeared again.

Some things are not appropriate in the hospital, not to mention that Liz is still undergoing surgery in the hospital.

Rorschach is not Eric after all, and he will not act so high-profile.

"Who is Hawkeye, and who are you? I will only ask once."

Rorschach's hands were like pinching two dead dogs, staring at the two mutants in front of him, and asked in a deep voice.

"How do you... know Hawkeye?"

Jazz couldn't help but ask with difficulty, with an indescribable surprise on his face.

He naturally couldn't know that Rorschach's super hearing had already heard his conversation with Polka Dot very clearly.

"No way?"

"When was I exposed?"

Hawkeye, who was more than ten kilometers away, couldn't help but shudder, and felt a chill in his back.

Since Rorschach left the fountain square, Hawkeye has been using his eagle eyes to monitor Rorschach, and there is nothing wrong with it from beginning to end.

What went wrong?

Or did this guy know about it a long time ago?

But why do they know nothing about this kid?

In Hawkeye's eyes, Rorschach became more and more unfathomable.

"Haha! Haha!"

Polka Dot couldn't help laughing wildly at this time. Even though he was held tightly by Rorschach, he didn't feel panic. He just said with effort, "Do you think... you can beat us? You underestimate us too much!"


After saying this, Polka Dot suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of dark green liquid at Rorschach.

An extremely unpleasant smell also came out.

Rorschach subconsciously threw the Jazz in his other hand away, and almost instinctively raised his left hand to block the dark green liquid sprayed by Polka Dot.


The liquid sprayed directly on Rorschach's hand, but some of it also splashed on Rorschach's face.

"Hahaha, you're dead!"

Jazz, who was thrown to the ground by Rorschach and looked miserable, couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Polka Dot's spit can corrode even steel. You're dead!"

But soon, the smile on Jazz's face froze.

Because Rorschach's scream of pain and skin rotting did not happen as he imagined.

But Rorschach just shook his hands and wiped off the dark green liquid on his face, and cursed with disgust: "It's so disgusting!"

The other party was not hurt at all!




Jazz couldn't accept it.

Even the Polka Dot, who was still held in Rorschach's hand, couldn't accept it.

They knew that the mutant in front of them had abnormal defense, even Gatling could withstand it, and even according to the information added by Kaz later, even rocket launchers could withstand it, which was simply exaggerated and abnormal.

But bearing artillery attacks and resisting corrosion are two completely different things!

But who would have thought that this person could even withstand the corrosion of Polka Dot. What kind of abnormal body is this?


The sound of a ball of liquid splashing sounded again.

Rorschach was just trying to break the neck of Polka Dot, a guy with such disgusting abilities, but at the moment when he exerted force, a ball of dark green liquid burst out from the skin of Polka Dot's neck.

His neck suddenly became slippery and he broke away from Rorschach's hands.


Polka Dot, who had escaped death, touched his neck with his hand, moved his head, and stared at Rorschach with great fear: "It was really dangerous just now, you almost broke my neck!"


Rorschach didn't waste time talking to Polka Dot, and his eyes immediately shot out heat rays at him.

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